"X-plane to GPS" in conjunction with Avare (free app) is what I use with x-plane and in real world. Both are available in the Google Play Store. Avare maps (US only) are sectionals, low and high reroute, etc. It has approach plates, SIDS, STARS and chart supplement as well. If you're interested in flying with real aviation maps and resources, this is one good way to do it.

AR is horrible at Vertical mono-color detection using standard cameras without the additional depth sensors. You can use various techniques from horizontal planes in the view, to color differences, to Rays to the floor to attempt to overcome this, but it is no easy task and doesn't make for the best user experience. So as much as we are all dying to do some vertical wall detection and AR placement without having hacky work arounds to identify it, it's just not there yet.

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Unfortunately the framework is limited by (read: enabled by) the computer vision models that it uses to detect planes. The plane discovery controller (i.e. the "move the phone around" step) is a nudge to the user to provide the models with the depth information through the camera that they need to detect those planes. Removing this step won't speed up the process, it'll just leave the user without any instructions.

Without improvements to the core plane detection models I wouldn't expect that there's a way to make this faster. The best that we can do is come up with UX nudges that encourage the user to move the phone laterally more efficiently.

Freeflight: In this option you can set up a custom flight scenario. Pick a plane and start flying, or customize the experience with additional options. The Freeflight section has additional details.

Modify Flight: Tap this to modify the flight conditions. Similar to the initial Freeflight screen, weather, time of day & failures can be adjusted here. Tap the plane icon in the bottom right corner to return to the flight. Note this option is not available in tutorials or challenges.

You can adjust the Payload Weight to simulate passengers, baggage or cargo. An airplane can typically stay in the air at very high weights, but it will have a hard time getting off the ground initially.

VOR signals (that is, signals from a Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range transmitter) were the next chronological step in navigational technology. VOR transmitters work by sending a series of 360 discrete little carrier tones on a main frequency. Each of these carriers is oriented along a different radial from the station, one of 360 just like on a compass rose. Thus, when a pilot is flying along and tunes in the main VOR frequency, s/he then fine tunes the navigation display to tell which of the 360 radials the aircraft is flying, and also whether the transmitter station is in front of or behind the plane.

For small, general aviation planes, select the country the aircraft is registered in from the drop down, then type in up to five additional characters. For airliners, your callsign should be your airline and flight number (e.g., American flight 123 would have a registration of AAL 123). You can also reset to default or randomize the registration if desired.

VOR navigation: Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range navigation; this is navigation based on radio signals sent out by a VOR beacon. Light airplanes often track these signals using an Omni-Bearing Indicator, or OBI.

Take Flightradar24 with you wherever you go with the best flight tracker app for iOS and Android. The #1 app in over 150 countries, our plane tracker app lets you follow live air traffic around the world from your mobile device. See detailed information about each flight on a moving map in real-time or just point your device at the sky to see what flights are passing overhead. Download the best flight tracker app to see how millions of people are tracking flights with Flightradar24.

Hello! I am a long-time fan of x-plane mobile and am truly excited over the upcoming global update. A while ago I switched to a Huawei P20, and though the game looks beautiful on the phone, I've been having some issues particularly with control touching.

There are only two limitations in X-Plane Mobile that I think readers should be aware of, but both of them are inevitable consequences of the high realism of the sim. First, without a proper rudder and with very realistic flight forces at work, takeoffs with propeller aeroplanes become virtually impossible. You can control the rudder sliding your finger on the screen, but my gut feeling is that it is probably best not to use it at all if you do not want to forget using pedals once you are back on a real aeroplane. This is a limitation for one of the two free aircraft on offer, the Cessna 172, where on takeoff quite a lot of rudder is needed because of the propeller. Obviously, this also reduces the realism of landings and takeoffs (with any aeroplane) with a strong crosswind, and of asymmetric multi-engine flying.

Hi, You could buy an Amazon Fire Table (good value) and turn it into an android tablet. This gives you access to Google Play apps such as Touch Portal which allows you to quire easily create your own button layout to emulate keyboard commands alternatively there apps to run gauges via web api.

that sounds interesting...I am a Mac/X plane user. Mac doesn't support touch.Could I set up my keyboard commands in X plane as usual and then use the tablet touch to trigger my X plane commands??and would this get around the Mac touch issue???

One thing I know is a bit lacking at the moment is AR on the web. I know iOS only runs safari (or in the background anyway) and that safari/apple are super behind on innovation in their browser, probably because they want people to continue using apps. However I thought android/chrome was pretty advanced on Web AR?

If you are looking for a different solution outside of a browser (perhaps in a mobile app), then Babylon Native has implementations of WebXR targeting ARCore for Android and ARKit for iOS both with plane detection support.

Both are on the same WIFI, the PC is connected via cable to the router, the tablet of course is wireless. Can that setup cause the problem? Or is it a setting in X-plane I have wrong? I have tried for days, viewed many youtube clips etc. no success.

The 2D Milky Way Planner in particular will allow you to simulate the arch of the galactic plane as an overlay on top of a map. I like this feature in particular because it makes it easy to plan your shooting position in order to align your landscape with the Milky Way.

The Hack in the Box (#HITB2013AMS) security conference in Amsterdam has a very interesting lineup of talks [pdf]. One that jumped out was the Aircraft Hacking: Practical Aero Series presented by Hugo Teso, a security consultant at n.runs in Germany. According to the abstract, This presentation will be a practical demonstration on how to remotely attack and take full control of an aircraft, exposing some of the results of my three years research on the aviation security field. The attack performed will follow the classical methodology, divided in discovery, information gathering, exploitation and post-exploitation phases. The complete attack will be accomplished remotely, without needing physical access to the target aircraft at any time, and a testing laboratory will be used to attack virtual airplanes systems.

By taking advantage of two new technologies for the discovery, information gathering and exploitation phases of the attack, and by creating an exploit framework (SIMON) and an Android app (PlaneSploit) that delivers attack messages to the airplanes' Flight Management Systems (computer unit + control display unit), he demonstrated the terrifying ability to take complete control of aircrafts by making virtual planes "dance to his tune."

Yet many planes no longer have old analog instruments for manual flying. Teso said he could take control of most all airplane systems; he could even cause the plane to crash by setting it on a collision course with another plane. He could also give the passengers a serious adrenaline rush by making the oxygen masks drop down.

Another Hack in the Box security conference presentation is also about airplane insecurity, but it is more focused on airport insecurity. Beyond TSA checkpoints: Weaponizing everyday items sold in airports.

The photo is from my iPad with Lidar. Do I need to tick any box specially to say I want to use Lidar so it detects the plane surfaces properly using the Lidar sensor, but I have faced a similar problem on my Android pixel 3xl?

How does one control a plane in GTA San Andreas on Android (with the touch interface)? The virtual joystick is hard to control precisely, but so far (before the flying school) it was used only for walking and a little for swimming, so it was fine. Is there a way to control going up and down (pitch) separately from turning left and right (roll and yaw)?

The controls on flying with the analog stick are very hard to master and can be very frustrating. I thought turning the sensitivity up or down would help but found the same result of crashing or overcorrecting my movements. The best way in my opinion is to give it enough gas to get in the air then keep it off unless I need to give it gas like to get higher and when it comes to steering move it in slight and quick movements. Because holding it longer will make you go all over the place and miss coronas like in flight school or the plane races. Keeping your finger off the accelerator will make it slower and give you move control. I hope this helps alot.

Airplane mode is a setting on cell phones, smartphones and other mobile devices that prevents the device from sending or receiving calls and text messages. Airplane mode is also known as offline mode, standalone mode and flight mode.

Some airlines are beginning to implement in-flight Wi-Fi but transmission functions have not, until recently, been allowed during air travel. The most commonly stated explanation for barring wireless connectivity during flights is the need to prevent interference with the plane's onboard communications. There is some controversy as to whether that explanation is valid. In any case, however, cellular networks are not equipped to deal with devices connecting from flight heights and moving at flight speeds. ff782bc1db

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