There is a webcam settings dialog in Windows which can be accessed inside Skype and some other apps, but I want to be able to open it directly. How can I open it directly? I have attached screenshot of dialog for reference.

I just wrote my own simple script to quickly let me access the webcam settings for both my cameras, as the option to access the settings in most other applications are missing, except in Lync/Skype for Business (which hopefully nobody uses anymore.)

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Its a mixed Winbatch and PowerShell script that enumerates all cameras and opens the Camera Property dialog for each of them using ffmpeg. Its mixed because I didn't want to modify my ExecutionPolicy-settings, where a regular .ps1-script would otherwise halt on confirming a ExecutionPolicy Change.

Step 4: The Camera section of the Privacy menu contains a number of privacy settings you can adjust for your webcam, including letting apps have access to your camera, selecting which Microsoft Store apps can have access to your camera, and allowing other desktop apps to have access to your webcam.

I am using Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, Gnome version 3.28.2. I am struggling with my built-in webcam. I can use it with Zoom, but I can't seem to find how to change the webcam settings; I suspect I may have deleted something important when I was trying to "clean up" my computer. Specifically, I'd like to be able to zoom out since it shows an XL version of my face when I have the computer close enough to type on. The colors are fine.

According to the Zoom settings, it is using "Camera: USB2.0 VGA UVC WebCam: USB2.0 V". In the attached screenshot I've hidden my face for privacy, but you can see the list of settings and that the color is working correctly.

Based on Ubuntu's webcam help page ( ), I tried entering in my command line: ls /dev/video* and got /dev/video0 /dev/video1. Great, looks good. Then I tried entering vlc v4l2:///dev/video0 from later in their instructions and I got:

I am not sure if it will solve your issue with Zoom but the package guvcview contains zoom controls for most webcams. The package is in the Ubuntu repos and can be installed with sudo apt install guvcview. Once installed it will appear in your list of applications.

I also have this problem. Using guvcview normally works as mentioned by sc608 & james-h. However in Zoom the behaviour is erratic. It seems that when changes happen in Zoom (eg someone new enters the meeting, or a breakout room) the image from my webcam changes back from the original ratio to full zoom. I have to manually go to the settings, turn off "Original Ratio" and then turn it back on again. I'm not sure if this is an issue with guvcview or Zoom.

I did check first and I can only find a similar post from 2018, which is quite a while ago and obviously the world has gone down a very different route since then, with "working at home" for most people, and TEAMS is now a much more important to keeping in contact.

As a photographer and videographer, I have the knowledge on how to use a professional camera as a webcam, and set up external lighting, to get very good quality and correctly lit video on a call.

But that isn't always possible on a work PC as it might require installing software, it's just time consuming to set it all up and get it going, OR regular Joe doesn't have that knowledge or expensive equipment.

This is where a webcam comes in. 

In my case using a Logitech streamcam, which isn't bad. It's more convenient and plug and play, in most cases. But if using a webcam on a work device, you may still need to install software to edit settings.

Which is where you would hope that TEAMS might offer a solution, but it doesn't!

Will we ever get webcam settings, within TEAMS, to adjust the image quality and lighting?

It seems like it wouldn't be that complicated to add in for software which is primarily intended to be used with video broadcasts and webcam calls. It's a fundamental feature. Especially if you want your footage to look professional for clients or just during a team catch up.

This is a major omission. It really, really annoys me that there is no camera control in Teams. Not only that, but when you do open a control app such as Logitech Hub or Logitech Capture to configure it, Teams then resets it all again!

Zoom has much more control within the app, and things it doesn't control it doesn't reset them. Also Zoom has a really excellent chroma key setting to make your meetings look really professional. The Teams background is just rubbish by comparison with your head disappearing half the time.

One workaround is to use Skype for Business to adjust the settings before you start Teams and it somehow remembers them for the rest of the day. Most companies uninstall SfB though once they switched to Teams.

Another workaround would be to install the $1 app called "Webcam System Settings" which does the same thing and you can use it while Teams is running to adjust the settings.

But really, come on MS Teams devs - step up to at least look like you give a **bleep** about customer experience!

Today i got fed up again and decided to check if i could stop teams from resetting my Logitech G Hub settings. When going into settings > devices > camera, there is now a checkbox that (de)activates "Automatically adjust camera controls". 

After unchecking that box, teams no longer resets my cam settings. Feels like a huge victory :)

@FiBERNL Logitech G Hub, you say? So that's the software from the Logitech G line? I don't have that one. Probably won't work with the Logitech C310 Webcam. As for this device, Logitech only offers support/software with their simple driver/control package, which doesn't help much within Teams. Last updated a year ago (which is questionable for a webcam they're still selling). --Downloads-HD-Webcam-C310

@SimonNeilScott I was very happy to find just what you are talking about here. However, I now notice that whatever I set the camera to disappears when I actually use the camera in Teams. For example, I increase the zoom in the settings and all looks good in the preview. Then I use teams and it is as if I hadn't zoomed at all. I found this thread when searching for a solution to this issue. Anyone have thoughts?

@SimonNeilScott I'm also surprised at how crude Microsoft Teams is in the way of any webcam enhancements. I just had to use it for a job interview and was cringing at how bad I looked (no way to adjust lighting whatsoever), which I've never experienced with Zoom or Google Meet. Luckily most organizations and groups I'm running into aren't using Microsoft Teams very often. I have a Windows pc, and I'm disappointed at how little Microsoft has done to improve the app.

Many people do video conferencing on their Windows 11 PCs these days, and the webcam is the heart of that experience. So, if you're hoping to take control of your webcam and tweak basic settings, like the image brightness, sharpness, and contrast, the Windows 11 settings app will be where you have to go. If you're on a device with an Arm-based SoC under the hood, like the Surface Pro 9, you also can tweak integrated webcam settings with Windows Studio Effects. We have a look at all two methods for you right here.

The easiest way to change webcam settings will be with the Windows 11 settings app. You can open this by pressing the Windows Key and I on your keyboard at the same time. Once it's open, follow the steps below. These settings apply to integrated webcams and external webcams.

Again, the Windows 11 settings app offers pretty basic controls for your webcam. It's nothing too fancy, but tweaking these settings can help lighten up your image a bit and make you look better on your calls.

If your device has an Arm-based SoC under the hood, from Qualcomm, you can tweak additional webcam settings beyond what the Windows 11 settings app enables. You'll see options for background effects, eye contact, and automatic framing. Thanks to the Windows 11 Moment 2 update, you'll have faster access to these settings in the Quick Actions area of the Taskbar. Note these settings only apply to integrated webcams, though. You also can find the settings manually in the Cameras area of the settings app, as we described above. We explain both methods.

Again, just like with what you see in Quick Actions, you can choose background effects like blur, automatic framing, eye contact, and more. You've now tweaked your integrated webcam to spice up your video feed. With Windows Studio Effects, you'll look even better in your video calls. You can learn more about the feature in our dedicated Windows Studio Effects how-to guide.

Changing the webcam settings in Windows 11 is just one way you can personalize your device. We also suggest you tweak settings for things like fast startup, and change a few settings to make Windows 11 more private.

If I boot my system, OBS has the wrong camera settings. Close out of OBS, boot XSPLIT, everything is set to what it used to be set to (AMAZING!). Then close Xsplit, open OBS, and everything carries over! Wonderful. But why do I have to use XSPLIT to make my OBS work?

I am getting mine set up. It seems that pressing down the shutter button part way causes the auto focus. Like when I am taking photos. I expect that the af button does the same thing. The issue is that I am not able to reach the button when I am where I will be when I want it to be the webcam... So... Trying to use my backscratcher to touch the shutter button...

Actually, I finally discovered how to change the settings so that eye focus works fully and continuously as a Webcam without recording. Unfortunately, it was a bit convoluted and I no longer remember how as I sold the camera within 3 weeks of getting as I found that my Canon APS-C gave me better sharpness as a web cam. I did post the solution somewhere on this forum in terms of link. There's a youtube video showing the setting. e24fc04721

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