So, I urge you to educate yourself and others on this solemn day. There are websites below featuring amazing organizations to get involved with or suggestions of ways to remember on Memorial Day. A few suggestions I have are to visit a memorial, run in honor of a fallen soldier, take a moment of silence at 3 p.m., and pray for or reach out to our Gold Star families.

So then what is religious freedom? Our time in Oman did not answer this question for me. Rather, our discussions with Omani Christians and Muslims as well as our Bangladeshi peers demonstrated how complex this concept truly is. Neither Oman nor the United States is perfect when it comes to their treatment of different religions. And yet, Oman turned a mirror to the United States to reveal what can be easily overlooked when you are otherwise in the middle of it.

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Our Vans & Bullis are compact and functional with two sleeping areas, a kitchen, a cosy sitting area and many storage possibilities. Thanks to the pop-up roof, you have plenty of freedom of movement even when standing. If you're not sure which vehicle suits you, you can find a comparison of all our van categories here.

Our motorhomes are an absolute space miracle. Everything here is spacious and cosy! Living area with panoramic window and kitchen, two large sleeping areas and a first-class bathroom! There is plenty of space, storage and freedom of movement even for the whole family. If you're not sure which vehicle suits you, you can find a comparison of all our RV categories here.

In a world where information is at our fingertips, it's easy to overlook the critical role of libraries in preserving the freedom to think, learn, and express ourselves. The First Amendment of the Constitution guarantees our right to free speech, but did you know that this also covers our freedom to access and share information?

A democracy relies on well-informed citizens who can make decisions based on a wide range of information. In addition, intellectual freedom encourages a variety of thoughts and opinions, leading to progress and innovation.

Libraries are centers of intellectual freedom. They offer collections of books and resources that represent diverse ideas, subjects, and topics, and make those collections available to everyone in the community, regardless of origin, age, or status. Libraries allow individuals to explore different ideas and viewpoints and formulate their own opinions. To learn more about your rights as a library user, visit the American Library Association's Bill of Rights, opens a new window.

When libraries strive to build diverse collections to support intellectual freedom, collections may include content that some find controversial or offensive. It's normal to come across ideas different from what we believe in a country that values free speech. However, some people seek to censor or ban books and topics they find objectionable, making them inaccessible to others. Librarians work to combat this form of censorship by observing Banned Books Week, a week in late September or early October dedicated to raising awareness about the ongoing issue of censorship and emphasizing the importance of intellectual freedom in our communities. Learn more about Banned Books Week, opens a new window.

Join us on October 1st for Book Jam: A fREADom Festival, celebrating intellectual freedom and unrestricted reading together with the music of talented young musicians. Learn more about the role that libraries play in fostering an informed citizenry and supporting a healthy democracy.

Gabe, you mentioned briefly in the documentary (Kiss the Ground) how going off the government subsidies was one of the best things that happened to you and your ranch. My question is, mainly: In what ways? Did eliminating the need for government subsidies increase your financial resilience? Did it provide you the ability to set your own prices in the market? Did it increase your capital input while reducing your operating costs?

One of the greatest joys I have had in my regenerative journey has been that of refusing to accept all the government subsidies that are so prevalent in production agriculture today. I can best describe that joy as a feeling of freedom. Freedom? (I can almost see farmers rolling their eyes as they read that.) Yes, freedom.

Why freedom? Farmers and ranchers are very proud individuals. They think of themselves as being very independent. They like to be in control. They believe that they make all of the decisions on their farm. However, in most instances, that is far from the truth.

The farmer (a serf) is now beholden to the government, giving up his/her freedom and must plant that specific crop species within the constraints of that insurance policy. These constraints include many that are antithetical to healthy ecosystems.

David Weaver understands entering into a franchise opportunity will shape your future for many years to come. David offers his expertise and dedication to helping you find the perfect franchise to fit your needs. He personally works with you and will do the research necessary to help ensure your success. Being a business owner himself he has the know-how and drive to help transform your financial and personal lives forever through the power of franchising.

Those banners were removed recently, but, because so many people refuse to get vaccinated, and new variants develop and spread, those banners might return. I would love to have the freedom not to wear a mask. But we can only get that if we all wear masks until this pandemic is over. You and I individually are not free to do whatever we like until we can collectively be free of this pandemic.

For our freedom and yours (Polish: Za nasz i wasz wolno) is one of the unofficial mottos of Poland. It is commonly associated with the times when Polish soldiers, exiled from the partitioned Poland, fought in various independence movements all over the world.[1][2] First seen during a patriotic demonstration to commemorate the Decembrists, held in Warsaw on January 25, 18311, it was most probably authored by Joachim Lelewel.[3] The initial banner has the inscription in both Polish and Russian, and was meant to underline that the victory of Decembrists would also have meant liberty for Poland. The slogan got shorter with time; the original had the form 'In the name of God, for our freedom and yours' ('W imi Boga za Nasz i Wasz Wolno'). The original banner has been preserved in the collection of Muzeum Wojska Polskiego in Warsaw.

Certain things about the Christian life are important and certain other things are far more important than the ones that are important. If we focus on the less important, we will build a prison for ourselves and for others that will rob us of our freedom. You can focus on rules, regulations, propriety, and programs for righteousness; or you can focus on Christ and your relationship with him.

Section 1. We the People have compelling sovereign interests in the freedom of speech, representative self-government, federalism, the integrity of the electoral process, and the political equality of natural persons.

Banned Books Week celebrates intellectual freedom and spotlights the value of open access to information. WCCLS supports the idea that the freedom to read is essential to our democracy. Free access to books, ideas, and information in public libraries is essential for education, employment, and self-government.

Banned Books Week, Oct. 1 to 7, 2023, draws attention to books that have been targeted for removal or restriction in libraries. The content of the books targeted for restriction varies over time, but the reason they are targeted remains the same: a belief that individual adults and parents cannot be trusted to choose their own reading material or that of their children. Instead of empowering readers and parents, censorship and book challenges restrict freedom.

Update: On Tuesday, Sept. 26, the Board of County Commissioners unanimously declared their support for the freedom to read in Washington County, by officially declaring the first week of October Banned Books Week in Washington County. Tattersall and library staff from Tualatin Public Library, Hillsboro Public Library, and Garden Home Community Library, presented the Banned Books Week proclamation, which was then adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Watch a video of the presentation and proclamation.

Stop by the library this week to check out our Banned Books Week pop-up display, and grab a button and bookmark to show your support for the freedom to read. We've also curated a Banned and Challenged Books eBook and audiobook collection in OverDrive.

Alert: To respond to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) or Privacy Act (PA) request as quickly as possible, we will stop accepting requests by fax or email on Dec. 16, 2022. We strongly encourage you to use our online FOIA request and response service.

Step 4: Make your FOIA request online to avoid mailing, paper processing, and returned mail that could make it take much longer to process your request. You can also use this service to receive records online, if you already submitted a request by mail. See the chart below.

If you prefer to make your request by mail, download, complete, print, and sign Form G-639, Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Request (PDF, 436.26 KB). Form G-639 ensures we receive the correct information to fulfill your request if you make it by mail.

You may draft and mail a request for records that meets statutory FOIA procedures without using Form G-639. If you do this, USCIS cannot process your request as efficiently as possible. If you mail your request, you may be more likely to omit some information we need to fulfill your request, which could delay you from receiving the records you requested.

However you make your request, be as specific as possible about which documents you need. We can respond to requests for specific documents faster than for large set of records, such as entire A-Files. e24fc04721

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