"What Can I Do" received generally favourable reviews from music critics, although the group did not initially favour the track. Becky Byrkit from AllMusic praised the remix version, noting its "trademark glass voices and barely discernible acoustic musical instruments."[4] She also highlighted the song as an album standout.[5] Dave Karger from Entertainment Weekly called it a "sluggishly sweet tune" and added that the guitar riff is "a bit too reminiscent" of Edie Brickell's "What I Am" (which Tin Tin Out covered the following year) and the lyrics "shamelessly swiped" from Elton John's "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word".[6] A reviewer from Music Week felt the remix "lacks the warmth of the original, but Andrea Corr's vocals shine through the rather spartan sound and the chorus's hook remains as infectious as ever."[7] Claudia Connell from News of the World remarked that "Corrs are one of the most played acts on Irish airwaves at the moment and this looks like being the hit single they desperately deserve. "What Can I Do" is more radio-friendly than anything else around and has to rocket the family band into the big league."[8] Dave Fawbert from ShortList viewed it as a "absolutely brilliant song" and "really lovely slice of folky pop".[9]

In Brief: The Corrs had a chemistry here that they may never reproduce. The blend of instruments and happy/sad love songs is just heavenly, easily making up for any shortcomings.

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I meandered for a bit, listening to the odd single I remembered such as All Saints' Pure Shores, but I wanted something a little less synthesised, though just as innocent, as poppy and feel-good (I'm normally an alt/classic rock guy, so don't ask me why - maybe I'm sad and I don't know it and the pop makes me happy, I don't know). I was in the kitchen and I think Reeling In The Years was on in the background and I overheard what could have been The Corrs' Runaway or What Can I Do, one or the other, and then I suddenly knew what I wanted to listen to.

Now, I was never majorly into The Corrs in a fandom sense. I'm only 20, so I was a bit young during their heyday. Nevertheless, I always really, really liked them for some reason. Maybe I'm in love with Andrea. I could listen to her read the phonebook. But I digress.

I can't quantify how strange I find this considering their brand of pop is not something I ever really enjoy delving into - songs about breaking up with someone you never loved anyway, or how much you actually did love them, or how love gives and takes away etc. etc. etc. always grate on me - especially now, when said songs tend to be over-produced and synthesised and autotuned to the max.

The Corrs have positively no "bite" to them; they don't aim for controversy or activism or try to make any statements, it seems. But another thing they don't seem to do is pander; their music is as light and breezy as it is (for the most part, anyway - Queen Of Hollywood is surprisingly dark) not because they know what sells or they've been told what to write, but because they want to make you happy, to entertain and make you smile and keep you elated and instil a little hopefulness - it's long-drive music, basically.

So that brings me to my topic, I guess - here I am, a 20 year old guy who loves Oasis and The Who and otherwise despises Irish/Celtic music, and suddenly I'm infatuated with The Corrs (both musically and physically - look at them, who wouldn't be?) almost a decade after they called it a day for the time being.

I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone else have any opinions on The Corrs? Any at all? Do you think they're shite? Do you love them? And as someone who wasn't old enough to remember, how big were they, really? I keep hearing they were supposedly huge and I do remember them being talked about and always on the radio, but I always attributed that to them being Irish. Their paltry internet presence suggests to me they were a flash in the pan with no staying power - and yet outside of that they seemed to have it all, at one stage or another.

Being into "alternative" music back then, I was immediately struck

by the quality of the songs, both lyrically and musically in the way

their Celtic influences were seamlessly incorporated into the music.FNG was a melancholy recording dealing with issues of life,love, and

meaning. It's rather revealing to compare the packaging of this cd with

their most recent, In Blue. On the FNF cd cover is an artistic looking

B+W photo of the band, whilst on the back of the cd and on the inside

booklet we see pics of the band wearing respectable suits in moody,

contemplative poses. Andrea is sitting on a blarney stone thing.Now compare this with their latest cd, and the contrast is striking.

On the front of my cd of In Blue, Andrea is bent over looking into the

camera in a provocative manner. While in the booklet inside the cd we

find lots of colourful glamourous pics of the girls. There's even a

nice pic of Jim - but i prefer the girls pics coz i'm not gay

like Chris or toddstreet.This transition from deep and contemplative to glitzy glamour in the

way the band are marketed is also reflected in their music.

FNF was a deep, meaningful recording reflecting on life,love, meaning.For example, on "Secret Life" Andrea sings"Why we're all left in ignorance

Turning to despair

Philosophy and theology offer us a glimpse

At something more incredible

Than you and I"On "Someday" she sings"A fragrant memory is soon to fade

We lived our love of make believe, dreams and fairy tales

Now we say goodbye, habitual romance

A rose without her petals and a song without a dance"And on the title track,"All alone staring out watching her life going by

When her days are grey and her nights are black

Different shades of mundane"Now compare this with the schmultzy offerings on In Blue"So go on,go on,come on leave me breathless

Tempt me, tease me ...."or"You're irresistible-natural,physical

It's indefinable-magical,ilogical

So make-you-mineable..."The difference is obvious.

As is the decline in their Celtic influences.Nowadays i have to hide my Corrs CDs away so that people can't see.

That's because if you're a Corrs fan of the male persuasion people

assume that you're infatuated with Andrea, Caroline and Sharon (or Jim

in the case of Chris and toddstreet). And they tease u about it. They

don't realize that the Corrs were once a credible "alternative" band

before they became (pop)ular.i thank you for your patience and tranquility

I agree that they are moving away from some of the earlier work but I don't

fault them for that. They want to be a Pop group. To be a Pop group they have to

appeal to the broad audience.I love their acoustic versions of their songs, their musicianship is not in

question which puts them above the manufactured Pop groups out there today.They did those songs with Mutt Lange because Lange is a successful writer and

producer here in the states and the Corrs still haven't reached the US market

like in the way they have in Europe and Australia.'In Blue' has grown on me and I really like the other songs like Radio and

Somebody for Someone.Would like them to continue to do FNF all the time, sure, but unless they really

go over to the Pop side, I will enjoy any new stuff they put out.

Doug Berger : cadfileATyahooDoTcom [address mangled for some spam protection]

[just adjust the address before e-mailing me]

I have the Royal Albert Hall concert and Lansdowne Road concert on video.In Blue was a bunch of pop trash - turn on any live performance of Haste To

The Wedding and you'll see why I fell in love with this band.As for seeing them live - I will be 6th row centre on Tuesday.If In Blue had been their first album I would never have followed them..

there is nothing in it which distinctively seperates them from other pop

bands. FnF, ToC and UnP all had a unique Corrs sound. IB is a bunch of

synthesizers and computer generated effects.AJC

Yeah, I agree. I got FNF last week (had TOC, Unplugged and IB already) and

love it, but it doesn't change my view of IB. I really enjoy it. It has the

added bonus of sounding awesome with a decent set of subs like those in my

car ;) And the IB version of Radio is one of the most awesome driving rock

songs I've heard in a long time!It might not be as far removed from the other pop albums out there as far as

style goes, but by god when it comes to quality and quality of performance

live, nobody stacks up against them.Chris

It was totally unbelievable that their music has reached a very wide

market considering that what they were playing was not typical pop


I was even the one who introduced the band to my friends. and now they

are fanatics themselves.Yes they are changing style, and their music too. but i dont take it

against them and i continue to love them more and more...i really like

their original music (with Celtic influence/Irish music), but their

new (pop) music is very much welcome.in the Philippines, i never realized how much Corrs followers there

were until i watched their live concert in Araneta. they rocked the

Coliseum! from beginning to end, we never stopped singing, dancing and


wish there will be another chance....as far as the Corrs producing another album with a new set of

songs...yup that will be nice. but right now, no matter how many

times i play the whole set of their songs on cd, vcd and mp3...fine

with me!:)

SC: Oh, God, no, no, that was our idea. Originally, when we started writing together, before we were signed, it was pure pop. It was very electronic, very pure pop, and then we introduced the traditional Irish because I played the violin so we introduced it into the music. And then we developed our sound over a couple of years of writing. We got a record deal ultimately because we chased David Foster into a studio in New York while he was recording Michael Jackson. The edge of the Irish music really appealed to him, he really got that. The harmonies he loved. I think we got signed because of that combination. 006ab0faaa

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