Gareth finds the meteor but bursts open, revealing a dragon with nine eggs. The dragon proceeds to attack the Painted tribe members that also tracked down the meteor, with Gareth saving one of the dragon's eggs despite the warriors badly wounding him. Impressed by Gareth's mercy, the dragon shares its heart with him, saving Gareth's life. Then Brude curses the dragon before claiming the eggs. Lorne rescues Gareth and explains dragons and the bond Gareth now shares with the dragon. Gareth meets the rebel leader Rhonu, her uncle Traevor, and the clans who oppose Brude, hoping Gareth will get the dragon to fight for them. Gareth meets the dragon again, discovering it can now talk. Gareth names it Drago, who says he needs help retrieving the eggs. The group goes to Brude's campsite; Drago fails to rescue the eggs due to the curse rendering him powerless during daylight or by the light of a flame, and he explains his purpose to raise the young dragons he brought as friends to humanity. Gareth's attempt fails, with the painted clan capturing him. Brude intends to kill him but stops upon learning about Gareth's connection with Drago. With Rhonu and Lorne's help, he successfully escapes with the eggs.

Gareth convinces the group to head towards the wall, and Rhonu tells Traevor to gather the clans opposing Brude. Traveling with Rhonu and Lorne, the trio has to journey on foot after accidentally destroying an egg; Drago unsuccessfully tries teaching Gareth how to shadow-jump along the way. Lorne tells Gareth and Rhonu that Brude cast the Sorcerer's Curse on Drago, and Drago will be under Brude's control by the full moon. While attempting to rescue a group of the painted clan's prisoners, Gareth shows bravery, briefly freeing Drago from the curse before Brude recasts it. After Gareth sacrifices one of the dragon eggs and shadow-jumps to safety, the trio escapes Brude and the clan. Before reaching the wall, Gareth confesses to Drago that he is not a knight and the South has no respect for King Arthur's Old Code; however, Drago still considers Gareth his friend before leaving for Brude's location.

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When aspiring knight Gareth goes in search of a fallen comet rumored to contain gold, he is shocked to instead find a set of dragon eggs guided by dragon Drago. After Drago saves Gareth's life the two become intricately bonded, and must work together to defeat an evil sorcerer and stop his reign of terror. Along the way, Gareth learns the true meaning of being a knight.

Gareth is rescued by Lorne - who explains to Gareth about dragons and the bond he now shares with the dragon - before Gareth is introduced to Rhonu and the clans who oppose Brude, with the hope Gareth will get the dragon to fight for them. Meeting the dragon again, the dragon (who Gareth calls Drago) explains his purpose to raise the young dragons he has brought as friends to mankind. However, he also states that he needs help to retrieve the eggs as he cannot do it himself due to the curse. Gareth's first attempt fails, with him getting captured by the clan. Brude intends to kill him, but stops upon learning about Gareth's connection with Drago. With help from Rhonu and Lorne, he successfully escapes with the eggs.

Gareth convinces the group to head towards the wall, with Rhonu telling her uncle to gather the clans who oppose Brude. Travelling with Rhonu and Lorne, the trio are forced to go on foot after one of the eggs is accidentally destroyed. Along their journey, Drago tries to teach Gareth how to shadow-jump, although apparently fails. However, while trying to free a group of people captured by the painted clan, Gareth shows an act of valour - temporarily freeing Drago from the curse. The trio escape from Brude and the clan after Gareth sacrifices one of the dragon eggs and shadow-jumps to safety.

Rhonu is a Celtic woman whose mother was hanged and killed by a sorcerer named Brude. It is also said that, like Rhonu's mother, several other people who resisted Brude's tyranny were killed. A resistance to exact revenge on the sorcerer was later formed when Rhonu knows to Gareth a squire who worked to become knight was saved by a dragon named Drago after the servants of Brude to throw to him an arrow but Rhonu although believed that Gareth is a gentleman no i trusted Gareth very much because Gareth's realm of doors always remained closed to prevent anyone from entering, but still decided to trust him and help Gareth and Drago to rescue the dragon eggs that Drago brought to be friends of the humanity with the fact that later Drago helped them to defeat to was in vain because Drago could not even approach Brude by a curse of slavery that I throw at the dragon, in which when the full moon Drago would be enslaved byhe kingdom and Rhonu discovers that Gareth never was gentleman, was about to shoot an arrow to him but Lorne stopped it after Lorne was to be seen by Sir Horsa and the archers of the wall, Gareth offered the eggs of dragons to allow them to enter but immediately upon entering, Sir Horsa left them tied for the night to see how Brude's army arrives along with Drago now under his control, as soon as Lorne manages to change the position that had Gareth Who was chained to him for Gareth to free Rhonu.

Gareth with the distracted dragon finds nine eggs that he supposes to be from the dragon and without realizing it receives the attack of an arrow from a painted tribe archer who seriously wounds him, Gareth was able to get up and defend himself a bit from the swordsmen of that tribe, one tried to take one of the dragon eggs but Drago knocks it down and the egg is left in the air but Gareth manages to catch it saving it from falling to the ground with the dragon being witness of what he did, Gareth remains on the ground mortally wounded and sees As the dragon approaches the dying man, he grabs the egg he saves and then sees how he removes part of his heart from his chest and gives it to his by saving him from death. Then the painted tribe reappears, but with a sorcerer who casts a spell to Drago while Gareth was taken by a mysterious monk and loses consciousness.

Then he is awakened by the same monk who saved him as Lorne and tells him that he is the chosen one because the dragon saved his life sharing his heart with that of the squire and tells him about the ancient code of Knight who is: "a knight swears courage, only knows virtue and his sword protects the helpless" believing blindly that Gareth is a knight of that order, there comes then a Celtic woman named Rhonu who for a moment Gareth grabs his sword to defend against the wild but then come a group of Celts and tell him about making the dragon join them to defeat the sorcerer Brude (who spell the dragon) which Gareth reluctantly accepts (but only to retrieve the dragon eggs for their own benefit).

So Gareth together with Lorne and Rhonu look for the dragon with the union he has with him and find him, try to talk to him using sentences and short phrases until the dragon starts talking saying "I shared my heart with the village idiot" Gareth remains surprised by this to the fact that he can talk and discover that the dragon eggs were not his if he was not his guardian and tells him his name is Hissyoxyillammochogannatoss what Gareth decides to name it more easily Drago thing that the dragon likes to call him that, then Lorne and Rhonu come to his position to which Drago goes wild but Gareth stops him quickly, saying it was his friends, Drago because Lorne blindly believes that Gareth is a gentleman and they follow him at camp the sorcerer Brude with many burning torches in which Drago tells that it becomes a ghost after the day or the lights of the torches.

So then Gareth queue in the torches in stealth and turn them off to retrieve the eggs but is quickly discovered by a guard who was going to kill him from the back but Rhonu manages to kill the guard by throwing an arrow in the back but not before the guard alerts everyone that there is an intruder, after being discovered the sorcerer Brude discovers that he intends to steal the eggs and tries to torture him with lighting fires in the lots of wood that were placed in the arms of Gareth, this receives pain from the fire of which it is shared by Drago who also receives the pain, Brude realizing this quickly extinguishes the fire and discovers that the squire is united with the dragon, under this fact Brude reluctantly lets the squire live.

Along the way he discovers the ability to jump from the shadows, an ability that Drago earned when he was cursed, and by the union that Gareth has also earned this ability, Drago teaches Gareth about using that ability, but Gareth failed in the use of this ability making Drago reached conclusions that Rhonu was distracting Gareth to the point that Drago realized that Gareth was falling in love with her, which Gareth of shame is upset, in that Rhonu arrives to warn that Lorne had news for them, it is Drago's curse, it is a slavery spell that after the full moon, Drago will lose his will and fall under the slavery of Brude.

The next morning, the group arrives at an open field and they find guards of the painted tribe leading a group of innocent people from the village of Rhonu, this is going to save the innocent people, Lorne is also going to help her but Gareth decides flee with the dragon eggs until he is stopped for a brief moment by Drago remembering the word of a knight swears courage, before this Gareth returns to the battle when it begins to complicate with the arrival of Brude, there suddenly Drago is released from the curse but Brude returns to curse him, with the battle complicated with the arrival of Brude and his army, Gareth sacrifices one of the dragon eggs causing the horses of the tribe to be frightened and remove their riders from their back by killing them in the process, angry Brude makes fun of Gareth when he realizes that he fell in love with Rhonu.

The group takes advantage to flee and Lorne discovers about the release of Drago to his curse was for the courage of Gareth to return to the battle, the group arrive at the circle of the druids and decide to rest there, the next morning and end the time coming That Drago was gone because he was going to become the slave of Brude, in that Gareth reveals that he is not a gentleman but Drago does not bother about this and tells him that if he really wants to become a knight will have to protect the helpless and his words they will only tell the truth and leave, then Gareth, Rhonu and Lorne arrive at the Britannia wall, Gareth offers Sir Horsa one of the dragon eggs in exchange for being allowed to enter but with the fact that Sir Horsa knows that the sorcerer Brude comes, chains Gareth to the wall while Rhonu and Lorne are tied to a mast in the upper wall, having been chained on the outside of the wall. Gareth realizes Brude and the painted tribe arrived but do nothing, understanding that they are waiting till nightfall so that Drago can attack at full force. ff782bc1db

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