El Camino PE

Remember 30 mns. a day of

physical activity.

Boost Your Daily Immunity Plan: Vitamin D - 3 minutes of sunshine every day. 3+ hours outdoor time. Physical activity every day. Water. Fresh Veggies. Hugs. Help Parents. Help Siblings. Love on your pets. Help a neighbor. Belly Laugh.

Third grade assistants help Kinders build HULA HOOP HUTS


Discovering how to use equipment makes learning FUN!

Puzzle Pieces Picture

Topples Build Castles

Thank You Burley

Burley employees successfully assembled our STRIDER BALANCE BIKES and served as volunteers in the gym!

Confidence Brings Joy


Safe Routes To School Partnership

Easy Peasy

Kinders Stride Successfully!!!

El Camino River Road Shining Stars

Friends Who PLAY Together

Stay Together!