With the use of a couple of great packages we can easily create a nice looking Word document using solely client side JavaScript. Docx is very powerful and this article only covers the basics to get you up and running with a simple Word document.

If the user clicks view on a file, if a PDF it immediately streams to a new window with the response header indicating it's a PDF. Browsers render PDF streams natively. If a Word or Excel file, javascript in the client must first query the application and have the application construct a URL using the woi:// protocol, then open the new window using that URL. The window of course never opens after invoking the exe and passing the entire URL to the exe. Embedded in the URL is a key and other info allowing the exe to make a web request to fetch yet another URL. Finally, Word or Excel are opened with that URL as a command line argument. Word or Excel then makes a request to that URL and the application serves out the unaltered byte stream of the original file that was uploaded. This works perfectly and is totally seamless.

Download Word Document Using Javascript

Download šŸ”„ https://cinurl.com/2y3Cgc šŸ”„

Generally, the export feature is used to download web page content as a file and save it for offline use. Microsoft Word or Doc (.doc) format is ideal for exporting HTML content in a file. The export to doc functionality can be easily implemented on the web application without server-side interaction. There is a client-side solution to export HTML to word document using JavaScript.

Our example code helps you to integrate export to doc functionality using JavaScript without any third-party jQuery plugin. Not only .doc but also you can export HTML content as a .docx file by specifying the extension. Also, you can easily extend the functionality of export to word script as per your needs.

Hi Craig

I'm looking at using something similar to this where learners will be building/writing up a CV through a number of slides in an activity.

Do you know how you would code it so that heading 1 in the document is collected from a text entry field? For example - the heading I want to use in the document is a text entry variable called first_nameĀ 

At the moment my code looks like this for having the document headerĀ 

// ENTER YOUR HTML/CONTENT HERE - use strings for tags and player.GetVar for the Storyline variables

var html = HtmlHead +


This blog illustrates how to create and fill a form in a Word document using the Syncfusion JavaScript Word Processor (document editor) component. It is a user interface component that allows you to compose, edit, view, and print Word documents interactively in your web app. It provides all the standard word processing features, including editing text, formatting contents, resizing images and tables, finding and replacing text, creating a table of contents, printing, and more. It requires server-side dependencies to perform some operations.

You can automate retrieving and modifying the form field properties in a Word document using the getFormFieldInfo and setFormFieldInfo APIs. For more details, refer to the Form fields in JavaScript Word Processor documentation.

Hey there everyone! This week I decided to make a tutorial on how to use docx.js to generate a word document from a lightning web component! I've worked on close to 50 different Salesforce implementations now and on at least 10 of them I've been asked to create something that will generate some type of word document for users. I realize there are products in existence like Nintex DocGen, DocuSign and other managed packages that can get this job done as well, but a lot of the time you don't need something that advanced/expensive and just need a simple way to generate documents in a handful of places. This is the way! Lol.

The easiest way I have found to do this for word documents is to use the DocuGen app(there are others as well). This does have a price depending on the number of documents generated. But it allows you to use Word Documents or Forms you already have and use placeholders to pull information directly from an item or items in a board. It also will create a table of sub-items and allows you to choose which sub-items columns to include. Then you set an automation to automatically mail out the word doc or PDF after it is created.

Have you tried other word to image solutions before? It would be great if you can find one that allows you to use as an API endpoint passing in your document and getting back the image from the response.

I study about 3 hours a day for 2 years ui vision RPA and I know how to do the automation that you wanted to do, but I can because I studied so much but try to spend time in useful automations that bring gains otherwise it would not make sense to have studied 3 hours a day for 2 years to realize a trivial conversion of documents from word to excel that has no profit and is made online for free in a few seconds.

If you are using the client-side Kendo UI Editor, there is no built-in support to export to Word documents. Therefore, I assume, you are using some sort of server-side engine to export the HTML to Word document. In such a case, it is a matter of the exporting engine that processes the content to handle elements like input, select, and so on.

If, however, you are using the MVC wrapper of the Kendo Editor with its built-in export capabilities, I do not see the RadWordsProcessing to support select elements ( -processing/libraries/radwordsprocessing/formats-and-conversion/html/supported-elements). That said, I am unable to suggest you a solution to somehow export a select element to include it in a Word document.

As for using a Kendo widget in a Word document.This is not possible. Kendo UI depends on HTML and JavaScript. MS Word and any rich text editor not work with HTML, but different format and specifications. Thus, it is impossible to put a Kendo widget in a word document.

I have found using symbolic links works well. You can make a symbolic link of individual files or the folder you use to keep your MS files in. I put the the symbolic link in a Subfolder called symlinks in my vault and then you can link to the files in the folder as you would with a normal Obsidian note. When I click on the link in a note or on the file in the folder view they open in the appropriate application i.e. Excel, word, pdf expert, etc. If you symbolic the folder then if you add something outside of Obsidian it will update with the new file in Obsidian. These links also work on both my mac and windows machines as well as iPhone/iPad. You must use symbolic Links not Aliases. For reference my main Obsidian computer is a Mac which I sync with a Windows laptop and IOS devices.

Thanks Petr, for getting back to me. I was able to get it to work. The issue was I did not use "Create File" action. The decode image is ok. Please see the attached word document as advised

Document.docx (18.3 KB

I want to generate a worddocument with the content of the fields in a sc-form

i.E I the have name, the adress etc in a form and want to make a Word document with the content of the fields in it.

I could prepare a word-template with bookmarks etc. and use it in combination with scriptcase.

Word should open with the filled fields on the right place and after that I start typing the content in the middle.

[QUOTE=ctmservice;22497]I want to generate a worddocument with the content of the fields in a sc-form

i.E I the have name, the adress etc in a form and want to make a Word document with the content of the fields in it.

I could prepare a word-template with bookmarks etc. and use it in combination with scriptcase.

Word should open with the filled fields on the right place and after that I start typing the content in the middle.

Using this method of commenting out an MP3 file that was converted to base64 and pasting it into example.docx/word/settings.xml, I was able to hide a data file within a Word .docx file (the 5MB MP3 file increased the size of the document by 8MB, however an un-savvy computer user would not have noticed the difference.

Running a keyword search uncovers text that Autopsy attributes to a word specific document. Autopsy gives me a full path to the file. When I export the file and open it it is a blank document. When I look at the document in a hex editor the text does not appear inside the document.

Can someone explain to me what is happening here? I thought the text was from an autosave of the word document that should be viewable from a hex editor, but it is not. Is it possible that Autopsy is attributing the text incorrectly, or more likely am I ignorant of what exactly Autopsy is showing me?

I am working on add-in for MS word, and I have inserted content controls which will be linked with a list in my add-in panel. When I click on list item from add-in, I am able to highlight the text in word document and also able to focus on it.

Now, I want to do the other way around, when I click the highlighted text in word document, a click event should be triggered, and list should be scrolled to the corresponding list item from add-in and highlight it.

When I was researching implementations of exploits for CVE-2011-0096, I came across an exploit-db release that included an approach for abusing the vulnerability through a Word document. Specifically, in part #5 and #6 of the exploit, this author discovered that CVE-2011-0096 could be abused to launch executables on the local machine and read the contents of the local filesystem. The interesting part here is that this 2011 vulnerability involved abusing the MHTML URL protocol and that it allowed for remote code execution via a Word document, similar to the case with CVE-2021-4044.

Is there any way to link the diagrams of visual paradigm in our word document. I need to prepare a architecture document and i already few diagrams in VP for this and inert those diagrams as picture in my word document along with the text. 2351a5e196

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