Main research interests:

Geomagnetism, geophysical fluid dynamics, space weather and space climate, paleomagnetism, planetary science

Short bio:

Since 2021 I am a senior scientist in the the Earth and Planetary magnetism group at the Institute of Geophysics of ETH Zürich (Switzerland). Presently my research interests are focussed on developing novel mathematical and numerical models to study the decadal dynamics of Earth's outer core and forecasting the geomagnetic field.

In 2019 I joined the University of Leeds as a researcher in the School of Earth and Environment. There I was invovled in the SWIGS project, a UK-wide initiative devoted to foster our understanding of space weather-related risk in the UK and worldwide.

Between 2016 and 2019 I have been a PostDoctoral researcher at the geophysics group of the physics department of University of Boulder (CU), Colorado. My main research area is the study of Earth's outer core dynamics in the asymptotic limit of rapid rotation.

From 2012 to 2016 I have been a PhD student and researcher in the Earth and Planetary magnetism group at the Institute of Geophysics of ETH Zürich (Switzerland). There I studied the interannual to decadal dynamics of the Earth's outer core and its observable consequences on the geomagnetic field variations.

I graduated in Physics at the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2012. I performed my master's thesis in the National Group of Operative Oceanography of the INGV with the purpose of testing a new data assimilation implementation for the Adriatic Sea regional forecasting system.

Find my full CV on my ETH personal page