Sidenote: For all my fellow bloggers out there, I went to a magazine conference this past week and attended a Food & Wine Writing Session while I was there. Among talking about how to efficiently post on social media, monetize your blog and build an audience, they touched upon photography. What are your tips and tricks for taking mouth-watering photos? What camera/lens do you use? What about lighting?

To scoop out the dragon fruit, take a large spoon and just run it around the edges. Since this fruit is so soft, it basically comes right out of the flesh. Cube it up, toss it with the avocado, chives, cilantro and lime juice.

Dragon Fruit Images Photos Download

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Carefully created from succulent fresh dragon fruits, then freeze-dried to produce a naturally crunchy fruit snack bursting with vital nutrients, fibre, and always 1 of your 5 a day. Each 30g pack contains the equivalent of one fresh dragon fruit.

Our Soul Fruit's freeze-dried dragon fruit revolutionises healthy snacking, whether you're battling the midday slump, preparing for exercise, or longing for a tropical flavour experience. Power up your day with a delectably nourishing bite that fuels your adventure! 

No added sugar. High in fibre. Vegan friendly. Gluten free. Lactose free.

We created a 2563-image custom dragon fruit image dataset, with 1248 images of raw dragon fruits and 1315 photographs of ripe dragon fruits. The images were taken with the Nikon D5200 DSLR and OnePlus 6's Sony IMX 519 16 megapixel camera. The photographs taken with the DSLR camera had a resolution of 4000 by 6000 pixels, while those taken with the OnePlus6 had a resolution of 3456 by 4608 pixels. They were photographed in natural sunlight. The average temperature during that time was 28C (84.2F), with partly sunny skies, 65 percent humidity, and 17 km/h wind speeds. The images were captured between the end of June and the middle of July 2021 at a dragon fruit farm in Baramati, Maharashtra, India. We collected data at both ends of the dragon fruit growth cycle, which lasts about a month from flowering to harvest.

IEEE DataPort Subscribers may upload their dataset files directly to IEEE DataPort's AWS S3 file storage. Please read the Upload Your Files directly to the IEEE DataPort S3 Bucket help topic for detailed instructions.

The flowers life is a bit of a Cinderella story. For most of its life, the flower bud spends its days blending into the background. Then on one single night, it becomes larger than life and reveals its remarkable inner beauty; flowing delicate white pedals surround a golden center. However, like the fairytale, the flowers story is tragically short lived. With the morning sun, the flowers begin to fade. Eventually the flower withers to once again blend into the background.

The plant is native to Central American jungles where the nocturnal flowers are primarily pollinated by nectar-feeding bats. Moths and other insects may play a more minor role in pollination. In the morning other insects are attracted to the fragrant scent of the fading flower including bees and other insects.

There are a few differences between then and now and I am not sure what factor mattered the most or if they all did. The things that are different are my watering , fertilizing and the age of the plants.

what kind of fertilizer do you suggest that will help in making the dragon fruit to be fruitful. My plants have lots of flowers but after a day they loo droopy and dryingup. Any suggestions what to do. Thanks

Hey Erlinda

Great questions.

The dragon fruit flowers typically only last a day so that is normal.

I have a lot of tips about the best soil, fertilizer, etc for fruiting in the article below (see link).

How to get Your Dragon Fruit Cactus to Fruit

Important note, a lot of this depends on if you have a self fertile variety or if you have one that needs cross pollinating.

-For the self fertile type you can transfer the pollen to the anther from the same flower.

-For the ones that need cross pollinating, you need to take the pollen from a flower of a different plant and perhaps different variety.

I want to know about the possibility of growing Dragon Fruit in the north of my country. I am really interested to grow tropical Fruits in my country since here the humanity of weather and precipitation are acceptable.

I want to try first from Dragon Fruit and grow it in the garden. The question that I have is about the possibility of growing the fruit in this area. Here is the link that shows the weather statistics of Babol City which shows the precipitation and temperature during last year.

More specifically:

From the climate information available, I would expect Dragon Fruit cactus to grow very well for you.

Considering the amount of rain you get, they may grow even better for you than they do for me.

Based on your weather, I would also expect that you could successfully grow all kinds of interesting tropical fruit.

I would expect you could also grow just about anything that I have already talked about on this website.

I have a question concerning if a Dragon fruit tree is cut removing it from the root, how can I get this plant to a flourishing state! The tree had grown over on my side of a 7 foot fence from my neighbors and they had cut it on their side, not realizing that they had something amazing because most of the flowering and fruiting happened on my side of the fence, but early Feb of this year I noticed that it had been cut completely down. And now it is flowing but the buds looks like they are dieting from not have any water.

I wouldnt be surprised if there was not a lot of flowering success the first year.

The in the first year, the plant should be spending its energy on establishing/re-establishing its root system.

On that note, removing the flower buds in this first year may help the plant to redirect its reserves to the roots which will make the plant stronger and fruit better the following years.

This may initially seem counter intuitive if you know where the dragon fruit cactus crow in their native lands.

For example, in their native jungle habitat, dragon fruit cactus are often found living in the angles of big tree branches.

This location is often a rather small space for soil to collect.

It sounds like you might be growing a variety that I am not familiar with.

If you are able to send me some pics, I will post them in the article to see if someone out there might have some insight for you.

I had read your story about a dragon fruit planting and I want to know how many time the dragon fruit produce fruits. I planted and guide some of them in my palm tree, cutting the tree 5 feet high. The plants are getting tall.

I live in Denmark and have two dragon fruits plants and they are two years old and are still growing fast. The mean temperature is 20 celcius degrees(about 68 Fahrenheit) and in the summer the temperature is between 30 to 40 celcius degrees( about 86 to 104 fahrenheit). The dragon fruits plants are living in my apartment. Its possible that the plants can produce flowers? they are growing very fast and they are looking very healthy.

It sounds like you are doing great and should be able to get some flowers, and perhaps fruit.

However the high end of the temps in the 40C/1004F range is getting a bit hot.

Follow the suggestions in the article (soil, water, etc) and you should be in great shape.

Please keep us informed.

Dear Thomas,

do you know how to encourage the dragon fruit to have flowers earlier by using plant hormone? In my country, Vietnam, someone said that using cytokine to spray and dip into flower bud will give early flowers. Can you help me in this situation?

Thank you!

kind regards,

ly pham

Thank you for your question.

There are many chemical treatments that can simulate plants to do different things.

However, I grow my dragon fruit organically.

Therefore, I have not tried to chemically stimulate my plants to flower or fruit.

Hi Thomas

I have a dragon fruit tree for more than ten year. This year is the first year that I get 2 flower I wonder why it take so long for the pants I live in San Jose may be the weather in not hot enough to have flower



Do all your cacti look the same? Do any have spots or markings on them to make you think disease?

This article (link below) may help to specifically identify a Dragon Fruit disease.

Dragon Fruit Diseases

Are they all in the same location?

For example, I have heard that porch lights left on at night can throw off Dragon Fruits nighttime flowering clock.

Is one plant more shaded than another?

I have planted about 400 cuttings some have growen well and some not so well I have had a few flowers starting but none have developed into a flower the die of after they get to about 4inch long

My plants are 9weeks old

Can anyone help me with some advise

Any help will be greatly appreciated



Meantime, place the coconut milk, egg yolks and salt in a large sauce pan, and heat over medium heat until just boiling. Off heat and add the dragon fruit puree and agave nectar. When the mixture cools to room temperature, transfer to a bowl and refrigerate for several hours, or better, overnight.

(I also purveyed three ripe yellow Mexican mangoes from the Chinese market. I pureed them and added them to half of the dragon fruit puree right before emptying it into a second ice cream maker. So I ended up with two different batches of ice cream.)

This, of course, made us instantly realize that this particular ice cream, with its exotic tropical taste and creamy texture, would lend itself very well to being blended with your favorite tequila or liquor of choice for a unique new way to enjoy a drink.

The idea for this salad came later, on my drive back home. It was a total experiment, an attempt to combine soft textures and mild taste of dragon fruit and avocado with sweet persimmon, crisp and tangy pickled roots, and sour cherries. Plus a touch of fresh mint and sesame dressing to complete the bouquet. I wanted to see all those colours and textures layered to make a beautiful, multicoloured dish, similar to a lasagna we posted about last summer. 152ee80cbc

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