Download the installation archive to a temporary location such as C:\temp\ or /tmp/ and unpack it. Unpacking the archive results in a directory named world-db containing a single file named world.sql.

Does anyone know where there might be a copy of the MySQL "World" example database online somewhere that is Microsoft SQL compatible? I don't have a running MySQL server on hand, just the SQL text file that SQL Server 2008 rejects.

Download World Database Mysql


I have been able to load the database into my own SQL Server installation by converting the data types from MySql to SQL Server version, removing MySql-specific code (such as engine specification), and using CHECK constraints in place of the enum's. Here's my rough attempt at converting the table structure script:

Wow, after lots of trial and error, I see what the issue is now. First, your initial query seems wrong. With the database table you are using, you can have multiple regions within the continent. Therefore, your query will only return (if working correctly) the continent with the single largest region instead of a sum of all regions. Secondly, you absolutely can use the max function within the having clause, such as in this example:

We're proud to offer a simple, accurate and up-to-date database of the world's cities and towns. We've built it from the ground up using authoritative sources such as the NGIA, US Geological Survey, US Census Bureau, and NASA.

This command connects to the server using the MySQL root account to make sure that you'll have permission to create the world database. The --p option tells mysql to prompt you for the root password. Enter the password when prompted. (Remember that the MySQL root account is not the same as the operating system root account and probably will have a different password.)

According to the guide, I'm to run worldserver on my Ubuntu server to install the downloaded databases. When I try that, the trinity user that I was prompted to make in the tutorial does not have privileges to do so. I've got access to root, but the info on StackOverflow on doing this is either outdated or too terse. How exactly do I grant the user "trinity" access to all the TrinityCore databases through MySQL?

Another part I'm stuck on, is allowing remote access to the MySQL databases with HeidiSQL. I've got it installed on Windows, changed the /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysql.cnf file to have bind-address = And when I use HeidiSQL to connect, I get refused, even though I entered the password for the server machine's root account in, with an error popping up saying Host 'Not-Sharing-Because-Security-Reasons' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server'. How do I go about solving this?

Often the user root is not planned to have remote access and has rights only on localhost. You can try to add another user and give them proper rights. Both (mysql server and user) must have the right to access from external (means setting the host ip to or to your local network)

- It seems you don't have added a user trinity (following the posting in the other forum). Therefore you can't access to mysql with this username, even you have a local account on Ubuntu with the same name. And of course you can give every rights to an existing mysql user, but you shouldn't. You shout give only rights really needed.

The idea is to add different new users to the mysql server with fine graduated rights. A mysql user can have access to everything, or just only to specific databases, or only to a table. If you have a webserver, you add a user just only for the webser. If you have a mail server, you add a mailserver user. If you have a trinity server, you add a trinity user.

For security reasons root f.ex. never should have set host=%. Better add a new user like adminfity and give admin rights and set host to %. Additionally add a user trinity and give only rights to auth, character and world database.

I've even reissued the GRANT commands to ensure that trinity is given access to the databases, but nada. I'm thinking that it's a problem with worldserver trying to connect to, instead of localhost. How do I change that?

Atm, I don't know what the problem could be. You have a user trinity, that's good. The user trinity has permission to the 3 databases, that's also good. And as I understand you right you installed the mysql server and the trinity server on the same machine, so both are localhost.

I meant that I followed the guide, where it says to change the password in the .conf files. And it was as the user Trinity that I ran worldserver. I'll give that another go in a moment to see if it works now for some reason.

Amazon Aurora global databases span multiple AWS Regions, enabling low latency global reads and providing fast recovery from the rare outage that might affect an entire AWS Region. An Aurora global database has a primary DB cluster in one Region, and up to five secondary DB clusters in different Regions.

An Aurora global database consists of one primary AWS Region where your data is written, and up to five read-only secondary AWS Regions. You issue write operations directly to the primary DB cluster in the primary AWS Region. Aurora replicates data to the secondary AWS Regions using dedicated infrastructure, with latency typically under a second.

Only the primary cluster performs write operations. Clients that perform write operations connect to the DB cluster endpoint of the primary DB cluster. As shown in the diagram, Aurora global database uses the cluster storage volume and not the database engine for replication. To learn more, see Overview of Amazon Aurora storage.

Aurora global databases are designed for applications with a worldwide footprint. The read-only secondary DB clusters (AWS Regions) allow you to support read operations closer to application users. By using the write forwarding feature, you can also configure an Aurora global database so that secondary clusters send data to the primary. For more information, see Using write forwarding in an Amazon Aurora global database.

For planned operational procedures such as Regional rotation, use global database switchover (previously called "managed planned failover"). With this feature, you can relocate the primary cluster of a healthy Aurora global database to one of its secondary Regions with no data loss. To learn more, see Performing switchovers for Amazon Aurora global databases.

To recover your Aurora global database after an outage in the primary Region, use global database failover. With this feature, you fail over your primary DB cluster to another Region (cross-Region failover). To learn more, see Performing managed failovers for Aurora global databases.

Feature availability and support vary across specific versions of each Aurora database engine, and across AWS Regions. For more information on version and Region availability with Aurora and global databases, see Aurora global databases.

Aurora global databases have specific configuration requirements for supported Aurora DB instance classes, maximum number of AWS Regions, and so on. For more information, see Configuration requirements of an Amazon Aurora global database.

You can only perform a managed cross-Region switchovers or failovers on an Aurora global database if the primary and secondary DB clusters have the same major, minor, and patch level engine versions. However, the patch levels can be different if the minor engine versions are one of the following. 17dc91bb1f

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