The holy Quran is the last book send down to earth by Allah and was demounted to the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh). The whole Quran was send by the time period of nearly 23 years through Gabriel in different situations. It is believed that Caliph Uthman had written it down after death of Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) and today we have got the whole book.

This package offers the user an easy way to typeset The Holy Quran. It has been inspired by the lipsum and ptext packages and provides several macros for typesetting the whole or any part of the Quran based on its popular division, including surah, ayah, juz, hizb, quarter, and page.

Download Whole Quran Mp3


Quran is a cure for the spiritual ailments. By means of it, people can maintain their spiritual wellbeing, getting rid of superstitions and bad manners. The whole Quran itself and Surah Al-Fatiha has healing properties for a person who has full faith in this.

This is the whole of the 604 pages of the Holy Quran - The Final Testament. Each page being a single card. The Question will be the first sentence of the page where the student should recall the whole page based on being shown the first line of the page as text.

Especially when a person prays in the darkness of night, stays awake when the whole world is asleep and invokes his God, Allah likes it the most. A person must pray with all the humility and meekness. It is best to remember Allah by his unique names while praying to Him. Allah says in the Holy Quran:

The sahaba (RA) used to perform taraweeh salaah in different groups. Umar (RA)Ā 

advised them to perform the taraweeh joinly and appointed Ubai(RA) to leadĀ 

that congregation. The fuqaha have ruled that it is sunnah to complete theĀ 

recitation of the Quran once in taraweeh salaah. ( Hidaya vol 1) Obviously,Ā 

in doing so, the etiquettes of reciting the quran correctly must be adheredĀ 


I memorize the whole Quran by heart. Alhamdulellah, I got three licenses (Ijazas) in reciting and teaching Quran to all people around the world, with high Isnad "chain" connected to the Messenger of Allah Muhammad (PBUH) and on my way to get the 4th one in sha Allah. e24fc04721

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