Project: Dozen

Make an automated draft and ability increase system for the Super Tecmo "12's" league. 

Status: In Progress


Database Hardware Location (Code Word): vP

Database Name (Code Word)Pride

Stored Procs:

DraftPlayerInsertIntoPlayer_sp = Takes player from DraftPlayer and inserts it (hopefully) into Player table (for now) and also PlayerPotential Table.

DraftPlayerInsertIntoPlayer12s_sp = Stored Procedure in process, just have to remember to alter before I close


Draft = Stores overall info of each draft (which league, season, draft type (Regular, Dispersal, Supplimental etc.) has DraftID, DraftDtlID 

DraftDetail = Where info on Round, Pick in round, overall pick number, team picked by (TeamAbbr) as well as Notes and PlayerDtlId is stored. 

DraftPlayer = Where 12s league draft prospects are currently

Player = Destination for drafted players from DraftPlayer

PlayerPotential = where the randomly generated potential of each draft player is inserted upon being drafted. 

Game Files and Saves: GoogleDrive\Tecmo Bowl\12s League


Name comes from the SQL data base for different leagues. This league has a primary key of "12" so I just started thinking of it in my head as "The 12's league" and never really came up with anything I liked better. 
