Our Privacy Policy

Your Information: "DoYouNEEDIt" chrome extension does not have access to any of the users personal information. During the checkout process on our supported websites (Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Target, Nike, & Apple), our extension only has access to the total displayed on the webpage. This total is monitered and checked for changes so the extensions popup window can be updated promptly. Our extension is a standalone application. The total data it pulls from the webpage is only stored locally and not distributed anywhere else.

Your Activity: "DoYouNEEDIt" chrome extension does not moniter any of your activity on the webpage. The extension will only check for changes to the checkout total during the checkout process and the "years" and "annual return" fields in the extension's popup window so the display message can be updated with correct amounts.

For Additional Privacy concerns please contact: bobthebuilderbobthebuilder13@gmail.com