The desktop app puts in your dock or taskbar. Use it to focus on your content and design with no other browser tabs to distract you, or to keep your sites readily accessible. The app is powered by the same technology that runs The Desktop app does not support offline editing, and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

I log in thru emailed links so I have no problem logging in using the website (on chrome) and on the mobile app which is connected to my google account. Should I just uninstall the desktop app or will I ever be able to log in using it? Should there be a button to email me a log in link or to log in using gmail?

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Hi, thank you for your response and help. I will definitely try that. Also the other day I tried to troubleshoot the technical issue myself so I change the theme for the look of my blog so I think that on desktop and laptop now my posts can be viewed without any issue?

@soberbanda @corrinarusso thank you very much for some of the advice, as you said @corrinarusso ive deactivated the caching plugin to help. from what I can see, we are running the latest version of wordpress but it appears we are running a lower verison of php (5.6.40) instead of 7.4. Would it be recommended we have that updated? also to help give some insight, i have found an old link to a test server that shows what our site should like on desktop compared to what it is now.

@xkrduffy Yeah you must update to a stable release of PHP. It will not only improve performance and speed, but provide greater security. Also, do not forget to get a backup of your site. Here is something which would help : -guide/ultimate-guide-to-upgrade-wordpress-for-beginners-infograph/

Overall, Ulysses is not the most feature-rich tool when it comes to the non-writing parts of blogging. But if you want a WordPress desktop app because you need a better writing tool, then Ulysses is definitely a good fit.

While on laptop the layout looks fine and fills the screen. When looking of desktop PC with a wider screen it does not fill the screen correctly and there is just whitespace down the left and right hand side.

So, what does this mean? Self-hosted users are relegated to an unfriendly writing interface if they need to have all the other bells and whistles to build a website? Nope. There is now a WordPress desktop app that brings the interface to users.

While there are desktop apps that allow you to write content outside the content management system, they often force you to disconnect from the benefits of the web to do so. Or to work in a platform totally disconnected from WordPress, which ends up forcing you to do more work in the end.

Working on a WP site (site link) with Elementor Pro, my problem is that while editing the page and the site, the header looks fine, but on the live site both the mobile and desktop nav menu is showing at the same time.

The desktop app will scale to any size. Do you need a small window on the side to keep your eye on notifications, or do wantto expand to a truly full screen for a zen writing experience? Take your pick.

Electron already provides most of what we need for the Desktop app, and it's progressed rapidly since we started using it. That said, there are some areas that are taken for granted in a desktop app, such as spell checking and find/replace, that are harder to replicate with Electron as-is.

Yes, after our efforts on the Desktop app, the Simplenote team decided to use Electron to build desktop apps for Windows and Linux (a native Mac client already exists). The Simplenote Electron app is also open source and available on Github.

The process of shipping signed desktop software is relatively new to us, especially for Windows. we wrote up an article for Code Signing a Windows App which includes the process and a few of the hurdles we went through to do it right.

I have no idea wether its possible to create a volume baked by a bind on Docker Desktop for Windwows, but what always works is to use a volume bind when declaring your container (e.g. -v /data/wordpress:/whatever/the/path/must/be/inside/the/container) and then use \\wsl$\docker-desktop\data\wordpress or \\wsl$\docker-desktop-data\data\wordpress in explorer to access the folder.

To add the latest alpha release, download the zip file of the latest nightly build, and place it in the Blueprints folder. Make sure the zip file has the appropriate beta release name (e.g.

Calypso is perfect for you! All you need to do is download the desktop apps from and enable management from the dashboard of each site (or Jetpack for self hosted sites). Then, you can edit posts as needed, updating them with new content. You can also create new posts. You can go to the icon of your profile and go down to the bottom right section where it says to add a WordPress site. Imagine not having to log in and out of every WordPress site you own. You can simply log into the Calypso interface and make a site active for adding or editing posts.

An unresponsive theme will show your site exactly as it is on your desktop, to mobile users. This may not sound bad until you think about the dimension difference between your desktop screen and your mobile screen.

If any of your plugins are not mobile-responsive, they may do interesting things to the layout of your mobile version, causing the mobile version of your WordPress site to look different from the desktop version.

Make sure to check the file sizes of your media. Large files can drag down the loading speed of your site, and they may not load at all upon page-load, both of which can sometimes make your website look different on mobile due to its lower processing power than a desktop.

Including accelerated mobile pages in your WordPress site is optimal for good viewing experience on mobile, and it provides optimization options for desktop as well. But, it does mean that your WordPress site will look different on mobile, having a sparser layout and design.


Thank You i'm looking for " -sync-for-quickbooks-desktop-pos#!resources" this type of app the attached setuped guid is not working can you please check this video is available anywhere else.

If you find that your website is not responsive on mobile devices it can be a pain to make it look responsive, without effecting the desktop screen sizes. Thankfully those most common WordPress website builders have this in mind so you can create mobile-specific styling.

To edit mobile view without affecting desktop you have to change its style specifically for that size. Depending on what builder your using, you can do this in the elements settings by selecting and editing the element.

In WPBakery you can hide columns specifically only on mobile or desktop screen sizes. This is handy if you want to reduce the amount of content on mobile to simplify your website for mobile users. To do this edit the column by finding the pencil icon above the column with your row element.

The whole point of this post was to show you how not to affect the desktop size, but styles may have gotten through or reset during your mobile responsivity process so be sure to check all the sizes to see if your website is looking as intended.

I installed a wordpress theme from instaniche. it is a set plugin that is a full website. Now when i log into my wordpress admin for the site, i cant get to the dashboard. I get the website itself. How do I fix that. I accidentally deactivated something. I clicked the wrong thing and now my site is stuck with a template website that i was trying to put in a subdomain.

I started my InMotion account on Sep. 19 and wordpress is pre-installed. I got the url of admin dashboard from the welcome email, but it dis not work. I got the 404 error when I accessed the wp-admin page. My domain is Please let me know what should I do. Thanks.

Now straight to the point is, I want to use emails alot on my site which was just recently built using wordpress. after watching your tutorial, I got to realise there is another stuff as cpanel and I will need to login to it inorder to be able to set up my email on wordpress. I tried to work round it but appears the less i understand whats going on. I already download and activated the Easy WP SMTP. Please, how do I find myself through with the cpanel so I can be able to use my emails? I want to be sending and receiving emails from my site.

The is not working because the wordpress expert has changed this link to something else to make it difficult for the fraudsters to access the backend. Now that he has left I do not have access to that link. Is there a way I can get to that link and login to my wordpress backend. Thanks!

I signed up few days ago and I called in today to find out how to start creating a blog using wordpress. I have domain with previous hosting that I am keep using. Instead of utilizing the transferring service, I will start creating a blog with the domain. I was given a link to i guess temporaly wordpress till I am ready to go on public while keeping the previous website I have. I cannot login to the dashboard, as I do not know my login name and password. Could you tell me where I can find them?

i installed wordpress on my domain which i bought from other vendor (nameservers have already been pointed to inmotionhosting. but after installation, the page doesnt open. what is the issue here?

I just purchased the hosting and during the process I selected to have my wordpress installed. It seems to be already installed but I have no idea what are the wp-admin username and password. How and where do I get that information?

I was reading back through your posts and realized that you are dealing with a site. Your best bet is to contact WordPress tech support to give you a hand with getting back into it. We normally provide support for WordPress sites that are self-hosted (typically with another hosting company). sites are different from the (stand-alone wordpress sites) sites for which we provide much support. ff782bc1db

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