Dragona Offline

LINk Onedrive

Link OneDrive

Server : http://megaurl.in/Lmnsbth

Client : http://megafly.in/5BenI3C

Password Giải Nén : loulxgame

Link Dự Phòng

Server : http://megafly.in/Q1teOKm

Client : http://megaurl.in/eDUZY

Password Giải Nén : loulxgame

Guide English

1. Download the game, extract it anywhere. The server runs on a VMware virtual machine. My download link is in the video description.

2. Install VMware Workstation software. If you already have it installed, skip it. If not installed, go to the "Server/loulx" folder to see the installation instructions.

3. Go to the "Server" folder:

- Run the file "[1] Start VMware.bat" to open the virtual machine.

- Edit the network "VMnet8 NAT" to

- Edit the network "VMnet8 on real machine" to

- The virtual machine has finished booting, then run the file "[2] Test Connect.bat" to check if there is a connection between the virtual machine and the real machine.

4. In the virtual machine:

- Run the file "[00] Set Time" > Type "date" > change it to the year "2016"

- If you do not correct the year in the virtual machine, there will be an error when exiting the character will lose all Item

- Run the file "[11] Start" to run the Server.

- Displays 7 windows.

- Wait for the RAM in the virtual machine to be about ~8GB, then you can enter the game.

5. Create an account:

- Open "Navicat" in the virtual machine

- "Dragona" > "DragonaAccount" > "dbo" > "tbl_Account"

- Press the "+" sign to enter "IdName" and "Passwd"

- Since I don't know what to transcode, I use the existing code

- ( -1854252673 = test )

- Or use an existing account ( ID: 1 | Pass: test ) (2,3,4,5,6)

- After editing, click "Tick" and save it

6. Adjust "Cash" to buy things in the shop:

- "Dragona" > "DragonaAccount" > "dbo" > "tbl_UserCash"

- Press the "+" sign to enter "UserID" and "RealCash"

- "UserID" see in "tlb_Account"

- After editing, click "Tick" to save.

7. Go to the "Client" folder:

- Run the file "Start-Game.bat" into the game.

- The game is only "Vietnamese Chinese culture", so it's a bit difficult to read

8. Character Editing:

- Open "Navicat" in the virtual machine

- "Dragona" > "DragonaGame" > "dbo" > "tbl_Charater"

- Find your character

- Drag to the column "RemainSkillPoint" (Skill Points)

- After editing, click "Tick" and save it

Ok done. What do you guys test more ^^

Hope you guys enjoy the game ^^