There are different methods available to write over hard drives. Write Zero, also known as Single Overwrite, zero fill erase or zero-fill, is one of the most popular methods. The Write Zero data sanitization method replaces your regular, readable data with zeros, thus preventing all software-based file recovery methods from lifting information from the drive. Since the Write Zero method is useful, how to conduct it exactly?

To write zeros to a hard drive so as to erase all the data, you can format the drive in a special way using the format command from the Command Prompt. Follow the instructions below to see how do I zero fill my hard drive in Windows 10:

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2. Type format g: /fs:NTFS /p:0 and press Enter to format the G drive with the NTFS file system and write zeros to every sector of the drive once. You can change the drive letter and file system based on your need.

When you want to write zeros to a hard drive for wiping data, you can refer to the two solutions mentioned above. Compared to the format command, AOMEI Partition Assistant saves much efforts and time for you. Other than zero-filling a hard drive, you can also change partition type ID and remove write protection on micro SD card Samsung with AOMEI Partition Assistant. Why not give it a try right now?

Start at Step 1 if you need to write zeros to the primary drive, usually C, of any Windows operating system OR if you want to write zeros to any drive on a computer with Windows XP or earlier. Start at Step 6 if you need to write zeros to a drive other than the primary drive in Windows Vista or later; you'll need to have an elevated Command Prompt window open and ready.

Don't worry about the "loading files" message...nothing is being installed anywhere on your computer. System Recovery Options is just starting, which is needed to get to the Command Prompt and ultimately to write zeros to your hard drive.

A single pass of zeros to a hard drive should prevent all software based file recovery programs from extracting information from the drive, which the format command in Windows 7 and Vista does by default. However, you might do two passes via this method just to be safe. Even better, if you'd like to protect yourself from more invasive ways of recovering data, choose a true data destruction program with more advanced options.

I'm attempting to identify the blocks that are tied to a specific file and write zeros to them. I've found several methods that do this to the free space on a disk, but so far I haven't found any slid suggestions for doing the following:

Currently this is being done using dd to write zeros to the free space on the drive. However this has the side effect on VMWare systems to cause the guest OS drive to use the entire disk space it has been allocated as from that point on the system things all the bytes have been written to.

According to this article from Microsoft, zeros are written to an entire disk when it is formatted (not using the quick format option) in Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows. My question is the following:

Quick format is a formatting option that creates a new file table on ahard disk but does not fully overwrite or erase the disk. A quickformat is much faster than a normal format, which fully erases anyexisting data on the hard disk.

HDDerase is processor independant and goes as fast as the disk can write

whereas DBAN is very Processor dependant as it generates the random overwrite data

in the processor before overwriting the sector with the random data

and depending on the system level of security erase used can take a few days to complete

Yesterday I have upgraded WD Data Lifeguard to version 1.21. The bogus Cable Test error in Windows 7 was fixed. Wrote zeros (complete) as before, took about 3.5 hours. Currently I am checking if any files are detected and recoverable with a lowlevel undelete scan. So far so good, no files have been found yet. So it appears the culprit was a bug in WD Data Lifeguard.

I generally run this command on all new storage devices when I first buy them. It allows me to completely scrub anything that might already exist on the drive while also testing write speed and looking for bad blocks. Twice I have found problems with USB sticks by doing this, and I was able to exchange them with the seller for properly working ones without any trouble after showing the results of the dd and subsequent disk checks. It is a very handy utility but, be warned, it will never ask "Are you sure?" before obliterating a partition, and there is no undo. If you make a mistake, you need to have good, recent backups ready.

I would like a simple open source tool (or at least free) for that. It should probably write an as big as possible file full of 0and erase it afterwards. Only one pass (this is not for security reasons but for compression, we are backing up virtual machines).

(it writes zeroes to the unused space, then 0xff, so you have to watch it and stop it with ctrl-c when it begins to write 0xff - not ideal, but it is free and already available in Windows since XP at least)

I too had been looking for a way of using Cipher to only write 0x00 then exit when starting to write 0xFF to the free space. This will allow the maximum free space to be compressed. I have come up with the following basic PowerShell job

Btw, you don't need more than a single pass, either - a claim otherwise is either outdated info for obsolete disk red/write strategies, people pushing products, paranoia driven, or bs passed on as "expert advice".

sfill, or shred which is more generally available (part of coreutils) overwrite the contents of existing files (if everything goes well, e.g. the file system overwrites in place, and see other gotchas mentioned in their manuals).

But as far as I understand, this is not what you need. (Unless can make sure that you only ever delete a file after zeroing it out, which sounds truly cumbersome and hardly feasible.) What you need is to zero the space that's currently unused by any file, so that instead of the remains of previously deleted files (which would still need to be compressed) the unused area is as compressible as possible, that is, preferably full of zeros.

Then, how to write zeros to hard drive in Windows 7/8/10/11? You need to remove the binary data by overwriting the zeros and ones with new data, here use a zero value to replace original and readable data on the disk, thus preventing most hardware-based and all software-based recovery methods from extracting information from the disk. The write zeros method is also called single overwrite, zero-fill erase or zero-fill.

I need to write zeros to hard drive in Windows 7 and ensure all personal files are securely erased before selling out or donating to others.

According to this article from Microsoft, zeros are written to an entire disk when it is formatted (not using the quick format option) in Windows Vista and newer versions of Windows, but it does not mention Windows 7. My question is the following:

Does this also apply to Windows 7? The above article from Microsoft does not specify Windows 7 under "Applies to", although Windows 7 is (to the best of my knowledge) a later version?

This is an entire process of writing zeros to one partition on the hard drive, to destroy hard disk using cmd, you need to repeat Step 1 - Step 6 until all the partitions on the disk are zeroing out.

Step 2. In the wiping type window, you have two options, one is wipe selected partitions & unallocated space on the disk, the other one is wipe disk. To write all zeros to hard drive, select Wipe disk and click Next.

According to Microsoft, full format was the same as a quick format in the Windows XP or earlier version of Windows, but included a disk scan for bad sectors. Thus, even if your perform a full format in Windows XP and earlier version, the format command does not write zeros to the whole disk. But if you use Windows Vista or newer version, the full format command will write zeros to the whole disk.

There are different methods in zero fill hard drive utility to wipe disk, such as, Peter Gutmann, fill sectors with random data, DoD 52220.22-M, and Fill sectors with Zero, but the write zeros method is slightly less destructive than others.

Whether you want to sell out, discard or donate hard drive to others, you can write zeros to hard drive in Windows 7/8/10/11/XP/Vista easily. Please remember to create a file backup or system backup in advance, because all your data will be deleted and cannot be recovered after disk wipe.

One other utility in linux I recently came across is provided by sg3_utils-1.37-19.el7.x86_64 and is sg_sanitize; how fast it may be I do not know, it works at the SCSI level.... sg_sanitize [--quick] --overwrite --zero /dev/sdX and check progress via sg_requests /dev/sdX. This might do better than cat /dev/zero > /dev/device but I don't know.

There is method to my madness I have need to relocate a sector on my root partition which is at the end of the drive so I'm forcing a write on the sector to let the drive electronics re-map it, I'm also testing the rest of the drive (just in case), my Veeam backups were failing on snapshot backup until I found out why, it fixed it.

The behavior of the format command changed in Windows Vista and later Windows versions. By default in Windows Vista and later versions, the format command writes zeros to the whole disk when a full format is performed. In Windows XP and earlier versions of Windows, the format command doesn't write zeros to the whole disk when a full format is performed.

In the on-demand scenario, zeros don't have to be written to the whole disk because the volume storage provider initializes the on-demand-allocated data. To avoid causing unnecessary on-demand-allocation, you must use the quick format option. ff782bc1db

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