It means that be very careful while going for the scheme that leads to make you rich quickly, be aware of the scammers, and do proper research while buying online courses, Meanwhile, it is necessary to be aware and have the potential to face the risk that is been involved while speaking against the influential people in business.

On December 12, 2023, Sandeep Maheshwari, a renowned motivational speaker and one of India's most popular YouTubers, dropped a bombshell titled "Big Scam Exposed." In this video, he unveiled a startling revelation about a prominent business coach selling what he described as fraudulent courses at exorbitant prices.

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Sandeep Maheshwari's video exposed a dark side of the online education industry, shedding light on a well-known business coach (whose identity was later revealed to be Vivek Bindra) allegedly selling courses that failed to deliver the promised value. The video featured a disgruntled student who claimed to have paid a staggering 50,000 INR for a course but received no discernible benefits, leaving him feeling scammed and deceived.

In response to Vivek Bindra's alleged threats, Sandeep Maheshwari took a principled stand, declaring that he would not back down. He emphasized the importance of an ethical battle, standing up against practices that could potentially harm unsuspecting individuals seeking to better themselves through online education. Sandeep urged his community to exercise caution when investing in high-priced courses and vowed to continue fighting for transparency and accountability.

As the dust settles, the question on everyone's mind is, "What happens next?" The confrontation between Sandeep Maheshwari and Vivek Bindra has opened a dialogue about the ethical responsibilities of influencers and educators. The incident also raises broader questions about the credibility and accountability of online courses, prompting viewers to reevaluate their choices and demand more transparency from those they look up to for guidance.

Vivek Bindra is also a very well-known motivational speaker and business coach who had earlier launched online courses on entrepreneurship under his company named Bada Business. He also started a program called Independent Business Consultant (IBC) to promote his courses where anyone can join as an IBC and make lakhs of money as commissions by selling the courses.

The allegations against Vivek Bindra are because of the IBC model where people joined it in the hope of making lakhs by selling the courses but very few people have actually made some good money. Many people especially students have come forward against Vivek Bindra after the expose video of Sandeep Maheshwari but Bindra has denied the allegations of the reported scam.

As this controversy unfolds, it raises pertinent questions about the ethics of the online education industry. Users are left pondering the authenticity of the courses they invest in and the responsibility content creators bear toward their audience. 2351a5e196

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