I told you your interview process was abusive, and yet, you responded with requests for me to interview. While I love a well-crafted irony, I'm afraid that I must break the fourth wall to tell you that I'm officially no longer starting new interviews anymore. Not for roles, at least. I love being on podcasts, though, so I can work on perfecting my nuanced pronunciations, rasps.

I contain multitudes, but so many of them don't fit into that little LinkedIn quip that's either your Role at Company or your abstracted identities reduced to 2-3 words. Designer. Writer. Speaker. And if you're proud of where you work and/or if you're drinking the KoolAid you're the former, and if you're not or you're unemployed like me, you're the latter. And then once you've climbed the ladder at the former, you can then safely return to the latter.

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I write quite a bit of code and make things with grids and so much of it is display: hid. Cuz. You tell me what I make isn't real because it's experimental and not in real production so can you blame me as I leave it caged in staging? As my real good mate (who legit is never late to check, your hate, mate) would say, the C in CSS stands for Corporate Cogs. And when I leave the thought-I-was-safe-here-but-wasn't box-shadows, I get told by the Third-wave coffee-sipping Ranks of you that I write isn't real because it's not functional or even object-oriented (but it's not like you don't objectify object-oriented languages, too, bro). It's just markup, you tell me, but I'd really like to invite you to sit on that element of yours. It's not my fault that taped with aria-roles and computer-generated classes are sharper than soft sweet semantic , bud. Just kidding, I know your name is Chad and the reason you don't have time to write semantic markup is because you're busy anonymously wheeling and dealing in hate on 8chan with your Klan.

I'm not really worried about Chad because he's the lad we've always had. Meet Becky and her '90s-monikered Friends of poorly-seasoned yet still salty serf and TERFs that fret more about me saying the "N-word" than Chad rapping the n-word along to Chris Brown, but like, I wanna know, you girls read that new Bren Brown? Purportedly I'm being -isive.

"I want my architecture to be a platform for anyone to create their own way of living," she told Dezeen. "I think a collage accepts all of those personalities, diversities and complexities that are not only my ideas."

I really wanted to transmit the message about how we think, how we operate, how we create projects, and our resources for doing them. I hope people get that the process is very complex and it's very different from project to project. We really focus on each project's challenges, context, situation and people. Every project has its own process, its own mind and its own experience. We worry about trying to understand a lot of things, but also about creating an experience that's unique.

Then we made a discovery, almost by chance. For Casa Ventura, we were in a hurry and we wanted to do a big model but we didn't have the time. So we did a quick foam model that we cut, and then we photoshopped the section model with a photograph. It was the first collage we made for a client and for me it was a revelation. I understood how good it was. So we started really getting into it.

Tatiana Bilbao: As I said, I want my architecture to be a platform for anyone to create their own way of living. I think a collage accepts all of those personalities, diversities and complexities that are not only my ideas. A collage also accepts processes, it accepts mistakes. I like to think that our buildings are the same, so it became very clear that collages were a very good way of representing our buildings.

Tatiana Bilbao: I really can't believe anyone that says they can do useful architecture for a lot of people from one single mind. I can't believe someone could say they understand everything, that they have all the tools to design something for someone else. I believe it is really hard to do that translation and I don't believe that you can have all the inputs that you need.

I think that every mind sees things in different ways and that really helps to create incredible input to a project where you're responding to someone else's way of life. It's not just important to me, it's the only way I do architecture. The times when I don't have the chance to collaborate with someone else for any reason, at least it's always a collaboration here in this office, it's a very horizontal way of working.

Tatiana Bilbao: Well, no. Collaboration is not something that everybody would do. I think there's been so much history of competition. I really find that in the US, where competition is a basic survival tool. Because in the US, not being a welfare state, everything needs to be done by you. So in the end, you really have to compete with everyone to be able to protect your life. Even for your health services, you have to fight. That has been also the basis of capitalism and this is how society shapes us nowadays.

We had to find a material that would allow us to do that. After discarding a lot of them, we looked at what was there in the place. The answer was earth. I had seen another project done with rammed earth so I started researching it and we found a really good way of using this material, when you understand the possibilities of the material. That material allowed us to build this house in the way we wanted.

I am a big fan of April and Jackson. I was really hoping Jackson tried to understand April and maybe even went with her on Jordan in the army. It perplexes me how Jackson would choose his patients at GSM rather than going with April on the army. Like for example, The thing that annoyed me so much was Jackson's patient, Tatiana like she had no business involving herself and telling Jackson to divorce April, she is just a patient. I was really hoping for April and Jackson to be endgame especially with how Jackson stood up to everyone and told April he loves her when she was about to get married to Matthew. Ultimately, I feel like Jackson should have understood that going away to the army was a way for April to cope after Samuel died. Do you guys ship them too and wished they stayed together or were they ultimately doomed and a fragile couple since the beginning?

How did you find Tatiana, and what drew you to her specifically as a subject for a story?

My wonderful Post editor David Finkel had the idea of trying to show what life was like in a crowded house in New Jersey while the state was a coronavirus hotspot. It felt like everyone was doing a certain kind of pandemic story there, and this could be something a little different, about what it was like to be cooped up together going on month four of quarantine. I had been an immigration reporter, and knew that immigrants tend to live doubled up in some parts of New Jersey. So I went up there and interviewed dozens of people in lines at food pantries and through community centers, trying to find the right person for the story.

One of my heroes is my grandmother. She has not only supported my dreams and goals, but has helped guide me to take the steps needed to get there. I have always seen her as a person with amazing character and strength and told myself that was something that I would love to acquire when I grow up. I think she did a pretty good job helping me become that. I know as I continue to explore my pathway to follow my passions she will continue to be there supporting and rooting for me every step of the way. I will never have to question her commitment to molding me into the person I was meant to be. I am thankful for her and I know she will be proud to see me flourish in California next fall.

Often times we focus so much on the bad that we never really focus on those young people who go to city council folks to talk about issues important to them or those young people who create non-profit organizations to help tackle some of the gun violence happening in our community. No one really focuses on the poets who went to nationals in D.C. or the music artists who produce their own sound or the artists who create extraordinary work. No one focuses on the teams, organizations or internships that help teach leadership skills, keep young people out of trouble, give advice, teach self-love, peer build and even teach young people about who they are. 

Jazz. Funk. Mosh pits. You name it\u2014it\u2019s yours. Going out alone means you can follow your heart\u2019s groove. If you hate hip hop but show up to a bar that\u2019s blasting Kanye West, you\u2019re not going to have a good time. As you consider your first solo musical event, ask yourself: would I enjoy dancing to this genre/band/artist alone in my room? If the answer is yes, you\u2019ll feel a lot more comfortable and content. For me, the answer is and always will be: house\u2014or as my friends like to say, \u201Cmusic with no words in it.\u201D

Oftentimes, there will be a line outside the venue. This is a good thing. No one will judge you for waiting on line by yourself\u2014even though you might think they are. When I first made eye contact with the bouncer at Public Records, I felt like an underage college student with a fake ID again. Palms sweaty. Heart racing. What does he think of me?! But then I told myself that he\u2014and the other people on line\u2014probably assume I\u2019m running late and meeting a friend inside, which I have done many times! Tell yourself what you need to. The truth is: no one is thinking about anything except themselves. Everyone is focused on their own fun, so why not focus on yours, too?

Channel that I-don\u2019t-give-a-hoot energy on the dance floor. Feel the beat. Move your body. Dance like no one\u2019s watching. If it helps, pretend you\u2019re drunk. Or pretend you\u2019re a 98-year-old abuela with dementia who gives zero craps about what people think of her. I\u2019ve done both. And they\u2019re surprisingly effective at helping me care less and move more. ff782bc1db

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