Dragon Anywhere is a separate, cloud-based solution that provides continuous dictation capabilities, letting you create and edit documents of any length by voice directly on your iOS or Android device. It adapts to your voice and terminology so you can dictate, edit, navigate and format quickly and accurately within your document - using your own customized words, shortcuts and commands - from anywhere, at any time. You can share documents and sync custom words and commands with Dragon Professional for seamless productivity wherever your job takes you. Gain immediate access to your dictation so can spend less time behind a desk completing administrative tasks and more time contributing to your bottom line.

Dragon Naturally Speaking for PC users and Dragon Dictate for Mac users is another technological aid that facilitates the learning process for the dyslexic student and creates greater efficiency at the workplace. For those who have word-retrieval difficulties, grapho-motor weaknesses, or problems committing ideas to paper in a timely fashion, Dragon may be just the tool needed in order to improve writing skills. Dragon is a speech-recognition program that can be used to, among other things, dictate answers to homework questions, a five-paragraph essay, or even to write a novel. You can dictate an e-mail, surf the web using voice commands, or dictate on your Blackberry, iPhone, iPad or iPad touch.

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Users dictate ideas and watch their words appear on the computer screen. Put on your headphones, load Dragon software onto your computer, and follow the required series of steps to create your own user profile. As part of this process you will need to read for roughly five minutes so that the software recognizes your voice. This is an important step because it establishes your initial accuracy. You are allowed to choose from a menu of readings that range from easy to more challenging. If your dyslexia negatively impacts your ability to read the selections, it is recommended that someone preview challenging words with you, so that you are familiar with them and can read them accurately when training.

I have been using Dragon Naturally Speaking for over 10 years. I can remember when creating a user profile required lengthy amounts of reading, and it was common for multiple mistakes to occur in just one sentence. This resulted in my having to spend a substantial amount of time training words. This is no longer the case. Creating a user profile takes all of 7 minutes and rarely do I make dictation errors. Dictating becomes a natural way of communicating in a short period of time. After roughly a week of using Dragon every day, you should be able to dictate with ease. Over the years I have found that the speed at which I speak has slowed moderately and that my ability to retrieve and organize language has improved. I like being able to go back to what I have written, read my work a second time and make any changes I deem necessary. When dictating, I use Dragon Pad, which saves directly to Microsoft Word. You can also dictate directly into most programs, including Word Perfect. Dragon shortens the time it takes me to write by at least 40 percent, as I can speak more rapidly than I can write or type. Having used Dragon for over 10 years, it has become the way that I write. Shifting back to handwriting or using the keyboard is no longer an option for me. Dictating is simply a better way.

I use Evernote premium with Windows 10. I have been using Dragon NaturallySpeaking for years. However, it is extremely frustrating when you create a new note and Evernote will only let you dictate in the title box. When you move to the actual content area and start dictating, the DragonPad comes up forcing you to dictate and then transfer. If anyone is currently feeling this pain and has found a workaround or solution please share.

Google assistant is for smart phones, meanwhile the problem is on Windows OS. Using more general dictation programs is really not the same as using Dragon, because you can customize Dragon to your speech, accent, as well as have a database of your vocabulary (including industry specific terminology, abbreviations, non-standard names for people, companies, entities etc.). So this is not helpful.

As far as using other programs to dictate into and adding to Evernote, well that makes it very cumbersome. Way too many extra steps.

With my Plus subscription looks like I do not even qualify to open a support ticket with Evernote. That honor is a reserved for premium users only.

Once you have turned off the setting, you will be able to click into your documents so that you have a cursor, and then begin to dictate or transcribe directly into your project. Dictating directly into Scrivener can be faster than using the dictation box so you might want to give it a try. However, be aware that since Scrivener is not a supported software in Dragon, then you may find that it occasionally may do something incorrect as it interprets your words.

I have an intel imac with 2 Ghz duo core 2, 1GB RAM. Naturally speaking 8 has always worked in Boot Camp (Win XP, SP2), and quite well at that. I use a Plantronics USB headset. It never worked right with the Parallels trial that I tried. Fusion B4, using the Boot Camp partition worked great. Better still, I have been running it in a new VM (again, XP), and have to say it works very well. For what its worth, I can even play streaming audio or iTunes in OSX through the speakers, while AT THE SAME TIME dictating and playing back my dictation through the USB headset, obviously with Dragon in the VM. I copied/imported my speech files from the Boot Camp partition into the VM. It works very well. I dictate and edit 45-100 page documents into WordPerfect 10, now in a Fusion VM.


OK. I finally got this thing to work. Just a recap. I have a 24"iMac 2.16 ghz intel duo core processor with 2gb RAM (1gb to the Mac and 1gb to Fusion). I am running Leopard 10.5.1 (the new update released last week) and have installed Fusion 1.1 and am running Win XP Pro w/ SP2. I have put dragon naturally speaking (DNS) on and loaded all of my voabulaires from the PC I use it on at my office. I am a physician and we use DNS to transcribe our dictations into a electronic medical record. I have tested a Phillips Speechmike Pro II USB microphone and a Logitech desktop USB microphone and both work great. In fact, with the Phillips Speechmike Pro II, I have even gotten the "Function keys" - specifically the record button - programmed to turn the microphone on and off.


 Here is what I did. BEFORE starting the VM, plug in vwhichever USB device you are going to use. Next, in OS X, click system preferences, then sound, then input, and then click the USB device you have plugged in. This now tells the MAC that the USB device will be the audio input for the CPU. Now start the VM. Once it is up and running, along the bottom right of the VM screen you will see some USB symbols next to the CD symbol. Put the mouse pointer over the USB symbols and it will tell you what is connected to each one. When you find the symbol that has your microphone device connected, click the USB symbol and then click "Connect". This now tells the VM to use this device for audio input. That is it. You are now ready to use the microphone and DNS.

Yes, DNS does work on the Mac side. It just is in a round about way. On the VM side, it works seamlessly. I do not know about with Vista as I do not have it. I run Win XP Pro w/ SP2. To use DNS on the mac side, just open the VM and start running windows. Next open a wordpad or word document ON THE WINDOWS SIDE. With DNS up and running, say the command "show dictation box". This opens the dictation box and you can dictate whatever you want. When you are finished, highlight the text you dictated and then right click onit and select copy. Now click on the Mac OS side and put you cursor in word, excel, powerpoint, pages, numbers, keynote, firfox, or mail and the select paste and it pastes the text that you generated using DNS. I know it is a work aorund but it does work.


 Your last question, do you have to install Windows. Yes because to my knowledge DNS is only compatible with windows.


When I resume dictation after pausing when dictating a sentence, Dragon/Scrivener puts the first newly dictated word right next to the last word dictated before the pause (i.e., without a space between the words).

I used to be able to dictate comments easily into Adobe Acrobat professional using Nuance Dragon professional 15. For some time now, I have noticed that it has not worked nearly as well. For example, it usually takes approximately one minute for the dictation to be entered into the comment box within Adobe Acrobat. I have resorted to typing my comment in Microsoft Word and then cutting and pasting into the Adobe comment box. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great. Thanks.

Thanks for your response. I did try using Windows dictation to dictate into Adobe Acrobat. This did not work also. I will reach out to Nuance. In the meantime, I downloaded the free Foxit reader. Nuance is working well with this product. Arvind

The history of Dragon Naturally Speaking started out in 1977 with Dr James Baker, as a simple Speech Understanding System that was simply called Dragon. Dr Baker worked on the system until 1982 when he and his wife, Dr Janet Baker, evolved the software into Dragon Systems, a Voice Recognition System. This system was released to the public as Dragon Dictate for DOS based computers and made use of the famous Markov Model for voice recognition. The biggest drawback of Dragon Dictate is that there was not enough computer power to keep the software running smoothly. This meant that the DOS based program could not successfully carry out word segmentation and was unable to recognize when a single word started or ended when strung together in a common sentence. This forced users to dictate a single word at a time, pronouncing every syllable perfectly for the software to be able to pick up what has been said. This worked but was slow and frustrating to use. The voice recognition software has come a very long way since them.  9af72c28ce

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