Moon learned that the comet apparently woke Darkstalker from the enchanted slumber and that he had enchanted himself to be immortal, which was how he had stayed alive for 2,000 years. Moon then went to Mightyclaws in the art cave to try to learn more about NightWing powers. Darkstalker then learned that legends about him had been extremely exaggerated, and Moon learned that NightWing powers come from the three moons. Darkstalker asked for Moon to set him free from being trapped underground; he claimed he could not use his animus powers to free himself because he did not want to lose his soul. Due to this fear, he had put all of his power in an object, later revealed to be a scroll. Moon then was struck by a vision of dragons dying in a mysterious fire, which caused her to try to stop Winter, Qibli, Kinkajou, and almost anybody else from going into the history room, but Carnelian was too stubborn to listen and was killed by the explosion. The NightWing named Bigtail also died from the blast, and Tamarin and Moon were injured. Winter became suspicious of Moon, wondering how she knew about the explosion and gave her until the end of the next day to provide him with an explanation of how she knew. Turtle guessed about her powers, and Moon admitted that this was true to Turtle, Qibli, and Kinkajou (Winter had stormed off and so he was not around to hear about her powers). Moon learned that a cactus caused the explosion called dragonflame cactus, which explodes when it comes in contact with fire, something Turtle recognized because it was used for bombing the SeaWings' Summer Palace. Overnight, Moon heard the dreamvisitor conversation again, a weird, ominous voice saying that someone must be killed in Jade Mountain Academy, or there would be consequences.

Wings of Fire has been noted for its thematic undertakings. It is written as an anti-war series, and the protagonists usually try to put an end to major conflicts by pacifistic means and while trying to prevent as many dragons from dying as possible. Despite generally being targeted toward children, the books are also noted for dealing with heavy and dark subject matter, though the series also continually works toward the idea of hope. Sutherland intentionally revolves each arc individually around its characters and sets of leading questions, such as free will versus destiny/fate, nature versus nurture, the implications of different styles of parenting, the various aspects of expectations (both that which one projects outwards and which one receives from others), what it means to be gifted (not just limited to intellectual giftedness), and the many facets of duty and responsibility. The phrase "wings of fire" was chosen to both immediately invoke the imagery of dragons to readers as well as to represent an individual's ability to overcome destiny and uncover one's full potential. Through the NightWing tribe, she additionally explores the philosophical and moral implications of mind-reading, prophecy, and extrasensory perception. Darkstalker and the second arc in particular innovatively expand upon the role of magic in fantasy literature through its concept of "animus magic", a rare form of magic which comes at the cost of affecting one's soul (both psychologically and literally). Additionally, Sutherland's personal philosophy and upbringing have been cited as an important influence, as have her unusual religious and multicultural upbringing.[6]

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