Md Anwarul Kaium Patwary, PhD

Lecturer, Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

The University of Western Australia

Perth, Western Australia

"Good teaching is more a giving of the right questions than a giving of the right answers."  - J. Albers

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."  -A. Einstein

I am a computer scientist and an educator. I have more than 7 years of teaching experience at the higher education level. I have completed my Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) focused on dynamic graph partitioning algorithms and distributed computing from the University of Tasmania.

I have an interest in the following cutting-edge research topics:

Deep Learning on Graph Streams, Dynamic Graph Embedding, Dynamic Graph Partitioning, Graph theory, Big Data Analytics, Distributed Computing, Algorithms. 

Current and Previous Affiliations: 

Email: anwarulkaium at gmail dot com

mdanwarulkaium.patwary at uwa dot edu at au