Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave Reviews

✔️All You Need Is 7 Minutes In A Day👍 Fast Results With Manifesting SuccessVery Little Investment, Huge Returns🎉Proven Results✔️❌No Side Effects.

Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave Benefits
Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave comes with benefits like:
Rapid book writing without interruptions.

Skill proficiency in any desired area.

Relief from persistent headaches and stubborn belly fat.

Improvement and rekindling of romantic relationships.

Smoking cessation without the usual struggles.

Comprehensive life transformation.

Improvement and rekindling of romantic relationships.

Get instant access today to start transforming your personal and professional life

How Does Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave Work?
Clever individuals have known about the impact of the Theta state on our thinking and life outcomes for centuries. The legendary American inventor Thomas Edison even invented a device that he could use to unblock the Theta state for himself.

Scroll through the social media accounts of millionaires and billionaires, and you’ll notice a common theme between all of them. They all wake up early – really early, like 4 a.m. Why do they wake up then and not at 5 a.m. – that’s still pretty early for most people.

The reason for waking up now has nothing to do with getting a few extra hours to be more productive. They wake up early in the morning because that’s when our Theta brainwaves are most active as adults.

If you’ve experienced a life of want and tried all the manifestation techniques but experienced no success, the problem isn’t your actions – It’s your mind. The Law of Attraction seems like a great concept, but it only works for a select few – Why is that? Why can’t we all manifest everything we want in our lives?

By listening to Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave audio files daily, you can embrace your inner genius, stimulating theta brainwave activity to help you become the best version of yourself.

Dr. Rivers developed Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave based on NASA research. NASA research showed kids have high theta brainwave activity, but that theta brainwave activity drops as you get older.

Dr. Rivers also developed Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave based on research by Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison developed a machine to stimulate his own theta brainwave activity when he needed help solving a complicated problem.

After gathering all of this information from multiple sources, Dr. Rivers created Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave.

Theta Brainwave Activity Peaks in Children, Then Declines in Adulthood
You may assume adults are smarter than kids. However, based on theta brainwave activity, that’s not always the case.

How to Use Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave

Using Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave is easy. Just sit back, relax, and spend 7 minutes each day listening to the specific audio file.

Here’s how Dr. Rivers and his team recommend using Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave for best results:

Pop on a pair of headphones or earbuds

There’s no need to meditate, write anything down, or repeat a mantra. You can conduct each session from the privacy of your home.

Relax for 7 minutes and listening to the calming soundwave

Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave starts working “the very first time you listen to it,” according to Dr. Rivers. And, the more you listen to it, the more noticeable the effects can be.

Who is Dr. James Rivers?

Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave was created by doctor and scientist Dr. James Rivers.

Dr. Rivers has 34+ years of experience as a neuroscientist. He also claims to be a graduate of MIT.

Over the years, Dr. Rivers claims to have worked with celebrities, athletes, and executives. He’s also worked with corporations as a professional consultant, helping professionals achieve their best performance at the highest levels.

Dr. Rivers distilled his 34+ years of experience into a single 7-minute audio file. Today, the MIT-trained neuroscientist recommends Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave to anyone who is unable to visit his practice in person.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of Dr. Rivers’ therapy without attending a session in person, then Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave could be the right choice.

Scientific Evidence for Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave

Can listening to a 7-minute audio file each day really transform your life? IS there any science behind Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave and how it works?

As proof, Dr. Rivers cites 10+ studies on the official references page. We’ll review some of that research below to check the science behind Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave.

Theta brainwave activity is associated with memory, spatial navigation, and overall intelligence, according to

a 2015 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience. In that study, researchers found theta oscillations in the hippocampus were associated with better spatial navigation and memory in both humans and rodents.

In a 2021 study, meanwhile, researchers attempted to activate theta brainwaves using flashes of lights and headphones that made beeping noises via a process known as Brain Entrainment – the same process behind Dr James Rivers Genius Brainwave. Researchers found participants entering a theta state had better brainpower and memory compared to people whose brains did not get trained. Based on the results, researchers concluded that “Entrainment is a cool new way to make memory better.”