All internet use requires downloading data. While browsing websites or using apps, the computer or mobile device is downloading data. This data could be the text, images or videos used on the pages or apps that users visit. Most of this data is only kept for long enough for it to be used once and then removed from the device.

In general use, the word download is used for both the process of copying the data and for the resulting file. Download is also mostly used in the context of copying data from a larger central server. While not a hard-and-fast rule, if the data is moving between two peer client devices or between two pieces of local data storage, such as from a compact disc to a hard disk drive, it would be called transferring data and not downloading.

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An ISP will advertise the fastest possible theoretical download speed, but many factors can affect real-world download speed. Older home networking or Wi-Fi routers may not be able to provide fast enough connections to support modern internet connections. Poor cellphone or Wi-Fi signal strength also results in slow downloads. In addition, the speed of the server that users are downloading from may not be especially fast.

For example, large companies have many servers with exceptionally fast internet connections that can support many devices downloading at high speed simultaneously. But smaller companies may only have one server that is easily overwhelmed by many people trying to download something, and the resulting download is slow.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is one of the oldest protocols for downloading files. It is used by a dedicated program to log on to an FTP server to browse and download. It can be used with passwords and be encrypted by using FTP Secure.

My organization has recently been running into a consistent problem downloading Offline Map Areas in the new Collector. This may be similar to other issues users are experiencing but I have not seen anyone post this error message yet.

I have created a number of offline map areas for use in the field. The map begins to download alright but when the icon is almost complete the following message appears at the bottom of the screen "An error occured downloading the map area". I've managed to download several other, smaller map areas and sync them without issue, but not this one. This specific area is 228.7 MB.

Some of the layers we were using were Enterprise Geodatabase files and not Hosted Feature Services. EGDB layers can be configured for offline edit and sync (these were) but they seemed to be source for many of the issues with downloading.

It is also possible that some files got corrupted during the download, which prevents the completion of the downloading process. The files are downloaded from GitHub, so the download might stutter occasionally. Try closing the software (if running) and then delete all folders from the C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\SquareLine\boards folder. After that, launch the software again to attempt a fresh download of the files.

I had reported the same problem for Windows users downloading models in the desktop version of SketchUp. Mac users can download ok. Seems to be the same issue with SketchUp for Schools, I can download any model on Mac, but the same model fails on Windows.

I also stopped both the SMS Agent Host and Windows Update Services, renamed the SoftwareDistribution folder to SoftwareDistribution.OLD. Started the 2 Services again. Tried downloading a small App and it is still stuck on 0% after an hour. It doesn't ever time out nor give an error message.

The binaries in this section for VirtualBox before version 4.0 are all released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). As of VirtualBox 4.0, the Extension Pack is released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License and the other packages (including version 6.1.x) are released under the terms of the GPL version 2. By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of the respective license.

The VirtualBox sources are available free of charge under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 3. By downloading from the below links, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Thank you!

This issue happened to me as well running 8.1.33 and linux 6.5 kernel. (I had to manually update openjdk to 19), I had to launch designer using Sudo for it to launch the project designer, but i could not close the project designer. Changed the project designer folder permissions to 755, still no luck. I did the rm -rf ~/.ignition. This has corrected my issue. Now the project designer will launch without Sudo (do error on downloading clientlauncher), the project designer works as normal and after, you are able to close the application as normal. Much appreciated.

Now, since, i am trying to use SVN for my project, I need to update and commit from my local project source folder. Which creates a source folder copy on local machine by downloading everything from the svn repository. I am looking to avoid that download.

My Question is that, Is it possible to update project folder without downloading the whole project source from the repository which we do first time when we checkout the project source from the repository. I have a low bandwidth connection and source code is big enough that if I checkout whole source folder. It will take a lot of time.

CullenK may be correct that it's a firewall issue and not downloading because an apple site is being blocked. Another thing we've done when you can't download from self service is to go into the App Store purchases section and if it's there, download it from the App Store. That's worked successfully a number of times.

We have developed some content that has sensitive IP, but which would be valuable to our clients to see as part of our processes. Is there a method in SS that allows me to set a 'view only' on the file that prevents users from printing, copying or downloading the content?

How shoud it be possible to get a name from an anonymous downloader? Although it would be possble to ask for a name before downloading a file, what guaranties that the entered name is correct?

If you want to track the download of files, I would recommend not to share one link multiple times or to use guest accounts for all downloaders.

Please note that all attachments and links transferred on Upwork are scanned for potentially malicious content. That said, when being provided with a file you need to access, either in Messages or directly, we strongly recommend running it through Virus Total or a similar file scanning software before downloading. We also strongly advise against enabling macros.

I'm encountering an issue while trying to download and attach images from Airtable to my Rails application. I'm using a rake task to transfer data from Airtable to my PostgreSQL DB and everything works fine except for the image attachment part which happens through Cloudinary. I need assistance in resolving this problem.

The main problem is definitely downloading the attachment from the stored URL in my attachment field to then have a valid image file (.jpeg format). Has anyone experience with this?

The issue I'm facing is that when I run the rake task, it throws an "Invalid image file" error. I have checked the URL and confirmed that the image is accessible. I suspect that there might be an issue with how I'm downloading and validating the image file.

I have had a very similar issue... across 3 computers (2 x MBP and one iMac), we have had mail constantly downloading since late November 2017. I reported this to Apple on the 4th of December 2017, and after speaking with many support staff at Apple Care, we still as of today (23 Jan 2018) don't have a solution.

I was actually installing the yahoo account when this started, then I went to check my other Mac and there was with the same problem, always downloading emails, thousands of emails non stop. I thought it could be because of iCloud but the Mail program was not included in iCloud, I didn't do it because it would take too much space on the server and I didn't have that space. No extra storage.

Conclusion, I have been busy for about 3 days for many, many hours doing research on google to find a solution, so far nothing worked, it was messy I can say! I managed to stop the downloading but then it wouldn't receive email, only send. Also had the situation that it would stay offline giving Authentication Failed, had Login Failed, etc...........

I have this problem too. Tried all the usual deleting of Gmail account and restarting it. Just won't stop downloading messages no matter what. Also wiped my iMac and started completely fresh with High Sierra. Problem still there.

Interestingly enough, I'm sure it is NOT Gmail. On my iPad and iPhone the messages aren't downloading over and over. And if I delete messages on my iMac it doesn't sync to my devices. So I'm 99% sure it is a High Sierra problem.

USCIS forms are available for free on our website. You can find the latest version of any USCIS form on our Forms page.

Warning: Many non-USCIS websites offer immigration forms for downloading. These sites may ask you to pay for immigration forms and may not have the correct form version. Do not pay for any USCIS form. In some circumstances, your case may be delayed or rejected if you use an outdated form.

On my Mac, I keep getting a pop-up that "streem is downloading a file from" The choice is to stop the download or continue. I am not sure what to do here because I don't know if this is a legitimate update from Box or a virus.

Along with the "streem is downloading" error, I was having an issue syncing filed us. (Files copied into the box folders would not upload, but also would not be accessible from Finder. (Side Note: If anyone else is having this issue, I figured out that you still get to the file by "right clicking" and then "Share" and sending them through iMessage to yourself.)

Recently updated to Box Drive ver. 2.27.221 and immediately got a ton of sync conflicts and stopped getting the stream error, so it seems to have resolved whatever had gone wrong on my end. ff782bc1db

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