Our aim is to create, draw and chew over an entire book in the Bible as we read it all the way through (even the hard bits). Both of us will eventually cover the entire Bible in two styles and two journeys. You will find that we are very different not only in style, but also in the way that we hear GOD speaking to us.

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With God at the center, He can draw us close to one another. Through His Word we learn to speak life-giving words. Keeping God first allows our lives to align with His heart for us. God gives us the grace we need to make presence our choice. Because we are secure in Christ, we can let down our guards with our husbands.

Digging into the Word of God is so crucial for your walk with God. This post is all about how WE can draw closer to GOD, but God also uses the Bible to draw closer to US. Time and time again I have received an answer to prayer, or even a word of encouragement for someone else, through what has been written in the Bible.

Prayer is a wonderful way to draw closer to God. Having a consistent and strong prayer life is something that might take some work (at least in the beginning) until it becomes a habit. However, I promise you it is worth all the effort a hundred-fold.

I thank you so much that you want to have a closer and more intimate relationship with me. The Bible says in James 4:8 that when I draw near to you, you will draw near to me. Today I am drawing near to you. It is my desire to seek you, your truths, your guidance, and your words for my life. I want to know you more, hear you more, and experience you more.

I hope this guide helps you in learning how to draw closer to God. The biggest takeaway is to draw closer to God so you can have an intimate relationship with Him. Strive to connect with God daily so you can have a real and authentic relationship with your Heavenly Father.?


"Draw Near to God" - a powerful shirt that captures the essence of our relationship with the divine. As we seek to deepen our connection with God, this shirt serves as a reminder that He is always present and waiting for us to draw near to Him.

Following the exhortation, the Communion proper begins, as both Morning Prayer and Ante-Communion do, with an invitation to confession, expressed in those compelling words which are the subject of this close reading:

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you

 This must be understood consistently with the perfection of God's immensity and omnipresence: the saints draw nigh to God when they present their bodies in his sanctuary; when they tread in his courts, and attend his ordinances; where they always find it good for them to draw nigh unto him; and blessed is the man that approaches to him in faith and fear: they draw nigh to him when they come to the throne of his grace, for grace and mercy to help them; when they draw near to him in prayer with true hearts, and lift them up with their hands to God; when in the exercise of faith and hope they enter within the vail, and come up even to his seat; and lay hold on him as their covenant God and Father; and he draws nigh to them by granting them his gracious presence, by communicating his love to them, by applying the blessings of his grace, by helping them in times of need and distress, and by protecting them from their enemies; the contrary to which is expressed by standing afar off from them. Now this is not to be understood as if men could first draw nigh to God, before he draws nigh to them; for as God first loves, so he first moves; he takes the first step, and, in conversion, turns and draws men to himself; though this does not respect first conversion, but after acts in consequence of it; nor is it to be considered as a condition of the grace and favour of God, in drawing nigh to his people, but is expressive of what is their duty, and an encouragement to it:

cleanse [your] hands, ye sinners, and purify [your] hearts, ye

 double minded;

 the persons addressed are not the profane men of the world, but sinners in Zion, formal professors, hypocritical persons; who speak with a double tongue to men, and who draw nigh to God with their mouths, but not with their hearts; who halt between two opinions, and are unstable in all their ways: cleansing of their hands and hearts denotes the purity of outward conversation, and of the inward affections; and supposes impurity both of flesh and spirit, that the body and all its members, the soul and all its powers and faculties, are unclean; and yet not that men have a power to cleanse themselves, either from the filth of an external conversation, or from inward pollution of the heart; though a man attempts the one, he fails in it; and who can say he has done the other? ( Job 9:30 Job 9:31 ) ( Proverbs 20:9 ) . This is not to be done by ceremonial ablutions, moral services, or evangelical ordinances; this is God's work only, as appears from his promises to cleanse his people from their sins, by sprinkling clean water upon them; from the end of Christ's shedding his blood, and the efficacy of it; and from the prayers of the saints, that God would wash them thoroughly from their iniquity, and cleanse them from their sin, and create clean hearts in them: and yet such exhortations are not in vain, since they may be useful to convince men of their pollution, who are pure in their own eyes, as these hypocritical, nominal professors, might be; and to bring them to a sense of their inability to cleanse themselves, and of the necessity of being cleansed elsewhere; and to lead them to inquire after the proper means of cleansing, and so to the fountain of Christ's blood, which only cleanses from all sin.

Writing is also an awesome responsibility. The Bible says that to whom much is given, much is required in Luke 12:48 NIV. Your calling as a writer is a high calling, because you are ministering to others. You must draw close to God as a minister of words.

Because the words on our blogs have such power, we must be intentional about how we use them. To use your words as a ministry, you must depend closely on God as you are writing. He will direct your words to reach into the hearts of the readers He has chosen for you.

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

But without knowledge it does not lead to salvation. Now here isthe relevance of this thought when we come to this passage inHebrews 10:19-22. In these verses there is one main,straightforward command, namely, "Draw near!" That is what thiswriter wants you to do. Draw near. Look at these verses: there isonly one exhortation, once you pull away all the defining andqualifying phrases and clauses. Since therefore, brethren, we haveconfidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, by thenew and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil,that is, His flesh, and since we have a great priest over the houseof God, let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance offaith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscienceand our body washed with pure water.

The great passion of this writer is that we draw near to God.That we come to his throne to find all the help we need. That wecome to him confident that he will reward us with all that he isfor us in Jesus. And this is clearly what he means here in Hebrews10:22, because verse 19 says that we have confidence "to enter theholy place," that is, the new heavenly "holy of holies" like thatinner room in the old tabernacle of the Old Testament where thehigh priest met with God once a year, and where his glory descendedon the ark of the covenant.

So the one command, the one exhortation, that we are given inHebrews 10:19-22 is to draw near to God. The great aim of thiswriter is that we get near God, that we have fellowship with him,that we not settle for a Christian life at a distance from God,that God not be a distant thought, but a near and present reality,that we experience what the old Puritans called communion withGod.

This drawing near is not a physical act. It's not building atower of Babel, by your achievements, to get to heaven. It's notnecessarily going to a church building. Or walking to an altar atthe front. It is an invisible act of the heart. You can do it whilestanding absolutely still, or while lying in a hospital bed, orwhile sitting in a pew listening to a sermon.

Drawing near is not moving from one place to another. It is adirecting of the heart into the presence of God who is as distantas the holy of holies in heaven, and yet as near as the door offaith. He is commanding us to come. To approach him. To draw nearto him.

This is the center of the gospel - this is what the Garden ofGethsemane and Good Friday are all about - that God has doneastonishing and costly things to draw us near. He has sent his Sonto suffer and to die so that through him we might draw near. It'sall so that we might draw near. And all of this is for our joy andfor his glory. He does not need us. If we stay away he is notimpoverished. He does not need us in order to be happy in thefellowship of the Trinity. But he magnifies his mercy by giving usfree access through his Son, in spite of our sin, to the oneReality that can satisfy us completely and forever, namely,himself. "In thy presence is fullness of joy, at thy right hand arepleasures forever more" (Psalm 16:11). 2351a5e196

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