Use the Yammer data export API to export all other content from your Yammer network, such as Messages, Users, Groups and Topics. The model parameters can be adapted to the content types that need to be exported.

The Yammer Files Export API is asynchronous. An initial request is made to the API and an export request ID is returned. The data export begins processing on the backend. Further requests are made using the request ID to check on progress. Once the request has processed another URL to the final export download is provided. This is a simple HTTP download compared to the streaming approach used by the Data Export API.

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A successful response will return a status of complete, with two URLs, first URL containing files from the export, and a second URL containing a CSV with metadata regarding the downloaded files. The download URL automatically expires in one week week as indicated in the expiry time. Do not share the download URLs with individuals who shouldn't have access to the data.

Comprehensive Data Export: Export all the data on your network, including messages (including previous versions), Files, topics, users, and groups. Note: We recommend downloading data with files by using a one-day range, to reduce the likelihood of errors caused by an unreliable data connection. If there are a lot of files on the specified day, we recommend exporting by using a one-hour range.

For the external user that is a group member, VAs only receive threads that the external user explicitly participated in (posted a message to). If there is a message in the group that the user did not participate in, it will not be available in the data export.

until: Indicates the end date of the export. All exported changes will have occurred on or before this date (Note: Since export is looking at the until date at 00:00 GMT, use until today+1 if you cannot see the models created on the day of the export). If you're planning on a very large export, use "until" to break up the export into manageable pieces (data exports of a very large size may fail). Must be encoded as an ISO- 8601 date. If this value is not provided, until defaults to the current date.

If there are errors exporting any data, the data export will be a partial export. In this case, the log.txt will contain details of what failed to export. The best way to avoid partial failures is to export smaller timeframes at a time. Large data exports are more likely to fail.

Group Insights

You can find this on the right-hand column of the group. This gives you some data about the number of people, messages and views. However, this does not give any information about the content, so this was not of interest to them.

Exporting the network data

This option allows a Yammer Network Admin to make an extract of all conversations, dates, people and what not between two dates. This was a suitable answer to their question so we set about to make this happen.

It is not possible to export the conversations of one group only, so it took some figuring out if and how we could do this in a responsible way:

If they were to start this project now, I would probably advise Teams rather than Yammer. But I have not been able to find any way to export the data, nor is a new Teams post a trigger for Flow at this moment. So I am not sure if Teams would have met their reporting requirements.

tyGraph allows you to easily gain deeper insights into your Yammer data. Power BI allows you to analyze and monitor that data, by offering out-of-box content built from your tyGraph data. This content pack includes a dashboard, a set of reports and...

End goal here is to do everything in R (getting data,cleaning,sentiment analysis...the cleaning and sentiment analysis part is done but as of now the getting data part is manual and i would like to automate that by handling it from R)

What are you trying to achieve with this? If you are just looking to collect data then you can always use the data export API to download the network data instead for analysis. This requires an Enterprise network.

I want to create some dashboards and reports based on the yammer data. I found a interesting link to get through this _dizeregas_blog/archive/2014/04/09/yammer-analytics-with-excel-and-power-bi.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage

I am performing the same steps as mentioned in the above link but there is some issue with yammer export processor ( ) as when I am selecting my network it throughs an error for saying "error validating user as a network admin

Please note that the site is a project site that the author of the referenced MSDN blog constructed, and as such is a personal project for demonstration purposes, not a part of the Yammer service.

If the site uses the data export API, the user initiating the export must be a "verified admin" on the Yammer network. There is another permissions level called "network admin", which sometimes causes confusion.

IMHO, any large organization needs something like this. There are usually tons of company-specific questions around data & reporting: where to get data from, how to clean / transform, how to interpret etc.

For maximum efficiency extracting the gold will require you to sink shafts through your data and use a crusher and a washer. Like exploring for real gold, data can only give an approximation where to sink a shaft. It takes human interpretation to position it accurately and to translate the discovery into a meaningful nugget complete with its story. Whilst this approach seems data intensive you should not rule out good fortune when nuggets are brought directly to your attention by your community.

I have a client interested in pulling Yammer data down into QlikView. From your post above I gather that you did manage to extract some data over their API, but the problem was with downloading large amounts of data. Is that correct?

They now have a download function in their admin tools that can be used to download a bulk amount of data and can then be scheduled as well. It creates CSV files. I am interested to see how the unstructured Yammer data actually looks in a CSV format!!!

Before creating a flow to collect Yammer data to Excel spreadsheet, please create connections to both Yammer and Excel storage account. Say you are using the connector Excel business (SharePoint) on your side. You could configure your flow likes below:

My company tracks the efficacy of its internal communications using data pulled manually from SharePoint and Yammer. This data is entered, by hand, into Lists and pulled into a Power BI for further analysis.

All of the data needed to calculate engagement rate is available to every user in SharePoint and Yammer. But we can't find a way to automatically pull that info into a central database (again, we are currently using Lists) that would provide real-time updates and integrate with Power BI.

Yammer tenant-to-tenant migration is the process of transferring Yammer network data from one Yammer network (tenant) to another. This might be necessary in situations such as company mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures, where two separate Yammer networks need to be combined or separated.

Yammer tenant-to-tenant migration is different from migrating Yammer data to another platform or application, such as moving Yammer data to a different social network or collaboration tool. Tenant-to-tenant migration specifically involves transferring data between two Office 365 tenants while preserving the existing Yammer network structure and features. During the migration process, all data within the Yammer network, including users, groups, messages, files, and other Yammer content, is transferred from the source tenant to the target tenant. The migration process can be complex and may require careful planning and execution to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to users.

This involves taking steps to ensure that the source Yammer network is ready for migration and the target Yammer network is ready to receive data from the source Yammer network. This may include disabling the automatic provisioning of users, cleaning up data, and making necessary changes to user permissions.

After the data transfer is complete, verify that all data has been successfully migrated and is accessible in the target Yammer network. Communicate with users about the migration and provide training and support as needed to ensure a smooth transition.

Data loss or corruption. If data is not migrated properly or is corrupted during the transfer, it can result in data loss or corruption, which can cause issues in the target Yammer network.

Microsoft Yammer is an enterprise collaboration tool for messaging, meetings and file sharing. If you are a Microsoft Yammer user, you can use Amazon Kendra to index your Microsoft Yammer data source.

Checked each document is unique in Microsoft Yammer and across other data sources you plan to use for the same index. Each data source that you want to use for an index must not contain the same document across the data sources. Document IDs are global to an index and must be unique per index.

We recommend that you regularly refresh or rotate your credentials and secret. Provide only the necessary access level for your own security. We do not recommend that you re-use credentials and secrets across data sources, and connector versions 1.0 and 2.0 (where applicable).

To connect Amazon Kendra to your Microsoft Yammer data source, you must provide the necessary details of your Microsoft Yammer data source so that Amazon Kendra can access your data. If you have not yet configured Microsoft Yammer for Amazon Kendra, see Prerequisites.

On the Review and create page, check that the information you have entered is correct and then select Add data source. You can also choose to edit your information from this page. Your data source will appear on the Data sources page after the data source has been added successfully. ff782bc1db

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