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Subjects could choose from 22 general activities, such as walking, eating, shopping, and watching television. On average, respondents reported that their minds were wandering 46.9 percent of time, and no less than 30 percent of the time during every activity except making love.

As such, for most of us, the need to ensure physical survival was replaced by the compulsion to perpetuate the ego. And the threat of losing worth substituted the danger of losing your life. 

Then, for one or two breath cycles, silence the mind. Focus all your attention on the silence that grows within you. Feel the peace that emanates from the depths. Enjoy the encounter with your true Self in the gap between the relentless thoughts.

I am Dr Berni Sewell, PhD, a health scientist, energy healer and self-worth blogger. I am on a mission to make you feel good about yourself. No matter what. Because you ARE worth personified. And it's about time that you know it.

To renew your mind will require you to feed your mind with good food, the word of God. What you feed your mind will determine the health of your emotional and spiritual state. Just as eating junk food will make you feel sick, so will feeding your minds with negative thoughts. To be strong you must eat healthily, and to have a healthy mind will require you to feed it healthy thoughts.

Memory and other cognitive changes can be frustrating, but the good news is that, thanks to decades of research, you can learn how to get your mind active. There are various strategies we can use to help maintain cognitive fitness. Here are several you might try.

A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Experts think that advanced education may help keep memory strong by getting a person into the habit of being mentally active. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active. Pursuing a hobby, learning a new skill, volunteering or mentoring are additional ways to keep your mind sharp.

The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain that will be involved in retaining the memory. In one study, adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images, each presented along with a smell. They were not asked to remember what they saw. Later, they were shown a set of images, this time without odors, and asked to indicate which they'd seen before. They had excellent recall for all odor-paired pictures, and especially for those associated with pleasant smells. Brain imaging indicated that the piriform cortex, the main odor-processing region of the brain, became active when people saw objects originally paired with odors, even though the smells were no longer present and the subjects hadn't tried to remember them. So challenge all your senses as you venture into the unfamiliar.

If you don't need to use mental energy remembering where you laid your keys or the time of your granddaughter's birthday party, you'll be better able to concentrate on learning and remembering new and important things. Take advantage of smart phone reminders, calendars and planners, maps, shopping lists, file folders, and address books to keep routine information accessible. Designate a place at home for your glasses, purse, keys, and other items you use often.

While this may be one of the most extreme instances I've heard concerning a lack of respect for your fellow fisherman, I still hear countless (and I really do mean countless) stories from friends/guides/customers of poor displays of etiquette on our local waters. By the time 2015 comes to a close, I will have spent over 130 days out on the water this year- with about 85-90% of those days being on public stretches of Colorado rivers. Given this amount of time on the water, I've no doubt had my fair share of etiquette-less encounters as well. Whether it be through my own personal experiences or ones shared by others, one common theme seems to stand out above the rest- and it could all be avoided with a simple question "Are you working up or down?"

That's it! "Are you working up or down?" You've probably put the puzzle together by now that the most common frustration I hear is about anglers getting cut-off by other anglers. I know I've had it happen more times than I can count over the past year, and I'd be kidding myself if I thought it would never happen again. I think all of us would agree that the perfect day of fishing is going to involve having a stretch of river to call your own, where the thought of crowds never enters your mind. While this can still be found (even with some regularity) in this state, the ultimate reality is that 9.5 times out of 10 you're going to be sharing the water. For the seasoned angler, proper etiquette can easily become an afterthought because, just like anything you do for years on end, it will become natural. Many of the anglers who fall into this category likely came from a fishing family as well where all things related to this sport- including etiquette- where instilled from day 1. While there will always be the type of angler mentioned in the first paragraph, I firmly believe a lot of the questionable acts seen on the river are simply due to a lack of knowledge. We see a lot of new-to-Colorado customers in the shop who are ready to give fly-fishing a try for the first time and just like learning how to tie a clinch knot or distinguish a midge from a baetis is something they need to master, so is knowing what to do when they show up to a riverside parking lot full of cars.

So back to my suggestion of the simple question of "Are you working up or down", here's how it works on the river. If you approach the river and realize you're not alone, once you select the location you want to fish, simply approach the nearest angler and ask them which way they are working- up or down? If they're working upstream, ask if they mind you jumping in and work downstream. If they say they're working downstream, ask if they mind you jumping ahead and work up. It's as simple as that. I use this strategy almost every guide trip I run- particularly on the weekends where finding some empty water is next to impossible- and I've never once got a negative reaction from the angler I approach. In fact, nearly every time the angler is extremely appreciative I took the time to ask and is more than happy to share the water with my clients and me. Next time you find yourself on the river when it's extremely crowded, I encourage you to try this out if you've never done so. I have no doubt you'll quickly see how a little courtesy can go a long way in keeping the day much more relaxed and enjoyable.

2. An angler working upstream always has the right of way to a person working downstream. If you happen to be working downriver and come upon an angler working up, reel up your rig at least 40 yards before reaching that person, take a wide berth as you go around, and resume fishing once below the other angler. It is especially important to take a WIDE berth when passing to avoid the possibility of spooking any trout, which could likely happen as a result of walking directly down the river bank. As a general rule, taking a wide berth when passing any angler should be advised to avoid spooking any fish that angler may be fishing to.

3. Working upriver/downriver behind a slower moving or stationary angler: This is a situation I encounter a lot as well. I like to fish fast and cover water- moving upriver I'll add. If I see an angler is 'camped out' in an area, once I get to within 40 yards or so, I'll reel up and go ask them (you guessed it) "Are you working up or down?" Many times you'll get the answer, "Oh I'm just fishing right here for the time being. I don't mind if you go around me and keep working up."

4. Don't 'camp out' in one run all day. Aside from the fact that you're likely sacrificing the number of fish you catch by not covering more water, this is also not very courteous to your fellow anglers. Sure there will always be spots that warrant a little more time spent in than others, but keeping on the move throughout the day will keep the flow on the riverbanks moving along much more seamlessly. This will inevitably lead to better fishing for all. Remember that our public waters belong to ALL of us, and as such we should all be willing to share the bounty.

7. Tip for the floating angler: So you've decided to take the leap and are now grinning ear to ear over your shiny new drift boat or raft parked in your driveway- when it comes to boat ramps, your boat should be completely ready to go when you back in. Nothing will cause congestion at the boat ramp more- or annoy (effing P.O. would also work here) the other anglers around you- if you back into the top of the ramp and then proceed to get out and put the oars in the oar locks, take off your tie-down strap, attach your anchor, toss in boat bags and rods, etc. Take care of this prep work off to the side of the ramp. The boat ramp is only for boats going directly in, or coming directly out of the water.

Hopefully this little chat has cleared up a few things for at least some of you. I know you all have your own stories as well of less-than-desirable interactions with other anglers over the years. Feel free to share them in the comments section below. Also- if you think of something I missed on here, or perhaps disagree with my personal thoughts on river etiquette let me hear it. The more we get the discussion going, the better off we will all be. ff782bc1db

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