For information about WordPress, see the WordPress Codex help documentation at For more information about troubleshooting your installation, go to -to-install-wordpress/#common-installation-problems. For information about making your WordPress blog more secure, go to -wordpress/. For information about keeping your WordPress blog up-to-date, go to -wordpress/.

In a web browser, enter the new site URL of your WordPress blog to verify that the site is working properly again. If it is not, see -the-site-url/ and -to-install-wordpress/#common-installation-problems for more information.

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Everything went fine with installing wordpress and xampp. But now, if i want to install new themes or upload picture to my website, not using nemo in sudo mode (i'm using linux mint) the website is not allowed to write anything (the website is in /opt/xampps (something like that) ). I know that it's linux permission restriction.

change apache2 conf file to change the path from HTTP://ip/wordpress to HTTP://ip sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/anyone.conf ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/user/www/wordpress sudo service apache2 restart

Hello, I followed all the steps but my server is on a virtual box as a virtual server. When I type my virtual servers IP adress to access to Wordpress, it doesnt seem to work. What Ip adress am I supposed to use to access wordpress from my virtual machine

One thing I always admired on linux is fast session-switching. A simple key-press (ctrl+alt+Fx) and I can ditch my current session to switch to another one. While in principle session-interaction is fairly simple, you can easily get it wrong (as can be seen with XMir). But how exactly does session management work today? And how did systemd-logind change this situation?

Hello everyone, I need your help to figure out how to make wordpress work locally on my machine. I've dowloaded it using wget and strictly followed the wiki, although, I've reviewed every single step twice and it's still giving me the error 403 access forbidden. The odd part is that visiting localhost/wordpress gives me the error, whereas visiting localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/index.php granted me access to the admin dashboard. At this point when I try to visit the site it gives me back again the error page. So, I don't understand what's wrong.

The only step it wasn't possible for me to do as the wiki page was suggesting was changing the ownership to the /usr/share/webapps/wordpress/ folder, because I havo no such a folder in there. I think it is because I didn't install wordpress through pacman, not sure though.

Looks like it's saying there's no index.html in the /srv/http/wordpress directory. Which is probably true since it's wordpress. Per your httpd.config apache is only looking for index.html when a directory is requested (as is the case when browsing localhost/wordpress).

I tried to clean up my docker instance a bit so i tried to set the network from wordpress_default to bridge. I did this for the wordpress app and as well for the database. I also changed this in the docker compose options for both containers.

The only thing I have noticed is that you are using the latest tag of the wordpress image which is usually not recommended, because the image can change and a newer version might not work the same way as the one that you used before.

Note The show and set commands have different syntax. Show uses --query linuxFxVersion where as set uses --linux-fx-version (which must be lowercase). Thanks to RoderickBant74 for leading me through that confusion in this thread.

In order to throttle IO on the device, we need to find the major and minor number of the block device. If you use ASM, you can list the PATH field in the V$ASM_DISK view, and generate a long listing of it on linux:

Download the from this link to your local machine and extract the zip file. Then follow the steps described here on how to use this tool: wordpress-linux-appservice/ at main  Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice (g...

Go to and download the latest version of WordPress and extract it to your webserver directory. Give the directory enough permissions to allow your FTP user to write to the directory (used by WordPress).

If you installed wordpress, then this setup procedure will not have the correct permissions to create the wp-config.php file used by WordPress. You will have to do this step yourself as root using information WordPress will provide.

A page will appear saying WordPress can not write the wp-config.php file. Copy the text in the edit box and open /usr/share/webapps/wordpress/wp-config.php as root in your text editor. Paste the copied text into the editor and save the file.

Every now and then when you log into wordpress there will be a notification informing you of updates. If you have correctly installed and configured an FTP client, and have the correct filesystem permissions to write in the WordPress install path then you should be able to perform updates at the click of a button. Just follow the steps.

Opening note: this is a very basic guide whose goal is to show how to build a custom Linux kernel tailored to your own hardware on Debian, using their linux-source package. If you are looking for a more general, distro-agnostic way of building the kernel, or for a way to build a more recent kernel version on Debian, I will post one in the next few days.

First of all I would like to thank phrack articles, its author and other security researchers for teaching me about different exploit techniques, without whom none of the posts would have been possible!! I firmly believe that always original reference articles are the best place to learn stuffs. But at times we may struggle to understand it because it may be not be linear and it may be outdated too. So to the best of my efforts, here I have just simplified and conglomerated different exploit techniques under one roof, inorder to provide a complete understanding about linux exploit development to beginners!! Any questions, corrections and feedbacks are most welcomed!! Now buckle up, lets get started!! I have divided this tutorial series in to three levels:

In this level I will introduce basic vulnerability classes and also lets travel back in time, to learn how linux exploit development was carried back then. To achieve this time travel, with current linux operating system, I have disabled many security protection mechanisms (like ASLR, Stack Canary, NX and PIE). So in a sense this level is kids stuff, no real fun happens!! ff782bc1db

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