default console is android debug bridge (like ssh) you need to enable usb-debugging in developer settings, connect to pc and install package android-tools-adb then you can start adb shell and authorize the ~/. android RSA-key by simply accept confirmation dialog on tablet

I've tried using the wget on terminal emulator but it seems to grab only the index file. Is there any app/download manager that can grab all the links and download them sequentially or GUI for wget? Loaderdroid downloads the page itself.

Download Wget For Android

Download File 🔥 🔥

Here's my first payload in a while. What it dose is it opens the Play Store, Search's for terminal emulator, installs it form the store, opens it. Now wgets a file ( I used kos's AntiGuard.apk hosted locally, its the apk i had to hand :) ) then takes you to the install wizard, installs it, then runs it. All in about 20 Seconds. :) It could be quicker, this should work on most devices 4.0 and above i have only tryed it on my Samsung galaxy note II N7100 running android v4.1.1. You may just have to tweek a few things. Like the download URL and the file URI.

Also the components like extra-google-google_play_services, extra-google-m2repository and extra-android-m2repository are outdated/unnecessary, since Google moved the dependencies to their own Google Maven servers (the google() repository in your build.gradle).

cimg/android is a Docker image created by CircleCI with continuous integration builds in mind.Each tag contains an Android environment and toolchain.Including several API SDKs, command line tools, build tools, Ant, Gradle, Google Cloud SDK, and more.

The NDK variant is the same Android image but with the Android NDK installed.Specifically a stable and LTS version.The NDK variant can be used by appending -ndk to the end of an existing cimg/android tag.

The browsers variant is the same Android image but with Node.js, Java, Selenium, and browser dependencies pre-installed via apt.The browsers variant can be used by appending -browser to the end of an existing cimg/android tag.The browsers variant is designed to work in conjunction with the CircleCI Browser Tools orb.You can use the orb to install a version of Google Chrome and/or Firefox into your build.The image contains all of the supporting tools needed to use both the browser and its driver.

user@anbox-debain-11:~$ wget -images/2018/07/19/android_amd64.img.sha256sum && wget -images/2018/07/19/android_amd64.img --2023-02-01 11:04:34-- -images/2018/07/19/android_amd64.img.sha256sum Resolving ( Connecting to (||:443... connected. GnuTLS: Error in the pull function. Unable to establish SSL connection.

This error occurs due to access restrictions in new (10+) versions of android.

Here is an instruction on how to get around a similar error for /proc/net/psched. In the same way (by calling the command through adb shell), you can bypass the error with /proc/stat.

Just to point out that the network event server Tasker plugin also works in Automate, using the plugin event block.

I have been using it to control my android devices for a while.

I can start apps with predefined actions, open any web page, enable disable immersive mode, change any setting, reboot device, adjust volume, take screenshots, send emails, open file and much more.

You can now have fun with TensorFlow and the Inception classifier on your android device. I find the best part is the humorous classifications it sometimes gets wrong. Keep in mind the Inception classifier only knows 1,000 images used from the Imagenet challenge.


I have a similar problem.

I can login to my nextcloud with a browser on my phone, but the android app fails to login. (continues to attempt)

My next cloud server is: 12.0.4

Android phone OnePlus X with android 6.0.1

vcpkg can export android archives (AAR files). Once an archive is created, it can imported in Android Studio as a native dependent. The archive is automatically consumed using android studio's prefab tool.

As i know the Ubuntu distribution which installed via Linux deploy app is just have the basics files to run Ubuntu. (ex. wget command not installed by defult so i must download it using apt-get install wget) .

I explain: I moved to another location and it seems that my android phone and tablet have a wireless internet connection of more than 20mbps. However, this does not happen with my main computer, which for some reason is restricted to 0.5 mbps at best, and usually around 0.2 mbps, using exactly the same wireless connection as my phone. This is not a GNU/Linux-side problem, because it works perfectly with any other wireless AP. I suspect it's some sort of network restriction and I would like to find out more about it, because this is the first time I encounter it. Tethering does not work on my android devices.

EDIT:I posted the results from the script on pastebin (please click this link) and I will certainly change the title of my question when we seem to arrive at some conclusion.To my surprise after running the wireless-script I also did a speedtest. My Computer had ~3.5Mbps Download and ~20Mbps Upload, while my android ~20Mbps for Download and ~20Mbps Upload.

(Alternatively, rather than installing git-annex on your Android device,git-annex can run on your computer and use adb to pull and push changesto the Android device. See android sync with adb for instructionson using git-annex that way.)

However the installation guide instructs to install wget in order to fetchthe installation script git-annex-install from the internet. Also the scriptitself relies on wget and installs it as a dependency even though thepreinstalled curl could be used just as well.

In this Thread, I`m gonna show you how to install Metasploit Framework in TermuX. You can use it for Android to Android/Windows hacking. It is the best way to hack another android like WATCH_DOGS Style :)

pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install git curl wget nmap -y && curl -LO && chmod 777 && ./

pkg update && pkg upgrade && pkg install curl wget git && git clone && chmod 777 termux-metasploit/ && sh termux-metasploit/

pkg upgrade && pkg install git && pkg install curl && pkg install wget && pkg install nmap && curl -LO && chmod 777 && ./

I need to add android sdk to my server to do some app processing via console. I tried to install it via wget but that is giving errors now unlike before...Before, when installing android repositories, it is giving me error related to the JAVA_HOME variable which is added to OpenJDK by default...It said something like, "Plz set JAVA_HOME to the directory where u installed the java version"

The android test system uses sftp and ssh to talk to our android device In order to use these, you must first install SSHDroid. You can find SSHDroid in Google Play at . You can install it with Google Play.

The android_install target copies the NSS built on the host and tests from the host to the android device.The android_run_tests target logins into the android device and runs the tests.The android_get_result target fetches the tests results directory from android to the host.

Once you've installed the NSS tests and binaries, you can run tests multiple times on those binaries. You only need to run make android_install again if you've made changes to the NSS tests or NSS itself.

NOTE: The tests fips tests do not run because PR_GetLibraryFilePathname() currently does not work on android. In android NDK versions before 8 dladdr wasn't support. In versions after 8, dladdr does not correctly return the full path to the library, which is what we are trying to get in PR_GetLibraryFilePathname(). For now these tests are disabled if you use the above instructions.

There is no make on android, so it can't use the make system to find the value of OBJDIR. The make targets described above have access to these variables, and automatically sets them when they build android. Other variables which the build system gets from make are found in $HOME/nsstest/dist/$OBJDIR/platform.cfg.

You can rebuild any part of the NSS tree just as you would normally, as long as you have the BUILD_ANROID and ANDROID_NDK environment variables set. You do, however, need to run make android_install to install the changes. make android_install will update all the binaries, not just the newly built one.

Use your phone browser and navigate to :portno, where portno is the server's listen port number. The server's listen port number is printed to the terminal window and is 80 for rooted androids and typically 9357 for non rooted Androids.

Note: The server has limited access on the phone and many of the phone's directories cannot be opened. One option is to map the following URL instead of the URL above. The following URL is to the cache directory of the Android app, a directory with both read and write access: -IP-address:9357/fs/data/data/

To use Octave's graphical capabilities, one needs to install a desktop environment, and a VNC server in the GNU/Linux distro, and one also needs to install a separate VNC viewer app in the Android phone (can be installed from Play Store/F-Droid). On many android devices, only the graphics toolkit "gnuplot" is known to work. Several apps (e.g. Anlinux, Andronix) are available to easily install the Linux distribution of your choice, and setting up the desktop environment. Refer to the Andronix docs for an overview of setting up the VNC server.

The scripts download the next stage binary for several architectures and launch the corresponding one. They both do the same thing but use different download methods. The first one uses curl and the second one wget built in BusyBox. An example of the wget version can be seen below: 2351a5e196

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