With Wi-Fi Easy Connect, a network owner chooses one device as the central point of configuration. Usually this device is one with a rich user interface, such as a smartphone or tablet, but could be any device capable of scanning a QR code, NFC tag, or downloading device information from the cloud and running the protocol developed by Wi-Fi Alliance. The chosen device is considered a configurator and all other devices are enrollees. The user establishes a secure connection to an enrollee device by scanning the device-specific QR code, NFC tag, or downloading information from the cloud associated with that device. This prompts the protocol to run and automatically provisions the enrollee with the credentials needed to access the network.

A device can be seamlessly added to the network with near zero touch or true zero touch methods. Near zero touch provisioning and configuration can be done using a QR code. True zero touch provisioning and configuration can be done by downloading device information into the configurator from the cloud. The user simply powers up the device and it is automatically connected to the network.

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There is no limit to the number of devices a configurator may provision for a network, unless the network itself has connection limitations. Additionally, Wi-Fi Easy Connect enables bulk enrollment of Wi-Fi devices.

The printer was connected and working fine until I had an Apple technician (it went to the Genius Bar) reformat my hard drive to get rid of some remote viewing software my ex-husband had surreptitiously installed.

Used to connect no bother to my Huawei Pro 30 when I was out and about, but now it seems to think a password is required. When I used the Connect to EOS Utility to locate a password (which for some reason keeps changing? useless) and use that for the Wifi connection on my phone I get a connection but without internet so the pairing fails.

I've deleted Canon Connect from my phone, deleted the camera from Connect, reset communication settings on the R6m2...tried everything with a fresh start....and nothing is working. I can get a Bluetooth connection, but not a Wifi to import images.

I typically connect with BT, but just did a WiFi connection. To do this, I opened the camera's Wifi settings and enabled WiFi. I then opened the Camera Connect App and selected my R5 C. It displays with the last connection method which was BT. I told the App to use another method. It then waits for camera.

Now return to the camera menu. On my camera the option is called Wifi bluetooth connection. I then select smartphone and wifi. The camera displays its SSID name and password. I then open WiFi on my phone and look for the SSID name the camera is broadcasting. Select it and enter the password.

Now your phone is connected to the camera. Return to the CC App and tap the box that says the camera is ready and the App can connect. Press next and the App connects. Then browse the card(s) for images. Tap to select one or all, then press the import button. If you have the Auto Transfer toggle enabled, they will start importing immediately without selecting them.

I recommend first establishing a Bluetooth connection. Once that connection is made, ask the Canon Connect app to download photos. I would expect that you will be prompted to use Wi-Fi for faster file transfers.

Many people complain about the Wi-Fi connection to the camera hotspot drops out. I suspect the most likely cause of this switch is because the phone is looking for an Internet connection. Your phone service provider typically includes an internet connection.

So, the camera automatically switches to the Wi-Fi connection with Internet. You should be able to control and disable automatic network switching and automatic network connections in your mobile device settings.

Kind of feel like no-one is reading what I'm saying and is instead giving their boilerplate responses even though I've tried all of that as I outlined above. On my last phone no password was required and it connected instantly with no issue. Now a password is required that changes all the time and even when it says its connected it's not connected.

The camera's wifi does not default to a "open system" unsecured wireless network. The camera's broadcast has a password. Just like the WiFi on any secured network. If it didn't employ this, anyone within range of your cameras wifi when enabled would be able to connect to it. Canon doesn't do this. Sorry if our answers appear boiler plate.

If you reset the network settings on the camera and review them (without trying to connect anything) you'll see the the SSID name will be a variation of the Camera model (example) 0CFEB4-CanonOA underscore then the last few digits of its network adapters MAC address, then a password that secures the network.

When a successful Wi-Fi connection is made the wireless icon on your mobile device will display with a wireless icon and a !... which indicates your mobile device is associated/connected to a wireless broadcast that doesn't have internet access. I know it can be frustrating, but you are super close.

I've deleted Canon Connect from my phone, deleted the camera from Connect, reset communication settings on the R6m2...tried everything with a fresh start....and nothing is working. I can get a Bluetooth connection, but not a Wifi to import image.

My suggestion was to FIRST establish a Bluetooth connection. Bluetooth automates the Wi-Fi connection process. No password is required because any passwords or security data is automatically exchanged across the Bluetooth connection.

If you are being prompted for a password, then something is amiss. The camera establishes its own Wi-Fi hotspot. Your smart device should ask if you wish to connect to a new network. I suggest that you check your smart device settings. Does it prompt you to connect to new networks?

. I recommend first establishing a Bluetooth connection. Once that connection is made, ask the Canon Connect app to download photos. I would expect that you will be prompted to use Wi-Fi for faster file transfers.

The order in which you do things is the key to initiating the automatic Wi-Fi connection process. Do not attempt to configure a Wi-Fi connection directly from the menus, This method prompts you for a password.

I'm getting so confused by the contradictory information in the responses, only further outlining that there's something amiss. I'm having no problem establishing a Bluetooth connection, but it will not connect via wifi out of home - it will connect and transfer just fine over my home wifi, but that won't be of use when Im tens of thousands of miles away from tomorrow..

the password prompt to conect where i;'d added the SSID from the access points in Connect to an EOS Utility.It searches for a prolonged period before getting the next errorif anyone can make heads or tails of the configuration here and why it says its connected, but notit states it cannot work. i try to delete the camera communication settings and all details off the phone too

I turned-on my Square Terminal last night (Sept 18, 2019) and it started a system update. After the update, my Terminal could no longer connect to my wifi router. I had been connecting to the 2.4 GHz radio with no problems for the past few days. It was only after the update that there was a problem. There is a timeout error.

@daustin777 It sounds like you've already been through all of the general troubleshooting steps for the Square Terminal. We haven't heard other reports of wifi connection issues since the last update for Terminal so it is worth calling our CS team directly so we can investigate further.

One thing I will add is that at this time you can't connect the Terminal to a captive portal network - which is any wifi network where you have to agree to terms/conditions before connecting to the wifi. As you were using the Terminal with wifi before the update I think that's probably not the case here but I just wanted to mention it to cover all the bases!

@cpreugene I never did call. I got busy and hadn't needed to use the Terminal. Eventually, an update mysteriously fixed it. I just checked and it is still working with my router. It always did work with the iPhone just not with my Netgear router. I haven't had connection problems since the update. My current Terminal software version 3.20.0037.

We are having a very similar problem with our new Square terminal. On the first day of a trade show last week (2/23/22) it connected to our Android phone hotspot and everything worked perfectly. The next day, an automatic update was installed as soon as the terminal was powered up and it would no longer connect to the same phone hotspot in the same building. Spent over an hour on the phone to India custom service and he couldn't resolve the problem. He refused to accept that it might be the update causing the issue, instead insisting that it was a problem with the phone - THAT WORKED PERFECTLY THE DAY BEFORE THE UPDATE!

We are having a similar issue now also. Square register and terminal after nightly reboots do not automatically reconnect to wifi (netgear nighthawk) I have to go in and manually connect them both. The terminal does reconnect to wifi with my phone Hotspot and my home wifi??? So I am almost certain it's a netgear/apple issue has anyone had this happen?

Then suddenly one Sunday the Terminals wouldn't connect, their MAC addresses had changed, but there's nothing in the Terminal Network setup/config that shows this or allows you to turn this behavior off (as you can with a Phone or Tablet)!!!

Sorry to hear you are experiencing trouble when connecting to a particular connection. My best advice would be to complete the steps found in our Square Terminal troubleshooting guide. If you have already completed these steps and your situation persists, I will recommend reaching out to our support team.

I've never actually noticed this till now, but there does not seem to be a simple way to connect to wifi in sway right now. I didn't have this problem before because I had setup my initial wifi connections in gnome shell and then migrated over to sway. ff782bc1db

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