
Dr. A. Gowrisankar I Post Doctoral Fellow

Nanobio Electrochemistry Lab, Science Building D

Room No # D207 I Ewha Womans University 

Seodaemun-gu I Seoul I South Korea I 03760. 

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Let me introduce myself.

I received my B.Sc (chemistry) degree from P.S.G college of arts and science in 2013 and M.Sc (chemistry) degree from Madurai Kamaraj University in 2015. Later, I worked as M.Phil research scholar under Prof R. Ramaraj, with the project titled as "Silicate sol-gel capped gold nanoparticles for catalytic reduction of nitroarenes and organic dyes". Then, I joined as Ph.D research scholar in chemistry department under the guidance of Dr. T. Selvaraju, Bharathiar university. During the course of my doctoral program, I have gained experience in the preparation of different phases of manganese dioxide nano-materials and their composites at organic and inorganic matrices for energy storage and conversion applications. My Ph.D. thesis is entitled "STUDIES ON MANGANESE DIOXIDE BASED COMPOSITES FOR ENERGY STORAGE AND CATALYTIC APPLICATIONS". In the meantime, I have published research articles in highly reputed international journals such as Ionics, Langmuir, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Electrochimica Acta and ChemElectroChem, and so on and also presented my research findings in various national and international conferences. After graduation in 2023, I joined as post doctoral fellow in Dr. Byung-Kwon Kim's group at Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea. 

Still going on~

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