I would like to remove unwanted Windows 11 apps that is not productive to users like Solitaire, News, Xbox etc... so, I wrote a powershell script to do this and it is not running and executing properly, even though I tried running the same PS script on a regular desktop which works.

So, my thoughts are, is there a way to do this in Intune by selecting applications through CSP and removing it for all devices that is in Intune and Azure AD joined or if you even have a better script that would do the job by running it through Intune, I would appreciate if you could provide one.

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thank you for providing this link, I'm following through the steps provided on the website and I'm new to writing PowerShell so just thought id ask a question, with the final part of the script that executes the removal of the application, does that part of the script need to be repeated for each application ? providing each display name for every application I'm looking to remove, or is there an easier way to do it ?

@Dylan_HarleyHi Dyan, if you look toward the bottom of the script, there is a for each loop, so the loop it running through each item in the $ProvisionedPackages List which comes from the $UninstalledPackages variable, Notices that when loop executes on trying to remove the package it is done in a Try statement, which is used in exception handling, if the try statements fails then an log is written to a file.

This is a basic Script that mounts XISO using xbox-iso-vfs and Dokan v2, so that you can use CXBX-Reloaded with ISO's

As i have been using Xemu as a daily driver i always like to check in with the other Emulators out there, as updates are happening quickly, i did not want to have an extracted ISO folder and an ISO folder, so this was my solution to have my cake and eat it too!

Hello All,

I am trying to remove some preinstalled apps on my computers.

I found Powershell Script to do that.

When trying to run it as a task , i receive Complete status but nothing gets removed.

I tried to create a PS1 file and run it, same thing

are there additional commands I need to add , for this to work??

Thank you in advance

In terms of your current scripting and if you are not running BF10 you have curly braces so they need to be escaped in the action script. To escape them, for each open curly brace in the powershell, replace it with two open curly braces. { becomes {{

I have BigFix 10.0.4 patch

I know that it supposed to work directly by pasting the script

Unfortunately , it fails every time. I tried your version too. I receive a complete status, but nothing is being executed

PowerShell is an object-oriented automation engine and scripting language with an interactive command-line shell that Microsoft developed to help IT professionals configure systems and automate administrative tasks.

Built on the .NET framework, PowerShell works with objects, whereas most command-line shells are based on text. PowerShell is a mature and well-proven automation tool for system administrators employed in both IT departments and external entities, such as managed service providers, because of its scripting capabilities.

PowerShell originated as a proprietary offering that was only available on Windows. Today, PowerShell is available by default on most recent Windows systems; simply type "powershell" into the Windows search bar to locate the PowerShell app. In 2016, Microsoft open sourced PowerShell and made it available on Linux and macOS.

Microsoft designed PowerShell to automate system tasks, such as batch processing, and to create system management tools for commonly implemented processes. The PowerShell language, similar to Perl, offers several ways to automate tasks:

Admins can use PowerShell to handle a wide range of activities. It can extract information on OSes, such as the specific version and service pack levels. "PowerShell providers" are programs that make data contained in specialized data stores accessible at the command line. Those data stores include file system drives and Windows registries.

PowerShell also serves as the replacement for Microsoft's Command Prompt, which dates back to DOS. Microsoft, for example, made PowerShell the default command-line interface (CLI) for Windows 10 as of build 14791. PowerShell's role as a command-line shell is how most users become acquainted with the technology.

The most appealing reason to use any kind of CLI is the potential for precise and repeatable control over a desired action or task flow that is difficult, or even impossible, to replicate with a traditional GUI.

Consider using a GUI to perform an intricate task. It can involve clicking buttons, moving sliders, selecting files from multilayered menus and other actions. GUIs were designed to be comfortable for humans to use, but they can be time-consuming, cumbersome and error-prone -- especially when a task must be repeated hundreds or thousands of times.

In contrast, PowerShell offers a CLI with a mature and detailed scripting language that enables a user with rudimentary programming skills to craft a detailed set of specific instructions, or a script, for a desired task. The task can be just about anything, from finding a desired file to describing a desired state configuration for the system or other systems. Once the script is created, it can be saved as a file and executed with a click, enabling the same task to be repeated exactly the same way for any number of repetitions. Different scripts can also be chained together to create complex and highly detailed tasks.

These simple-sounding characteristics are absolutely essential for automation and scalability -- letting the computer do the work as much as is needed for the environment. Thus, PowerShell can help system administrators perform complex and highly repetitive tasks with a high level of automation and accuracy that a GUI simply can't replicate.

Discoverability. Users can discover PowerShell's features using cmdlets, such as Get-Command, which creates a list of all the commands -- including cmdlets and functions -- available on a given computer. Parameters can be used to narrow the scope of the search.

Help capabilities. Users can learn more about PowerShell principles and particular components, such as cmdlets, through the Get-Help cmdlet. The -online parameter provides access to help articles on the web if available for a particular topic.

Remote commands. Admins can perform remote operations on one or multiple computers, taking advantage of technologies such as Windows Management Instrumentation and WS-Management. The WS-Management protocol, for example, lets users run PowerShell commands and scripts on remote computers.

Pipelining. With PowerShell, commands can be linked together through the pipe operator, symbolized as |. This approach lets the output from a given command become the input for the next command in the pipeline sequence. The PowerShell pipeline lets objects, rather than text strings, flow from one cmdlet to another. This powerful capability is important for complex and detailed automation scripts.

With PowerShell 4.0, Microsoft introduced a configuration management platform called Desired State Configuration (DSC), which admins can use to set a specific configuration for a server. After the admin defines the server settings, PowerShell ensures the target nodes retain that desired state. DSC has two modes of operation: push mode and pull mode.

In push mode, a server sends notifications to the nodes. It's a one-way communication, where the admin sends notifications from a workstation. Setup costs are less because management runs from a device, but a notification can get lost if the device isn't connected to the network.

In pull mode, the IT department creates a pull server with the configuration details of each node using a Managed Object Format file. Each node contacts the pull server to check for a new configuration. If the new configuration is available, the pull server sends the configuration to the node. Admins can manage all devices regardless of their network connection. When a device connects to the network, it automatically contacts the pull server to check for a new configuration.

Admins use these resources to configure components, such as registry keys and Windows services, or to create and manage local users through a configuration script. For instance, the File resource manages files and folders, the Environment resource manages environment variables and the Registry resource manages the registry keys of a node. Windows default, or built-in, DSC resources include the following:

PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE), introduced by Microsoft in PowerShell version 2.0, is a PowerShell host application used to write, test and debug scripts or write commands in a Windows GUI. To access the ISE, click Start, select Windows PowerShell and choose Windows PowerShell ISE. As an alternative, simply type powershell_ise.exe in the command shell or Windows Run box.

PowerShell ISE has sophisticated features that are familiar to Windows users. For instance, a user can highlight and copy a portion of a PowerShell command with a mouse or with the Shift + Arrow hot-key combination. The user can also paste the content anywhere in the editor window.

The F5 key launches a command directly from the editor. To execute a particular line, select it and press F8. The context-sensitive help displays matching cmdlets when the user starts to enter a command. A command add-on shows a list of cmdlets to select.

PowerShell modules enable admins to reuse a script to automate a task. A PowerShell module can be defined as a set of PowerShell elements -- such as cmdlets, providers, functions, workflows, variables and aliases -- that are grouped to manage all the aspects of a particular area. PowerShell modules enable admins to reference, load, persist and share code. The simplest way to create a PowerShell module is to save the script as a PSM1 file. 152ee80cbc

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