This means you can have a configuration per Virtual Host by matching the hostname portion of this configuration with your Apache Virtual Host, e.g. /etc/wordpress/config-, /etc/wordpress/config-hostalias1.php, etc.

These instructions assume you can access Apache via the localhost hostname (perhaps by using an SSH tunnel) if not, replace /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php with /etc/wordpress/config-NAME_OF_YOUR_VIRTUAL_HOST.php.

Download Wordpress In Ubuntu


This leaves you with an installation of wordpress that is not able to install plugins. I did some research to see what is required, and apparently doing things this way it is not possible to install plugins without opening yourself up to a world of security vulnerabilities. So no plugins. What means I just wasted all this time for nothing. A warning that this does not install a full, usable version of wordpress would have been nice.

The other possible issue you might have while using this tutorial (with some admitted assumptions) is the issue of pointing the wordpress symlink at /var/www as opposed to pointing at /var/www/html. This unfortunately is another one of those possible assumpition things.

I do help with this stuff, but unfortunately for most, I do it professionally on a pay basis, have Ubuntu servers up on the internet now you can peruse (i have a publicly available ubuntu shell server for responsible people) and look at active production servers and how they are configured. Contact me personally if you would like to know more.

Within the database, we can create an exclusive database for WordPress to control. You can call this whatever you would like, but we will be using the name wordpress in this guide. Create the database for WordPress by typing:

Next, we are going to create a separate MySQL user account that we will use exclusively to operate our new database. Creating specific databases and accounts can support us from a management and security standpoint. We will use the name wordpressuser in this guide, but feel free to use whatever name is relevant for you.

change apache2 conf file to change the path from HTTP://ip/wordpress to HTTP://ip sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/anyone.conf ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/user/www/wordpress sudo service apache2 restart

Hello, I followed all the steps but my server is on a virtual box as a virtual server. When I type my virtual servers IP adress to access to Wordpress, it doesnt seem to work. What Ip adress am I supposed to use to access wordpress from my virtual machine

How can I access a repository with the current WP version so that I can upgrade without having to download and install from the archive at The apt installation uses an array of directories and offers the convenience of running more than one site from the single codebase.

The problem with Wordpress is it looks online for google fonts, gravatars and updates at So even on localhost it still tries to search online. If you have a slow connection your localhost comes to a crawl.

The solution is disconnect your internet connection when it's bad, and install the 'disable google fonts' plugin. That will make a huge difference. Other than that you just have to live with the various 'error' messages about problems with

I have a local wordpress installation and got everything working, until I tried to install a new plugin. Trying to activate the plugin, wordpress asked me for FTP connection information, which I understood to be a failure of write-access to the plugins directory. Apache runs as www-data, so I ran sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/wordpress to make the wordpress directory writable for Apache. But now, I cannot edit the files as user anymore. Changing file permissions back to chown -R user: /var/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes, the wordpress dashboard complains again, that it doesn't have sufficient access.

It sounds like you've already got it figured out, but I'll let you know how I did it. This set up lets me and apache write to the wordpress directory, and the plugin/theme/upgrade works fine from within Wordpress.

Next, I made the entire wordpress directory owned by www-data:www-data: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data wordpress. I also made all the files readable and writable by user and group: find wordpress -type f -exec chmod 664 {} +, find wordpress -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +.

Now, this isn't the most secure setup. Any vulnerabilities in Wordpress could be used to write to files within your wordpress installation. But I, personally, have never had any problems. And when I tried to make it less restrictive, updates and theme/plugin installation from within Wordpress Admin usually broke. I never quite found the right sweet spot between security and usability.

Hopefully this helps solve your problem and explain whats going on, to help you in the future too.When you go into the wordpress "dashboard" and upload files - the "user" that is performing the changes to the filesystem iswww-data (i.e. libapache2-mod-php5 via apache webserver).Therefore in order to make changes in wp-content/uploads/2015/01., www-data needs to either have write permissions to the directory or own the directory.This means you can either give the folder liberal permissions by running:

However in my experience, this will result in problems , i.e. once you fix that permission issue, you will likely run into more problems when wordpress tries to write files to other directories e.g. when it updates, new plugins etc. so in that case i would use:

I notice that the article in question created a directory in /var/www/html/ but wordpress will thing it will be under the wordpress directory that you extracted from the compressed tarfile. In my case it was /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-content which was a softlink to another directory. Once I had fixed the privs and ownership in this location it worked for me.

Don't forget to do necessary changes such as username and database name change according to your desire. After doing mysql thing, Rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php from your wordpress folder and using your favorite text editor you will need to add the name of your database, mysql username and password to the config file.

I have set up a wordpress website on amazon ec2 using ubuntu 1.04 LTS by following this tutorial end to end except that i used amazon RDS(thier cloud database service) instead of sql.Although i dont think using RDS instad of mysql could have caused the problem. But I do think you ll need to check this tutorial out before you can answer the question.

to set every folder to permision to 755 and file to 644 respectively but still no helpi have trying to fix this for more than 2 days now without a solution. Please help!P.S.> i have wordpress3.5 , ubuntu server 12.04

What user is Apache/PHP running as? by default it would be www-data if the files/folders are not owned by this user then the webserver is unable to write changes to them. You would either need to change the owner of the files or chmod 777 /home/ubuntu/www/wp-content/uploads so that the Apache user can write in that folder.

I have created a local WordPress installation with everything working fine. When I try to install plugins or themes from the local WP install, I get a wordpress screen in the backend stating the following:

Edit 2: Solution:: Xampp comes with Proftpd as ftp server which is configured by this config file /opt/lampp/etc/proftpd.conf. Reading the file I realized that it considers the server is running under ownership of "daemon:daemon". My wordpress directory is running under nobody:nogroup so I changed this line into proftpd.conf :

A very big thank you for this, i was meddling with the boot loader in windows when this error creeped into ubuntu, thankfully it is fine now.

you really saved me, was about to reinstall it entirely and reinstalling all the applications would have been a nightmare..

I've installed LAMP under Ubuntu 14, placed a copy of my WordPress folder files under the /lampstack-5.6.30-0/apache2/htdocs/wordpress/ folder, started LAMP Apache, MySQL...yet each time I try to reach localhost/wordpress/ I get routed automatically to localhost:8888/wordpress/ and get error message

I've tried many times to go to localhost:8080/wordpress or localhost/wordpress but I get routed back to localhost:8888/wordpress and see the error message shown above. Can someone please tell me what I might be missing here/ doing wrong? Thanks

Mysql does not have permission to read and write unless you add it to the www-data group. When I tested this, I just made an html file called index.html and pointed apache to it, which worked fine, but once i used wordpress (or joomla), it died, so the problem had to be either in php or Mysql.

When mysql is installed, it is given the username mysql. This needs to be given some permissions over the wordpress files itself. PHP on the other hand is given a username, so if you select your own username, this will have to be added to the group as well.

When you set permissions on your wordpress folder, you give ownership and group permissions to www-data. Personally I changed mine to have the owner as my username on the machine, and www-data as the group. Now the problem is, www-data is an empty group.

The desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small window on the side to keep your eye on notifications, or do wantto expand to a truly full screen for a zen writing experience? Take your pick.

After the installation is completed, you can download the latest version of WordPress from here: and unzip the wordpress folder to overwrite /usr/share/wordpress folder. Now you have the latest wordpress version installed.

hello thank you for this tutorial I have a problem can you help me I have not managed to configure my domain name in the hosts file with apache2 when I want to go to my site I use the ip / wordpress address to see my site you have a solution ff782bc1db

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