Dr Anjali With A Patient At Hair Science Robotic Hair Transplant

Dr Anjali With A Patient At Hair Science Robotic Hair Transplant Clinic In Mumbai And Pune

At Dr. Anjali’s hair transplant clinic, we wish that you use your comb, hairbrush and other products again. The most scientifically advanced hair transplant methods only happen with the best hair transplant practitioners. FUT, FUE, Robotic hair transplant, PRP and so on are used to present you with the best hair grafts and healing methods.

After observing enhanced hair growth of transplanted hair after use of PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma), investigators conducted a small research of PRP effect on dormant non-transplanted hair follicles. PRP is a concentrate which made when the RBC’s are centrifuged from whole blood. PRP contains many types of growth factors, much more than whole blood which is helpful in healing soft tissue like joints and muscles.

The study surmises that platelet derived growth factors can awaken dormant hair follicles and boost the production of new hair.

PRP is used to promote healing and growth. It is applied after skin around the scalp has slightly been injured to induce platelets to release growth factors at the injury site. Enhanced hair growth and larger hair diameter was noted over the time frame of coming 4 months, with a downward slope regarding enhanced hair growth after the 4 month time period.

PRP has three basic application functions:

To preserve and enhance hair follicle existence during and after hair transplantation. To bolster and augment tissue repair and restoring after hair transplantation. To enliven dormant hair follicles and push for new hair growth.

Be treated as the king or queen you wanted to be all while having your hair replaced and strengthened at Dr. Anjali’s hair transplant clinic.