In Zombie Garden & Plants Defense game, you take on the role of the principale character whose mission is to protect her garden from the onslaught of zombies. As you progress through the game, you will need to plant trees strategically and purchase workers who will collect resources like water and wood to help you fend off the zombies.

To enhance your defense, you can buy a variety of plants that are capable of attacking the zombies in different ways, such as shooting peas or lobbing projectiles. These plants are placed in strategic positions throughout the garden to maximize their effectiveness.

With each zombie that you successfully defeat, you earn money, which you can then use to buy more plants, workers, and other resources to strengthen your defenses further. The zombies will come in waves, each one more challenging than the last, so it's crucial to keep upgrading your defenses to keep them at bay.

Overall, Zombie Garden & Plants Defense game is a thrilling and challenging adventure that requires quick thinking, strategy, and a keen eye for detail. Can you defend your garden from the zombie hordes and emerge victorious? Only time will tell!

Begin by planting three to four Sunflowers in the first, third, and fifth rows. If zombies appear in that row, plant Garlic to move them into the second and fourth rows. Use Potato Mines to kill the first three zombies at the left edge of second and fourth rows. Eventually you will have Garlics in the two rightmost columns in the first, third, and fifth row, as needed. Plant one Marigold, and increase your Sunflower count to six while placing a Gloom-shroom in the third row behind the Garlic. Eventually flesh this out to what is shown in the picture; keep planting Marigolds in open spots in the first third and fifth rows as they become available, and place two more Gloom-shrooms to the left of the first Gloom-shroom. Once you have sunlight, you can begin placing Spikeweed. If you did it right, you can have seven Marigolds (without the Imitater) by the time the first Huge Wave appears. The zombies will eventually destroy your Garlic, so keep an eye on it and replace them as soon as they disappear.

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With the upgrade that allows you to use nine seed packets, select the Marigold, Magnet-shroom, Gold Magnet, Fume-shroom, the Coffee Bean, Gloom-shroom, Garlic, Lily Pad, and the Pumpkin. If you have the ten slot upgrade, use the Tall-nut to stop Dolphin Rider Zombies or the Squash for Football Zombies, although you can bring Spikeweed to plant in the land rows to wear down the zombies.

As the onslaught goes on, replace near-dead Garlics with fresh ones (they are near-dead when they start tearing), and near-dead Pumpkins with fresh ones. To save sun, you may wait until the instant a zombie finishes eating them, but this requires very quick responses to avoid losing plants. Click on any coins that the Gold Magnets miss. You should be able to get $7000-10,000 this way per game, if you do not die. You get more if you use two Gloom-shrooms on each side of the pool than if you use three, but you have to be much more attentive to your Pumpkins.

Using this configuration, a player can plant thirty-two Marigolds and devote all attention to maintaining the front line defenses. Save all resources for maintaining the Garlic, Pumpkin shells on the first two Gloom-shrooms, and occasionally a Wall-nut. DO NOT try to expand with more Gloom-shrooms, unless you finish a round with 700+ sun. The Magnet-shrooms remove helmets from the Football Zombies and Buckethead Zombies, both of which are resilient enough to make it back to the Wall-nuts. In their current position, the Magnet-shrooms are close enough to pull helmets just before the zombies reach the Wall-nut, giving them a chomp or two at most. Players can expect around $8000 from this approach.

A variation of example 2, but with space for 34 Marigolds! Still requires 10 seed slots. The Wall-nuts and (non-gold) magnets are ditched, replaced with relatively inexpensive Kernel-Pults in Pumpkins. The Kernel-Pult's immobilizing delay is extremely useful when the zombie is subjected to attacks from the Gloom-Shrooms. Since magnets can be ineffective when they are occupied with helmets, a large number of Football Zombies can still get to the Wall-Nut and do significant eating damage. Magnets also need to be placed far back enough so that only Football Zombies will trigger them, not screen doors. This means that a lot of the Gloom-Shroom damage dealt while the Football Zombie is running is pointless, because it hits the armor which is removed by the magnet. With Kernel-Pults, there is a continuing chance that a butter will FREEZE the front zombie. Being frozen in place next to two Gloom-Shrooms is a powerful combination; powerful enough that it compares to the armor-removing ability of the Magnet-Shroom. When multiple Football Zombies are approaching, the first frozen zombie is overtaken by the new frontrunner, giving a chance to freeze another one as well. The setup is very safe and easy to manage; just keep an eye on the Garlics and Pumpkins as normal. If you want it even easier, more Kernel-Pults on the 2nd to 5th rows gives even more immobilization effects! You can sacrifice a few Marigolds on Lily-Pads for this, and plant them later when it is safe to spend sun on them (1 Marigold+Lily-Pad per flag victory recommended).

When your goal is gold farming, it is not necessary to use a build which will actually win the mini-game. Skimping on offensive plants leaves more sun and space for Marigolds, at the cost of ultimately allowing the zombies to reach your house. The basic strategy is to fill most of the yard with Marigolds (using Lily Pads as necessary) and use Pumpkins to protect the first three columns to buy time. As with other builds, a Gold Magnet near the middle of the yard is useful to collect most of the coins. When the Pumpkin defenses have been weakened, additional time can be bought by using a Doom-shroom (awoken with a Coffee Bean). This is probably one of the worst choices for Gold Farming, as on average only $1000 to $3000 can be collected.

Survival: Pool is an excellent level for farming because it has six lanes for extra Marigolds and optimal Gloom-shroom placement, but a far easier roster of zombies to deal with than Survival: Endless. This is a similar strategy to the one depicted here, except upgraded with two additional Pumpkin-shielded Marigolds in the water, for a total of 34, and the final empty spaces on the lawn filled with Spikerocks. This lawn can be nearly completed by the end of wave three with some skill, and will yield between 8000 and 11,000 gold by the end of five flags, which takes about 17 minutes if you choose your plants quickly.

On the first wave, start by planting three Sunflowers and a Cattail. You will always have enough sun to purchase the Cattail before the first zombie reaches the end of the lawn if you grab the sun fast enough. Spend the rest of this wave planting the Garlic, Gloom-shrooms and Marigolds, keeping the Marigold and Gloom-shroom on cooldown, and spending excess sun on Sunflowers. Ending wave one with twelve Sunflowers is good. Make sure to finish planting the Fume-shrooms and Coffee Beans so you can use the seed slots differently next wave.

On the second wave, take the Magnet-shroom and Gold Magnet, and take an imitated Marigold to speed up the farming. Plant as many Marigolds as quickly as possible, plant your Gold Magnets, and finish planting your Gloom-shrooms. You will also need to place Pumpkins on the first Gloom-shrooms after the Garlics to deal with Pole Vaulting Zombies.

To defeat the Zombie Yeti, treat it as you would a Buckethead Zombie (without using the Magnet-shroom). Try to save a Split Pea or Starfruit to plant in front of it in case it tries to run away, and possibly a Pumpkin for it (if the defenses in the row the Zombie Yeti is occupying are weak).

Plant a few Sunflowers and use Potato Mines to kill the first zombie or two while you Wall-nut set up the killing field. Put Garlic at the far right of lanes one, three and five to direct zombies to lanes two and four. Put Wall-nuts in the fourth column from the right, with three Spikeweeds in front; once this is set up, the zombies will not even reach the Wall-nuts before dying. Then plant as many Marigolds and Imitater Marigolds as you can before you run out of zombies. You'll probably want to replace the Garlics between the two waves.

Another way you could do it is to plant Sunflowers in lanes one and five. Then place Potato Mines to kill zombies. After you have enough money, place Spikeweeds and Magnet-shrooms in lanes two, three and four. Start to plant the Gold Magnets. Once you have one Gold Magnet, place Marigolds in lanes one and five, but have Garlic in those lanes.Then start adding Marigolds in lanes two, three and four until the level ends. ff782bc1db

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