Halloween is such a fun time of year, and making your own costume adds a special touch to the festivities. This werewolf costume idea is not only budget-friendly but also a great way to showcase your creativity.

If you're familiar with my St. Andral's Orphanage addition to the campaign, you'll know I added a little hook into that chapter. After the events of the orphanage, 3 boys - Lazlo (age 7), Hans (age 10), and Franz (age 11) - ran away into the Slavic Woods where they were taken by the werewolf pack.

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It's also possible that either Ezmerelda, Van Richten, or both are already hunting the werewolf pack after the recent disappearances. Players might bump into either hunter long before finding the actual Den and gain a new ally.

If players are seeking out information on the Fanes, they might learn that the werewolves of Barovia are a lot like the forest folk and remember the old ways. The most recent werewolf sighting was in the woods around Kresk.

Alternatively, Richten has a werewolf caught in a Magic Circle. He's interrogating the werewolf for the location of the Den and details on the pack. Once the spell expires, Richten fully plans on executing the werewolf.

I want to take a minute to warn you guys that if the werewolves don't have numbers on their side, they can be quite the pushovers. My own party was about level 8, I think, when they tackled this location and they obliterated Kiril. They already had magic and silvered weapons (found in other locales in CoS), so the werewolf immunity wasn't a big deal.

In that light, I would definitely recommend running some test rolls/damage for the werewolves versus your party members. If things seem unbalanced with the as written werewolf stats, don't be afraid to adjust the enemies to meet your players. Give them more HP or an extra hit dice or a another multiattack. Whatever.

In the case of the werewolves specifically, I felt it was a little cheap to write off the whole pack as devil worshipers with the statue of Mother Night in Z7. Instead, I made it a statue of the Huntress of the Ladies Three, the creator of werewolf lycanthropy in Barovia.

I'm thinking of doing a small werewolf adventure to finish off level 5 for my party, but I wanted to make a stronger and more interesting werewolf with the Action Oriented design. Does anyone have any ideas for actions for a werewolf fighting a group of 4 5th level characters? So far I've thought of some kind of howl which can frighten characters, but that's about it.

The town meeting continued on for several more hours; among the other comments raised, Karen Piper insisted that all new anti-werewolf measures must first be subjected to rigorous environmental review, Bob Inglefart complained that the root cause of werewolf incursions was too many people moving into the area, while Theodore Duckworth asked if anyone had considered the possibility that werewolves were good, actually.

The door was smashed into splinters as a giant werewolf burst into the town hall. The beast opened its gaping maw and bellowed a deafening roar as slobber ran down its fearsome jaws. The creature leered hungrily at the defenseless attendees of the town meeting, then took a single step forward.

Mark Coopersmith gaveled the town meeting to order. \u201CLadies and Gentlemen, what are we going to do about the werewolf crisis? Every full moon, this town is attacked by invincible supernatural werewolves that murder people and then eat them.\u201D

\u201CWe have to improve our emergency response. If the paramedics can get to the scene fast enough after a werewolf attack, we can save some of the people the werewolves have left for dead before they bleed out.\u201D

\u201CWe need more werewolf victim assistance programs. Werewolves make a lot of mess after they murder someone and then eat them, and it can be a real economic burden for the survivors to pay all the funeral and cleanup expenses by themselves.\u201D

\u201CWell obviously, werewolf victim assistance needs to be means-tested and closely regulated. After somebody's family has been murdered and then eaten by werewolves, we'll ask them to sign a bunch of forms, provide proof of income, as well as character references to make sure they're sufficiently deserving of assistance. And naturally, we'll hire a team of officials who work full time scrutinizing recipients' spending to make sure there's no financial waste in the system.\u201D

Fred glared at her and shot back: \u201CEasy for you to say, Karen\u2013you literally live in a castle you inherited from your father, complete with 40-foot unscalable walls. When was the last time you lost a loved one to a werewolf?\u201D

\u201CYes there are,\u201D protested Larry. \u201CSilver bullets are the silver bullet solution. Lycanthrobiologists have repeatedly demonstrated that werewolf physiology is extremely susceptible to high velocity projectiles made of silver.\u201D

\u201CI've got your evidence right here,\u201D said Larry, pulling out a stack of research papers. \u201CA recent meta-analysis by Van Helsing, et al shows that households subject to werewolf attacks have highly differentiated mortality rates that strongly vary with defense typology. The highest rate of survivorship occured in home defenders who, in the blind panic of a werewolf attack, happened to stuff their blunderbusses full of silverware before firing it at the werewolves. This has happened in twelve different locations with varying degrees of experimental controls and effect sizes, but they all point in the same direction \u2013 wherever we see a higher density of silver, and a greater velocity of silver projectiles, we see a higher survivorship rate, and a lower rate of people being murdered and then eaten.\u201D

Mark shook his head. \u201CLook, Larry, even if silver bullets are somewhat effective, it's not like you're just going to cast a bullet, shoot a werewolf, and be done with the entire problem once and for all.\u201D

The werewolf looked slowly downwards at its chest. Sticking out of a swiftly spreading patch of blood were three feathered wooden shafts. A sudden look of horror came on the beast\u2019s face as it howled in pain, stumbled back out the door, and vanished into the moonlight.

The punishments were sometimes as gruesome as the alleged crimes. In Germany in 1589, executioners strapped accused werewolf Peter Stumpp to a cart wheel, removed his skin with hot pinchers and chopped off his head before burning his body at the stake. Stumpp's head, attached to a wooden pole carved into the likeness of a wolf, was later displayed as a warning to others tempted to consort with the Devil.

From the Alps, werewolf prosecutions spread to Franche-Comt, in Burgundy, a densely forested area where villagers and livestock were easy prey for actual wolves. There, as elsewhere in Europe, political and religious upheavals heightened tensions. And Christianity was struggling to overcome regional pagan traditions, making fertile ground for fanciful accusations, according to Rolf Schulte, a German expert on witch and werewolf hunts, in his 2009 book Man as Witch.

In 1521, inquisitors appointed by the Pope presided over several trials of alleged werewolfery. Two shepherds, Pierre Burgot and Michel Verdun, confessed to making a pact with the Devil in exchange for food: meeting with a man in black who gave them an ointment that turned them into werewolves, then attending midnight witch gatherings and hunting and eating children. Both were convicted and burned at the stake, along with a third who refused to confess.

Subsequent werewolf trials often featured similar details: men in black, a magic salve, belts or skins that turned the accused into wolves, attending witch ceremonies late at night and going on bloodthirsty rampages. Supposed eyewitnesses testified to seeing huge, glowing eyes and long, pointed teeth and beasts running with superhuman speed.

Contesting the Church's authority, the secular Parliament in Dole soon took charge of werewolf prosecutions, at one point encouraging citizens "to assemble armed with clubs, halberds, pikes, arquebuses and other cudgels...to hunt down the named werewolves where they might find, catch, shoot or kill them," according to an Edict of Parliament cited in Shulte's book.

Werewolf trials continued sporadically in the 17th century in Germany, the Netherlands and eastern Europe, particularly in isolated rural areas. But gradually, the educated and elite stopped believing in the Devil or animal transformation. In 1692 in Livonia, Sweden, an 80-year old man named Thiess was laughed out of court when he professed to being a werewolf and entering Hell three times a year to battle witches and devils and insure a good harvest. He was later convicted of practicing folk magic, sentenced to flogging and banished for life.

As the threat posed by real wolves in Europe slowly vanished due to industrialization and population growth, Metzger writes, even the delusion of being a werewolf was gradually replaced by other forms of psychosis.

I like the whole werewolves vs vampires thing but sometimes its just super annoying. Like the vatores introduced their werewolf friend to one of their vampire friends and it was just instant hate. Can werewolf ally be applied to vampires?

One method I forgot to add is get your sim to "help fix bad relationship" with a werewolf and a vampire. Passively correcting their relationship seems to be the easiest route without cheating. "Talk up another sim" in gossip also works, but only if the vampire and werewolf already know each other. Otherwise it will just auto to "despise." e24fc04721

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