A plugin is made of a number of components. Each component is a single kind of object in Dataiku DSS, such as a dataset, recipe, or webapp. Each component adds functionality to a plugin. A plugin bundles components together as a single consistent whole.

The most up-to-date list of possible components can be found in the product. In the plugin editor, click + Add > Create component. The resulting dialog shows the list of possible components. When you add a component, Dataiku DSS automatically makes the appropriate additions to the plugin directory structure and adds some starter code to help you get started.

Download Web Components Plugin

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The elements of a plugin are contained within a top-level directory that identifies the plugin. When you create a plugin from scratch (called, for example, myplugin), that top-level directory contains:

A python-lib subdirectory with a myplugin subdirectory that has an __init__.py file that is empty of code. The python-lib directory is a good place to put functions that will be reused throughout the plugin.

As you add components to the plugin, this adds to the plugin folder structure. Each type of component has a subdirectory under the top-level directory. Each component has a directory that contains a JSON file that describes the component as a whole, and code files that define what the component does.

View parts looked promising, but it opened every single part in a new tab. What I really want is to actually have a plugin the places lots of parts side by side so that they can easily be seen and then labelled for cutting without using something like cutlist.

If there is no realistic way to do this in bulk (UGH), is there an easy way to set a specific distance between highlighted components on the horizontal plane and also twist so that their side is shown rather than their top?

So with that, or something like it, it seems like I could accomplish this task with the API that, were I to do it with a plugin, would require a lot of sorting through the files of the Discourse code base.

To confirm, my idea here would be to use the API to do some of this stuff that might otherwise require a plugin. So, for example, my site itself would be making a call to the API to determine if a user (or group, as case may be) is a moderator of a category. The call would be hardcoded into the customize panel, or in a theme or plugin.

I have never created a theme, plugin, or used the API from Ruby or used the API with any other programming language. I do have admin access on a production site which is how I accessed the backup. I also program in Prolog which is how I am accessing the data and using it to parse the posts with DCGs. If you know BNF, DCGs are not much removed but you have to understand syntactic unification and backward chaining for the more sophisticated parts.

There has been some excellent replies to your questions about the different between a theme component, a plugin, and the discourse API and I doubt I can add much more value; but here is another way of looking at this, which you may or may not find helpful:

From these responses I am gathering that (like you say) interacting with the JSON API can be a good start in many cases, that could avoid the need for coding up a new theme or plugin. But there are some types of data that are not exposed by the API. To access and do stuff with those data types, you would need to use the Discourse data serializer to expose that data; and to do that serialization, you need to use a plugin.

I am trying to use the styled-components-babel-plugin with a create-react-app application, to get the components name as classname in my chrome dev tools. But somehow, i do not get the classnames to change. I installed Babel and the plugin like described on the website and created my .babelrc like this:

I tried a lot of combinations of presets (including react-app) and other babel configs, also tried to do it in the package.json but I can not get it to work. The problem is, that i never used babel and barely know, why i would need it. So I have no idea, if I made an error on the babel or the styled-components side. Does anybody have a example project with a the working styled-components babel plugin?

After some tips of Daniel, I tried to install the babel plugin another way. As it turns out, you can not add a babel plugin to a create-react-app ( -react-app/issues/2611) without ejecting it and to install the plugin by hand. To do that, i ran those commands:

Hello people,

I have a question about drawing. I have a couple of standard components in my plugin editor, like sliders, buttons etc. In paint method in plugin editor I want to draw some lines, circles and shapes like that. But the problem occurs when those shapes come across those components, they are not being drawn over those components, instead they are disappearing beneath them. Is there a way to fix this, some opacity settings changes to be set, I would like those shapes to be drawn over those components.

Atlassian Plugin Framework 2.0 and later.

Note: The Component plugin module described below is available only for OSGi-based plugins using version 2 of the Plugin Framework.

In version 1 plugins, this plugin module will differ significantly from the information on this page. In version 1 dynamic plugins or those deployed in WEB-INF/lib, this plugin module will be interpreted differently based on the application to which the plugin is deployed because it installs the component in the application's object container. For example, JIRA uses Pico and Confluence uses Spring. So the object's lifecycle and dependency injection process will vary.

For version 2 plugins, as described below, the internal Spring framework is used regardless of the host application. Creation, dependency injection and sharing between plugins are consistent.

Component plugin modules enable you to share Java components between other modules in your plugin and optionally with other plugins in the application. You can use it to make any type of class instance available to other plugins or modules. It's in effect a Spring bean declaration (with greatly simplified syntax, since only autowiring is supported) plus an OSGi export.

The class which implements this plugin module. The class you need to provide depends on the module type. For example, Confluence theme, layout and colour-scheme modules can use classes already provided in Confluence. So you can write a theme-plugin without any Java code. But for macro and listener modules you need to write your own implementing class and include it in your plugin. See the plugin framework guide to creating plugin module instances.

My plugin has several components and content types. Content types are created correctly and automatically when starting. Components, on the other hand, have to be created manually, as with the Strapi SEO plugin (Create components using a plugin). I do this within register.js so that I can react to updates within the schemas before initialising strapi. If I create or update the components, I restart the server using strapi.reload().

Now this is my problem:

Sometimes the plugin creates collection types before the creation of components is done. I want to make sure that the creation of all components is finished and after that the plugin should begin creating collection types.

Or are there any (near) future plans to improve creating plugin in the direction of components?

Because refactor(core/strapi): move components to registry by iamandrewlucaĀ  Pull Request #16273Ā  strapi/strapiĀ  GitHub does sadly not sound like that so we might have to wait until v5? @Mcastres

You can create components. but not trough the file system with plugins. if you go into yarn strapi console and type in strapi.components you see a list of all components. you can in the register faze of your plugin do strapi.components.push({object same format as all the others}) and it will register the component for you.

Spectrum Web Components have very limited support in UXP v7.0. Please refer to this page for getting started on using them (especially the enableSWCSupport flag in the manifest.json). With UXP v7.2 the list of supported components would be much more and for the existing components too the supported variants would grow.

Now, you can work around this second part (my problem) in GitHub. Because you can do the copy/paste, sync to github, go edit the ID(s) of your elements locally or directly in GitHub, commit the changes, and sync back in Bubble plugin editor.

By adding a unique identifier to every styled component, this plugin avoids checksum mismatches due to different class generation on the client and on the server. If you do not use this plugin and try to server-side render styled-components React will complain with an HTML attribute mismatch warning during rehydration.

This option enhances the attached CSS class name on each component with richer output to help identify your components in the DOM without React DevTools. In your page source you'll see: instead of just .

One example you might want to do this, is testing components with enzyme. While you can always use .find(ComponentName) it's definitely possible to search component by its displayName with .find("ComponentName"). In the latter case you will need to disable the fileName option. If you do want this for testing only, make sure to add this only under your test environment.

A common pattern is to put components in Button/index.jsx instead of Button.jsx. By default, if the fileName option is set to true, the plugin will generate the display name using the directory name () instead of the file name (), because the former provides more information.

Two types of minifications are performed by this plugin: one removes all whitespace & comments from your CSS and the other transpiles tagged template literals, keeping valuable bytes out of your bundles.

Due to how styled components are transpiled and constructed, by default minifiers cannot properly perform dead code elimination on them because they are assumed to have side effects. However, there is a feature that can be enabled to aid this process called "pure annotation". 006ab0faaa

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