My kids and I exchange just one good thing now, typically, since we are trying to go into detail. I also have been jotting down one private good thing for myself, and talking to my husband about a third.

Thankfully, I knew what I wanted to do: to finish writing this book. I wrote this down many times. In multiple ways. In various journals. These written words were material manifestations of my desires. And, at some point along the way, they became reminders of my ability to complete what I had started.

Download Write Down


Microsoft announced a $900 million "inventory adjustment" charge for its Surface RTs, parts and accessories on July 18. That write-down completely overshadowed the performance of the rest of the products and services that contributed to the company's Q4 2013 earnings.

The biggest question, to my mind, about today's unexpected Surface RT write-down is how did Microsoft find itself in this predicament in the first place? How did officials seemingly misestimate the number of Surface RTs they should have made and how much they should have charged for them?

There are still relatively few physical stores where potential Surface RT customers can try out a device to see if they're interested in buying one. Microsoft's Surface ads are nothing to write home about, though they have started to get better -- especially the Siri-centric ones.

For somewhat similar reasons, if you have an incomplete (or otherwise unsatisfactory) argument for a problem that you are working on, and you are planning to abandon it, you may still wish to write an informal sketch of it just for yourself (giving barely enough details to allow you to readily reconstruct the whole thing later on), and store it somewhere on your computer, just in case you find you have need for it some time in the future. (Of course, I also recommend some way of backing up your computer files, e.g. by using a cloud-based file storage system such as Dropbox.)

An Exxon station in Hicksville, N.Y., in March. Exxon Mobil Corp. announced up to $20 billion in write-downs of natural gas assets, the biggest such action ever by the company. Bruce Bennett/Getty ImagesĀ  hide caption

After insisting for months that its oil and gas investments remain as valuable as ever, Exxon Mobil Corp. plans to write down $17 billion to $20 billion in natural gas assets in the largest such announcement the company has ever made.

Many oil companies announced write-downs this year after oil and gas prices dropped sharply because of the pandemic. That's because companies make investments based on predicted commodity prices, and price drops can make a planned project suddenly unprofitable. Taking such projects off the books is called an impairment, or a write-down.

From now on, choose to be among the most successful people and write down your goals. Create a vision for what you want, turn that into a list of measurable goals, set benchmarks and celebrate your successes along the way.

But what I am unable to do is to write the function automatically. In short I don't know how to generalise the writeoptions function to keep on writing the options, if one of the options is a function. I could of course copy the original file, but this is inelegant, inefficient (because it contains a lot of extra options that are not being used), and generally does not solve the question.

Would it be considered annoying or bad manners to take a few seconds to note down what he has in his hand? Or is that not even allowed? The same would apply to something like noting down a monsters stats before flipping it face down with something like book of moon so I remember if I can attack over it or not. Thank you!

A write-off is a reduction of the recognized value of something. In accounting, this is a recognition of the reduced or zero value of an asset. In income tax statements, this is a reduction of taxable income, as a recognition of certain expenses required to produce the income.

In income tax calculation, a write-off is the itemized deduction of an item's value from a person's taxable income. Thus, if a person in the United States has a taxable income of $50,000 per year, a $100 telephone for business use would lower the taxable income to $49,900. If that person is in a 25% tax bracket, the tax due would be lowered by $25. Thus the net cost of the telephone is $75 instead of $100.

In order for American business owners to write off business expenses, the Internal Revenue Service states that purchases must be both ordinary and necessary.[1] This means that deductible items must be usual and required for the business owner's field of work. For example, a telemarketer may deduct the purchase of a telephone, since telephones are crucial for that line of work, whereas a professional musician may not.

In business accounting, the term 'write-off' is used to refer to an investment (such as a purchase of sellable goods) for which a return on the investment is now impossible or unlikely. The item's potential return is thus canceled and removed from ('written off') the business's balance sheet. Common write-offs in retail include spoiled and damaged goods. In commercial or industrial settings, a productive asset may be subject to write-off if it suffers failure or accident damage that is infeasible to repair, leaving the asset unusable for its intended purpose.

Similarly, banks write off bad debt that is declared non collectable (such as a loan on a defunct business, or a credit card due that is in default), removing it from their balance sheets. A reduction in the value of an asset or earnings by the amount of an expense or loss. Companies are able to write off certain expenses that are required to run the business, or have been incurred in the operation of the business and detract from retained revenues.

A negative write-off refers to the decision not to pay back an individual or organization that has overpaid on an account. Negative write-offs can sometimes be seen as fraudulent activity if those who overpay a claim or bill are not informed that they have overpaid and are not given any chance to reconcile their overpayment or be refunded.

Some institutions such as banks, hospitals, universities, and other large organizations regularly perform negative write-offs, especially when the amount is considered low (e.g., $5 at some institutions or up to $15 or more at others).[citation needed]

A write-down is an accounting treatment that recognizes the reduced value of an impaired asset. The value of an asset may change due to fundamental changes in technology or markets. One example is when one company purchases another and pays more than the net fair value of its assets and liabilities. The excess purchase price is recorded on the buying company's accounts as goodwill. If it becomes apparent that the purchased asset no longer has the value recorded in the goodwill account (i.e., if the asset cannot be resold at the same price), the value in the goodwill asset account is "written down". One example is when Rupert Murdoch's News Corp bought Wall Street Journal publisher Dow Jones at a 60% premium in 2007, which News Corp. later had to write down by $2.8 billion because of declining advertising revenues.[2]

A write-down is sometimes considered synonymous with a write-off.[3] The distinction is that while a write-off is generally completely removed from the balance sheet, a write-down leaves the asset with a lower value.[4] As an example, one of the consequences of the 2007 subprime crisis for financial institutions was a revaluation under mark-to-market rules: "Washington Mutual will write down by $150 million the value of $17 billion in loans".[5]

In this post, we analyze the motives and mechanics of the write-down and argue that the prospect for a legal challenge is slim. At the same time, we question the merits of the write-down. Bondholders should fare no worse than common equity, regardless of whether a financial institution is put in an insolvency proceeding or bailed out, and the applicable bond terms should reflect this. We also raise the issue of a more principled approach to bailouts generally.

But there is no denying that the full write-down of the AT1 bonds is an unusual sanction if shareholders are not also wiped out. By contrast, Eurozone AT1 bonds often contain an equity conversion feature which lets the bondholders rank at least pari passu with the shareholders (post-conversion) if a trigger event occurs. Alternatively, bonds may be of the (reversible) partial write-down type. Immediately after the bailout, both the European Central Bank and the Bank of England rushed to issue statements that what happened with CS would not happen elsewhere in Europe.

Thanks for stopping by!

I'm a small town Texas transplant, wife, and mom to two. I believe in intentional living in lieu of the world's breakneck pace and write honestly with the hope of encouraging other women. Grab a cup of warm and enjoy!

(More about me here.)

If that appeals to you, it's worth giving it a try. But there's another alternative that's simple, reliable, and everyone already knows how to use it: paper. To keep your passwords safe, just write them down on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place like your wallet.

If you forget your password manager's master password, the rest of your passwords are gone forever. Of course, a lot of people write their master password down somewhere on their computer. That creates an opportunity for hackers to grab their data, or, more mundanely, a risk that their hard drive will malfunction and they won't have a backup.

"If what you're concerned about is people coming in over the internet, they can't do that if your passwords are on paper," says Lorrie Cranor, a computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University who says writing down passwords is a perfectly sensible security strategy. Managing passwords on paper is endorsed by a number of other security experts, including well-known security researcher Bruce Schneier. ff782bc1db

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