I turn to a fresh page in my journal. Lord, help me to see your goodness, I whisper. I slow my swirling thoughts and think back through the moments of my day. Then, I put pen to paper and name what I see:

Mar, I am so grateful this blog showed up right on time in your inbox. I am praying for you today- asking God to make His nearness known in a sweet and undeniable way. Thank you for taking a moment to share with us.

Download Your Goodness Looks Good On Us

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I turn to a fresh page in my journal. Lord, help me to see Your goodness, I whisper. I slow my swirling thoughts and think back through the moments of my day. Then I put pen to paper and name what I see:

The Bible repeatedly presents goodness as a core quality of our Lord, and I wanted to share just 23 of those occasions. These 23 verses point you to the goodness of our God and what it means for our lives.

Have you ever had anyone run after you with the intent to make you stop and turn around so they could tell you something? If you are like me you probably have had that happen more than once in your life. There are times when we think we are the ones pursuing God when in reality He is the one pursuing us. He is literally running after us, with outstretched arms, trying to get out attention, inviting us to live and move and have our being in him.

Do your intelligence, your talents, your success, your money or your looks define your worth? Does this mean that if you fail, lose your money, get old and lose your looks, or start to be forgetful as you grow older, you lose worth as a human being? Is your worth defined by externals or by your enduring internal qualities, such as kindness, devotion, compassion, warmth, honesty, openness to learning, sincerity, integrity, generosity, commitment, reliability and so on? Is it outside validation or the inner love of learning that you value the most about yourself? Do you have to succeed to have worth, or can you fail and still find joy in the process of learning and growing?

Is it your parents, your children, your partner, your friends or your employer who decide whether or not you are good enough? Is it one person who defines you, or is it the important people in your life, or is it everyone - anyone you happen to meet?

Take another moment now and think about this: How and why would any of these people know your true intrinsic worth? Why would any of them have the authority to define your goodness or your worth as a human being?

Unfortunately, our programmed wounded self believes that our worth is defined primarily by our achievements, and sometimes by our looks. The wounded self often believes that our abilities - such as our intelligence and our particular talents - are fixed quantities. Since they are fixed, why make any particular effort to learn and grow? These false beliefs of the wounded self stop our essence - the part of us that loves to learn - from tackling hard tasks, such as learning Inner Bonding and connecting with our spiritual Guidance. "I'm just not good at this," says the wounded self, "so why try? If I try and fail, then everyone will know that I'm not as smart or as talented or as enlightened as they think I am. If I were good at this, it would be easy for me. It's not worth taking the risk of failure." Since, to the wounded self, failure means "I am a failure," the wounded self often refuses to put forth much effort.

It is never too late to change your mind about who and what defines you. You will find yourself motivated and excited about life when you define yourself by your internal qualities and re-discover the joy of learning!

Join Dr. Margaret Paul for her 30-Day at-home Course: "Love Yourself: An Inner Bonding Experience to Heal Anxiety, Depression, Shame, Addictions and Relationships, and learn to define your own worth"

Look inside and notice if you feel empty or full. If you feel empty, it is because you are not loving yourself and sharing your love with others. The love-that-is-God fills you when your intent is to love. When your intent is to control getting love, you will feel empty. Notice your intent. By Dr. Margaret Paul

Inner Bonding empowers you to self-heal the root causes of anxiety, depression, addictions, failed relationships and many other problems that inhibit your personal and spiritual growth and satisfaction. It teaches you how to love yourself rather than continue to abandon yourself, how to move beyond emotional dependency and attain emotional freedom, and how to heal the underlying control issues stemming from self-abandonment.

Not only does God have His goodness stored up for us, He wants to lavish it on us for our protection and blessing as the world watches. Sit back and relish that thought for a moment. He wants to lavish His goodness on us.

the fear of God is not in man naturally, but is put there by the grace of God; and such who have it are those who are brought to a true sight and sense of sin, so as to loathe it and forsake it; for the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, and by it men depart from it, and because of it cannot sin as others do; such have a humble sense of themselves, their own insufficiency and weakness, and trust in the grace of God and righteousness of Christ; they have a filial (having a relation of a child to a parent) reverence of God, and worship him in spirit and in truth

Those who have been ransomed by the LORD will return. They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.

2 Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. 3 For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.

(And the grandchildren. My loves. Full of liveliness and questions. Imagination and wonder without the hindrance of experience. The boldness to think they can catch a butterfly and the courage to try.)

But instead, I am remembering your heart. I remember your joy in living, always the first one to suggest a fun outing or a family gathering. Your love for others, your longing to help. Your willingness to get involved with people. Your passion, your calling, your pursuit of God. Your friendship and the delight of having you near.

I remember when my children were young. Ah, the imperfect chaos of life with littles. And somehow it was now up to me to make the magic. I was both grateful and overwhelmed with all of it. Babies and toddlers and then bodies growing tall. Noise and excitement, treats and traditions. Joy in serving my small crowd of humans, learning how to give and love. And a growing understanding of Christmas and the Christ child and the richness of that best gift given long ago. An opening of my heart to the rest He offers. Rest from inability and doubt and heaviness. From frantic doing. From sin and all of its reaching.

How blessed we are to know the Weaver who takes the tangled mess and skillfully creates His intended masterpiece. To know that every good gift and every adversity is from His hand. That He holds you as firmly today as the day you stepped into His presence. That He carries us through all of our days with faithfulness.

And on your birthday, we remember the beginning of your story. We remember the immeasurable ways you blessed us. We remember light and joy and laughter. We remember the things you loved: sunflowers and vintage clothes and children. Books and coffee and people. God and His word.

What if you got to know the heart of God so well that you became stunned by His goodness? What if your personal experience of His kindness to you left you amazed? And what if exactly that kind of intimate knowledge of Him is a key part of the fear of the Lord? Join me today as we discuss these delightful questions!

You see? Fearing the Lord does not mean being afraid of Him. I will add, that His enemies should indeed be very afraid of Him, and they are! Satan and all his hosts of darkness tremble and flee before the majesty of His presence. Ironically, the ones that have legitimate reason to be afraid of Him do not operate out of the proper fear of the Lord. To fear the Lord is to hate evil (Prov. 8:13), and His enemies instead love it. We can conclude then, that being afraid of God, and properly fearing Him, are mutually exclusive. They do not go together. They are polar opposites, in fact.

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him, 18 having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints

On the news, all we hear about is wildfires, floods, hurricanes, school shootings, bombings, and murders. We want to see something good. We want to experience the innocence and love in animals and the virtue and kindness in people.

You can express your goodness in so many ways. For instance, you can donate to charities that help people affected by natural disasters. You can contribute money to the Red Cross or ASPCA, or you can take food to the local homeless shelter or dog food or beds to your local animal shelter. Additionally, you can foster dogs, take in rescue animals, or bring coats to the homeless on the street. Show up to serve dinner at a shelter or adopt a family for the holidays. Visit a sick neighbor or bring a shut-in groceries.

Lend me your ears now for two stories, and see if you can detect the common denominator they share. The first is one of those ripping good parables that Jesus told about our Heavenly Father. Once upon a time, there was a wealthy man who, early one morning, dropped by the marketplace, which was the ancient equivalent to the unemployment office. There he hired a bunch of guys to work in his vineyard for an agreed upon rate of pay. A few hours later, he went back again and then again later that same day, each time employing more and more men. In fact, as Jesus told it, the owner of the vineyard hired extra workers right up until quitting time. The last men were hired just one hour before sunset. ff782bc1db

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