Why did the seperation need to happen? The idea the movie is attempting to show, is that this villain is the absolute zenith. The straw that broke the camel's back. He is so dangerous and powerful, that he forced the heroes to seek the ultimate unthinkable solution: Seperating from the dragons.

The villain from the second movie was a hundred times more dangerous. He had a fleet equal in size to the one seen in this movie, and he had a behemoth the size of a mountain that brainwashed dragons by simply staring at them. By every single account, a far bigger threat than the one presented here. What was the response the heroes after facing this far bigger threat? Ditching the dragons? Absolutely not. Not only did this threat not make them give up, but after they defeated him, it STRENGTHENED their resolve.

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Like just to recap in case anyone forgot, just a few hours prior to the seperation, all of Berk was living another day on their new island, with the dragons still hanging around. Suddenly a massive armada shows up out of nowhere. The chief and his friends take them out effortlessly, Toothless is shown to have godlike Powers and...What? Okay, goodbye forever then.

It wasn't made clear why it couldn't work. Because some dragons attacked Hiccup and Astrid? That's happened plenty of times before and it never fazed them. This was the perfect moment for Toothless to go "I'm the king, cut it out, let me show you all what real friendship can do to overcome our natural animosities." Berk could have easily moved in after that, cut off contact with the outside world and disappear off the map, leaving the dragons safe without destroying the relationships they built together in such a callous way.

They've tamed more dragons before after the red death's demise, without even having an alpha. The justification for this not happening is that suddently the berkians are unable to do the thing they've been doing for the past decade or so.

"The dragons wouldn't have obeyed Toothless", I mean wouldn't they have? It has been demonstrated that Toothless can literally shut off their survival instinct when he orders all the dragons to submit and get caged by grimmel to save the light fury.

Both groups are less safe if they separate. Are those dragon trappers going to leave Berk be now that their main income source is gone? Now that New Berk is a known location, they're going to regroup, capture villagers and torture or use them as hostages to get the location of the hidden world out of Hiccup. New Berk will have to move anyway, but this them it'll be more difficult and they'll be less able to defend themselves without their dragons.

Since berkians and dragons are seperated, what is stopping another armada from invading them, capturing them and torturing them until they reveal the location of the hidden world? The ONLY reason berkians won is because of the dragons, so now they are defenseless, and the enemy knows their location.

Furthermore, how can they know that they have all the dragons? So, all the dragons in the entire world lived in that archipellago? ALL of them? Every single one? No dragons in europe, asia, africa or the americas? Hell, how are they sure they even got all the dragons in the archipelago?

With no one there to remind them of the good of humans, the last remaining dragons with memories of living alongside humans will eventually die off, and thus, all the proggress berk made with taming and training them to co-exist with humans will be wiped.

And by the way, the direct has confirmed that the movies take place in the real world, and the movie serves as an explenation for why dragons don't exist today. So, we know that humans and dragons never reunited. So think on the implications of that ending for a while.

Whereas the world might not be ready for the dragons, Berk has proven themselves to be worthy. After the dragons' nest and Valka's sanctuary was destroyed, the dragons lost their homes. Berk invited the dragons into their homes, to treat them as family. It's only right that when the Berkians have lost their home that the dragons return the favor and invite them into the hidden world, completing a powerful role reversal demonstrating that trust and friendship is mutual and reciprocated.

To the Berkians, dragons are not creatures whose utility is in learning what can be learned from them or to exploit for transportation or food-gathering purposes. They are family. As Hiccup said in his speech in the great hall before they left, "we're dragon people. It's where we belong. Berk is the people, the dragons. Berk is wherever we go" (I don't remember the exact words but the meaning is the same). The migration from Berk was a loyalty test. They were willing to leave their old traditions and adopt a new identity instead of staying behind and figuratively beating a rock with their heads in the hopes it would split in two. The second test was their willingness to let the dragons go, to demonstrate they truly had their best interests in mind.

When I see the ending, I see the dragons judging Berk by those tests and deeming them unworthy. Hiccup's life work was all for naught. It is not a bittersweet ending - it is a tragedy, because if the most deserving people in the world were not worthy, no one will ever be. As Valka said in HTTYD2, "only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are." Hiccup has failed, and the dragons will never leave their underground prison.

The idea that they had to seperate because the light fury didn't trust humans is an antithesis to the very core point and message of the franchise, that dragons has misunderstood humans and humans have misunderstood dragons, and if those misunderstandings are solved they can co-exist.

If dragons hated staying at Berk, how would it even get overcrowded at the start of the first movie? They didn't use cages, or any method of forcing the dragons to say there, nor did they hunt and imprison dragons, so if the dragons hated it so much, why did they keep moving in?

In Gift of the Night Fury, when dragons were leaving berk on their own for another reason, Fishlegs literally chained down Meatlug so she wouldn't leave, and he only knew her for a few months at most at that point. The real crime is Valka and Cloudjumper.

They've been together for 20+ years, and she essentially chose the dragons over her own village, in fact it was the dragon that kidnapped her, not the other way around of her taming him, and he just left like that? She didn't raise a word of protest or attempt to suggest an alternative solution?

The Hiccup I know wouldn't hesitate to dedicate a little time each month to spend some time with his best friend who both saved each other's lives countless times, changed each other's outlook on life and transformed the lives of hundreds of vikings and dragons alike. If Hiccup for whatever reason couldn't find the hidden world Toothless himself would fly over to visit, in the dead of night on a new moon if necessary to keep the dragons a secret. You're telling me that the Toothless who managed to overcome the high walls of the cove and risk his life by going into a Viking village in broad daylight to save Hiccup, go on a suicide mission against a monster of a dragon, smashed the freedom of independent flight away so he could share every moment of flying with Hiccup instead, overcome the mind control of a bewilderbeast because his bond with Hiccup is just that strong, and defeat said bewilderbeast by flying blindfolded because he trusts Hiccup just that much, wouldn't make every single effort possible to regularly see his best friend, scratch that, soul partner is what I consider a massive miscalculation on the part of the film.

Change is driven by choices, and doesn't happen by itself. Hiding the dragons will do nothing but preserve the status quo. Its just going to endanger the separation of dragons and man. Not improve it The characters are giving up everything they have worked for without accomplishing anything in the proccess.

The second movie was about resolve and conviction. They faced this, they will face everything in order to protect their friends. They are right, and they will make right by the world. Bit by bit, they will show everyone that dragons are more than just ferocious beasts. Using dragons, they can overcome anything.

He only wanted the night furies extinct and to prevent humans from co-existing dragons. Instead, thanks to Hiccup and his nonsensical reaction to the events of the movie, dragons are eternaly removed from the world and mankind will never face them again for millenia! (The director confirmed the movies take place in the real world, and the hidden world is there to explain why dragons don't exist today)

On the other hand, the protagonist, Hiccup, broke every single conviction he held, failed in his vision, gave up, accomplished nothing, lost his best friend, and as a result of his descision potentially doomed both the dragons and the berkians, while condemning mankind to a future without dragons.

People take more care of their prosthetics than any dragon could. Prosthetics are generally kept in an environment where they're unlikely to be damaged by improper use or the elements. Toothless simply does not have ability to care about the prosthetics to that extent.

The tl;dr of the plot is, dragons suddently start abandoning berk to go mate and vikings are devasted. Hiccup feels sad for Toothless because he can't fly away like the others, so he builds him the prototype automatic tail seen in this movie.

Instead, we no longer see Toothless, the animal. He has evolved from that. What returns is a new Toothless, the person. Animals don't put ideals before practicality, nor do they have existential thoughts about what they need and want from life. If Maslow's hierachy was adapted for dragons, the instincts of fire and flight would be at the very bottom, where we expect most dragons to be.

This scene perfectly illustrates that Toothless is not just a mere animal. Flight is everything to a dragon, the animal. A downed dragon is a dead dragon, but not just in a physical way. Not being able to fly is mentally crushing for a dragon as an animal, as we see when Toothless is utterly defeated when he was stuck in the cove. Toothless has moved on from this primal instinct as he has found something even better - a lifelong companionship with his best friend - where if he had to choose between friendship and such an base animalistic urge as flight, he would rather choose friendship. Destroying the new tail is Toothless's way of saying "if I can't fly with you, I'd rather not be able to fly at all." e24fc04721

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