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Editor's Note: For the first time since the inception of this column,we are offering an in-depth review of a software package. It is ourhope to review other packages from time to time. We would like ourreaders' opinions of this new feature and any thoughts they may have onspecific application areas or programs of interest. Please send yourcomments to this department editor. "What's New" is suspended for thisissue, and will return next month. Accounting software packages cover a wide range of capabilities, witha price range to match. Introductory single module packages can bepurchased for less than $100 while sophisticated high end packages areavailable in multiple modules at prices up to almost $1,000 per module.To a large degree, when you pay more for a package you get morefunctionality, but if you do not need them, it is foolish to pay forcapabilities that will not be used. Furthermore, simpler packages aregenerally easier to use. The package reviewed here, One-Write Plus by Great American Software,is generally considered a low end package, even though its price is notthe lowest available. It is available in four modules, each of whichcan be purchased and used separately. The Master Module handles CashReceipts, Cash Disbursements, General Ledger and Financial Statements.Also available are modules for Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable,and Payroll, but these are not reviewed at this time. There is also asupplemental package called Datalink, but more about that later. When used alone, the Master Module offers a simple cash basis systemfor smaller clients. There is a strong need for such a package amongaccountants with clients whose needs are simple and whose knowledge ofaccounting and of computers is not extensive. However, there is not agreat deal of such software on the market. Because it is very easy touse, One-Write Plus has been very popular. The manufacturer claims thatthere are over 20,000 users in the U.S. The capacities of the programare as follows: . General ledger account code length: 4 or 6 digits; .Largest transaction amount accepted: $9,999,999,99; . Maximum number ofaccounts on a hard disk system: 500; . Maximum number of accounts on afloppy system: 250; . Maximum number of different cash/checkingaccounts: 99; . Maximum number of different companies on the system:99. Initial Setup The package comes with many preset charts of accounts which can beaccepted as is, or modified to user requirements. The pre-set chartsavailable appear in Figure 1. There is also a "create your own" optionwhich offers considerable flexibility, but requires that accounts be setup within fixed numerical ranges. For example, account numbers forcurrent assets must fall between 1000 and 1499, property and equipmentmust be between 1500 and 1699, current liabilities must be between 2000and 2699, and so forth. In addition to the expected instruction manuals, the package comeswith a booklet, "For Your Accountant." This contains a brief descriptionof the system, a guide to setting up charts of accounts, and worksheetson which a chart of accounts can be entered. The rationale behind thisbooklet is that a client's accountant can set up the required chart ofaccounts on the worksheets, and the client merely has to key theinformation into the system. The name of the package, One-Write Plus, comes from the fact that thesystem is based on the old manual one-write accounting systems orpegboard accounting familiar to many accountants and clients. The dataentry screen for Cash Disbursements (Figure 2) looks like a check laidover a one-write journal sheet, while the Cash Receipts screen (Figure3) combines a cash receipt form and a journal in similar manner. Theaccount names and numbers which appear on the journal sheet are set upby the user. A maximum of 50 account columns can be set up, as well asMiscellaneous columns. Data Entry The data entry screens are very easy to use because they resemblefamiliar manual forms. Moving from one screen to another is very easy,and the ESC key will back the user up to the previous menu. Unlike someprograms on the market, the commonly used keys on the keyboard doexactly what you would expect. The backspace key backspaces and erases,the delete key deletes forward and the arrow keys move the cursor in thedirection of the arrow. The program was tested on a hard disk computerand the screen changes were very rapid. The package automatically picksup the computer's system date for data entry purposes, but you canchange this date to work on a previous accounting period. Cash Disbursements The user can enter check payment data and have the checks printed bythe computer, or information can be keyed in from previously writtenmanual checks. Check numbers are incremented automatically during checkentry after you key in the starting number. However, theseautomatically assigned numbers can be overridden if desired. Whenentering a check, a 25 character alphanumeric field is available fordescription of the payment. In check entry, you may distribute the check to single or multipleaccounts by moving the cursor to the appropriate account columnpreviously set up on the screen. When distributing to multipleaccounts, after each distributing, any amount remaining undistributedautomatically appears on the screen. If you want to charge an expensethat was not previously set up as a column you can enter it through amiscellaneous column. If you do not recall the proper account numbers,they can be displayed on a pop-up menu by using a Function Key. If youare not certain what account to use, you need not stop the entryprocess. The distribution can be made to a Temporary DistributionAccount which can be redistributed later to the proper account. When cash disbursements are being entered, the screen shows theremaining balance in the appropriate checking account. This balance isautomatically reduced as each check is entered. A check transaction canbe easily changed or cancelled before entry. Normally, you would batchprint computer checks, but if you need a check in a hurry, you can "hotprint" a check by printing it out at the time it is entered and posted. Supplementing the cash disbursement process is a system called"Vendor/Customer Cards." These are disk records which contain the fullname and address of vendors or customers and the account that should becharged or credited for them. The account number can be overridden ifdesired. The program also has a search facility whereby you can searchthe files and locate any previous transactions by date, payee name,payee address, check number or account number. Wild card searches canalso be initiated by using the asterisk. With computer-printed checks, you can first print a pre-check reportto review before actual check printing. During the process of postingto the general ledger, a posting register is printed first and you aregiven a chance to confirm the accuracy of the register before the actualposting takes place. Cash Receipts The process for cash receipts is generally the same as cashdisbursements. Individual bank deposits can be recorded separately andfunds can be transferred between accounts in one of two ways: either acheck can be drawn on one account and deposited to another, or a journalentry can be used. Bank account interest and charges can be easilyhandled. General Ledger Account numbers are normally four digits, but six digits can be usedwith the extra two digits functioning as departmental designation.Before posting, the general journal can be printed to be certain that itis correct. Posting to the general ledger can be made at any time aslong as the posting is made before the close of the accounting period.To be certain that you have posted everything, you must scan the GeneralLedger Report. Unposted items will be indicated, but they do not standout and can be missed. However, it easy to go back and post misseditems. The Temporary Distribution Account mentioned earlier works like aregular account and will appear on the trial balance with the otheraccounts. However it will not print on the financial statements. It ismeant to be temporary only, and must be closed out to permanent accountsbefore statement printing takes place. If this is not done, thestatements will be out of balance, but it is no problem to go back andmake the corrective distribution. When printing any of the general ledger reports, you have the optionsof printing: . Current period; . All periods; . Starting and endingwith selected dates. Detailed posting in the general ledger can beretained for the entire year so that reports can be printed by accountshowing all transactions for the year to date. Journal Entries The journal entry screen is particularly easy to use because itprovides separate columns for debit and credit entries. Some programson the market force you to differentiate debits and credits with a plusor a minus sign, an approach that is cumbersome and errorprone. Plentyof space is provided for journal entry descriptions: three lines of 30alphanumeric characters each. Journal entries that recur each month canbe set up to be automatically entered without re-keying the same dataover again. This automatic feature can be overridden if desired. Month-End Processing This processing, which has its own screen, performs the followingfunctions: . Post cash receipts and disbursements, if not already done;. Print and post general journal entries; . Print trial balance; .Print general ledger; . Print financial statements; . Check to see thatall transactions are posted; . Check disk space to insure that therewill be enough room for next month's transactions. Year-End Processing This processing is controlled by its own screen. It will close allincome and expense accounts to the Equity/Net Worth control account,remove transaction detail from the prior year, and set up the accountingperiod table for the next year. Printing and Reports Available reports are listed in Figure 4. It should be noted that nocash flow statement is provided. This may be created using Datalink,described below; though in view of the new accounting reportingrequirements, it would be expected that this facility will be added tothe package. All reports printed can be handled by an 80-columnprinter. While the data or printing appears on each report, the time ofprinting does not. This can make it difficult to determine the latestreport if different versions of a report are printed on the same day. The Balance Sheet and the Statement of Income and Expenses areavailable in a single format (Figure 5 and 6). You can make only thefollowing changes: . General ledger account can be in regular fourdigit format or in six digit format for departments; . Statements canbe printed for one selected department or for all departments; . Anoptional one-line footnote can appear at the bottom of each financialstatement page. However, through the use of Datalink you have virtuallyunlimited ability to format financial statements and reports. Datalink Datalink is a separate program which interfaces with One-Write Plusand provides linkage to such programs as Multiplan, Lotus 1-2-3, dBase,Wordstar, and other word processing programs. Data link can read detailfields in standard One-Write Plus files such as the following: .General Ledger Accounts. Number, name, and current period balance for13 periods of this year and three for next year. . General LedgerHistory. All debits and credits posted to General Ledger. . CashDisbursements. All checks and cash disbursements for all periods andall cash accounts. . Cash Receipts. All cash receipts recorded for allperiods and all cash accounts. . Journal Entries. All journal entriesfor all periods. . Vendor/Customer Cards. Vendor and customerinformation on "pop-up" cards set up in Master. . Customers. Customerfile for Accounts Receivable module. . Sales/Receipts. All sales andcash receipts for Accounts Receivable module. . Invoices. Inventoryinvoices entered in Accounts Receivable module; Service invoices enteredin Accounts Receivable module; Professional invoices entered in AccountsReceivable module. . Vendors. Vendor file for Accounts Payable module.. Purchases/Checks. All purchases and cash disbursements for AccountsPayable module. . Employees. Information on each employee in Payrollmodule. . Paychecks. All paycheck information in Payroll module. The Datalink program is very logical and easy to use. Instructionsare shown clearly on the screen so that constant reference to the manualis not necessary. Specific fields in the desired files may be selectedor omitted. Selection ranges can be indicated for such fields asAccount Number. The length of a field can be specified as well asformatting details such as commas, minus signs, and parentheses. Theresults of what you select can be previewed on the screen or printedout. Specific field selections for a file can be saved and used again. Through its ability to act as an interface between One-Write Plus andvarious spreadsheet, database, and word processing programs, Datalinkprovides a wide variety of report options to the user. Some examplesare: . Consolidating general ledgers of multiple companies using aspreadsheet; . Creating a budget v. actual report using a spreadsheet;. Creating financial ratios using a database program; . Performing jobcost tracking using a database program; . Creating completelycustomized financial statements using a spreadsheet. Help The program comes with two different manuals, both clearly written.One is a tutorial that walks the user through the entire system usingboth the manual and a tutorial company that is furnished on disk. Thisenables the user to both read about the system and apply this knowledgewith hands-on activity. The second manual is a reference manual whichis well illustrated with sample screens and has a good index. Thismanual contains all error messages that can appear on the screen with anexplanation of each. There is also a glossary of accounting and computerterms. While using the program, there is usually a short help or guidancemessage at the bottom of each entry screen. Often this message changeswhen you move from field to field. The screens also state whichfunction keys are applicable and what they do. Finally, the F1 functionkey will pop up on the screen context-sensitive help messages. Technical assistance is available from Great American Software withoutcharge over the telephone. However, this will be a toll call to NewHampshire. This reviewer was able to set up the program, use it, andget out of some awkward situations relying solely on the manual. Thisis not always the case when reviewing programs. Controls If you exit One-Write Plus and return to the DOS operating system youwill not lose the data from One-Write Plus as long as it has beenentered. Since you would normally enter all data immediately after itis keyed, you are usually safe. The system provides the facility to backup all data files. The DOSutilities for backup or diskcopy are used, but this fact is unimportantto the use of a backup screen. The backup screen gives you thefollowing choices: . Backup files using DOS Backup (hard disk); .Backup files using DOS Diskcopy (floppy disk); . Restore files usingDOS Restore; . Format blank diskettes. The program will remind you toback up files before it will do month-end processing. There are many built-in safeguards to prevent unintended erasure ofdata. You cannot delete an account that has activity. If you void acheck already posted, which you can do, an entry will appear in the CashDisbursements Journal with a void notice in it. The original entry inthe General ledger will be marked as "Void," it will not be erased. Thevoiding will take place in both the cash account and the effectedexpense account so that the General ledger will remain in balance. Printing and posting of journal entries is combined and printing isallowed only to the printer, not to the screen. Thus there is alwaysprinted evidence of all postings. Once a General Ledger entry has beenposted, you cannot edit or change it directly. Any desired changes mustbe made with an adjusting journal entry. You cannot post an unbalancedjournal entry. There are other, less obvious controls in the system. For example,for a check to be printed by the system, there must be a check numberother than zero. In other words, the computer will not print a checkunless it can generate the check number. This prevents the duplicateprinting of checks that were previously prepared manually. In addition,when funds are transferred from one cash account to another, they mustgo through a required account called Cash Transfers. You cannottransfer directly from one cash account to another. Thus an audit trailis preserved. Conclusions One-Write Plus is an extremely easy program to use, and isparticularly well adapted to novice users. Such novices may be new tocomputers, new to accounting, or both. While the module reviewed herewill only handle cash basis accounting, integrating additional modulesfor Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and Payroll is easily done.There is little flexibility, in the reports produced by the system, butmuch of this can be overcome through the use of Datalink. GreatAmerican Software 9 Columbia Drive Amherst, NH 03031 800-528-5015 603-889-5400 in New Hampshire Prices . Each Master, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, orPayroll module: $79.95. . Datalink: $79.95. . Accountant's Desk Copy:$99. (Master module and Datalink for CPAs and accountants only). System Requirements . IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or compatible. . MS-DOSor PC-DOS version 2.1 or higher. . 384k RAM recommended. . Mastermodule requires floppy disk or hard disk. Other modules require harddisk. Home | Contact | Subscribe | Advertise | Archives | NYSSCPA | About The CPA Journal The CPA Journal is broadly recognized as an outstanding, technical-refereed publication aimed at public practitioners, management, educators, and other accounting professionals. It is edited by CPAs for CPAs. Our goal is to provide CPAs and other accounting professionals with the information and news to enable them to be successful accountants, managers, and executives in today's practice environments. ff782bc1db

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