Grung society is a caste system. Each caste lays eggs in a separate hatching pool, and juvenile grungs join their caste upon emergence from the hatchery. All grungs are a dull greenish gray when they are born, but each individual takes on the color of its caste as it grows to adulthood. From lowest to highest caste, grungs can be green, blue, purple, red, orange, or gold.

All grungs secrete a substance that is harmless to them but poisonous to other creatures. A grung also uses venom to poison its weapons. Grungs are always on the lookout for creatures they can capture and enslave. Grungs use slaves for all manner of menial tasks, but mostly they just like bossing them around. Slaves are fed mildly poisoned food to keep them lethargic and compliant. A creature afflicted in this way over a long period of time becomes a shell of its former self and can be restored to normalcy only by magic. Being amphibious, grungs require water to live; any grung that fails to immerse itself in water for at least 1 hour during a day becomes quite exhausted.

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Green grungs are the tribe's warriors, hunters, and laborers, and blue grungs work as artisans and in other domestic roles. Supervising and guiding both groups are the purple grungs, which serve as administrators and commanders. Red grungs are the tribe's scholars and magic users. They are superior to purple, blue, and green grungs and given proper respect even by grungs of higher status. Higher castes include orange grungs, which are elite warriors that have authority over all lesser grungs, and gold grungs, which hold the highest leadership positions. A tribe's sovereign is always a gold grung.

A grung normally remains in its caste for life. On rare occasions, an individual that distinguishes itself with great deeds can earn an invitation to join a higher caste. Through a combination of herbal tonics and ritual magic, an elevated grung changes color and is inducted into its new caste in the same way that a juvenile of the caste would be. From then on, the grung and its progeny are members of the higher caste.

The evolution of grung gave them intelligence, opposable thumbs, and ingenuity, but took away their prehensile tongues, which were common among other amphibian races. This adaptation left grung with wide, sharp teeth-filled mouths. Their bright-colored skins were kept slick and wet as they breathed through it. Grung eyes were comparatively smaller than those of frogs or toads and were crowned with hard protective ridges. Their eye color was red with black pupils.[2]

All grungs continuously secreted a poisonous substance that was harmless to them[1] (however they were not immune to other poisons and venoms).[2] This secretion was quite sticky, and grungs could easily wipe their weapons on their own skin to coat them in this highly toxic substance. When exposed to air, grung venom quickly deteriorated and broke down within a minute, making it extremely hard to harvest and bottle. Their saliva contained the same but weakened poison.[2]

While all grung poisons had similarly debilitating effects, each color of grung poison also caused unique ailments in their victims. Green grungs' poison restricted movement, blue grungs' poison caused prey to shout and yelp against their will, purple grungs' poison drove victims to desperately seek water, red grungs' poison caused ravenous hunger, orange grungs' poison caused irrational fears of one's friends, and gold grungs' poison could charm the victim as well as gift them the ability to speak the grung language.[1]

Grungs were amphibious, but although they could survive underwater, they were better climbers than swimmers.[1] They needed to stay wet at all times as dry skin killed them via suffocation.[2] They needed to submerge themselves in water for at least one full hour every day or their health began to deteriorate. Six days without access to water was sufficient to kill a grung.[1][5]

Due to their size, grungs often avoided direct confrontation and preferred ambushing their prey. The most common ambush strategy was laying camouflaged and waiting for their opponents, grung from other tribes, or quarry to venture into the range of their short bows or throwing spears.[2] In addition to their naturally poisonous nature, grungs also poisoned their weapons.[1][2] If their prey survived the initially volleys, the grungs would flee across the tree tops so as not to leave any trail.[6]

Although tadpoles were all the same color initially, they were still raised in ground pools already separated by their destined caste. Some mobility was possible between the castes, such as in cases of valuable contributions and great deeds, in which case ritual magic and herbal compounds were used to change the individual grung's color.[1]

Grungs spoke their own frog-like language, called "grung," and most did not learn additional languages.[1][11] Grung made use of chirrs,[12] croaks (transcribed as "roook"), and ribbits or chirps (e.g., "erp"). It further made distinctions based on the length of croaks (e.g., "roook" versus "rooooook").[8]

Grungs tended to live in jungles or other tropical forests and swamps.[1][2] They dwelt in or near trees, preferring to live in shady areas, and needed to remain in constant proximity to water.[1] On the ground, their settlements resembled ramshackle, cobbled together groups of crude shelters occasionally hidden within giant dead trees.[2] The shelters themselves tended to be circular and squat with round windows and small chimneys all made of moss, vines, or reeds mortared with mud.[10][6] Grung homes generally held members of the same caste in groups of eight to eighteen.[10] A single tribe could include as many as a hundred grung with about a quarter of them being adolescents and children.[2] Grung often denoted their territories by hanging the bodies of their enemies in clear view to any would-be trespassers.[6]

Grungs' carnivorous diet consisted of local mammals found within their territory, such as rats.[2] However, they were also known to eat travelers[11] and members of other grung tribes.[2] Due to their highly toxic skin, grungs had very few natural predators aside from each other. Giant snakes, however, were immune to grung toxins, and freely hunted these humanoids.[2] Tabaxi were also said to hunt grungs, although for unknown purposes.[6]

While grung skin secretions lost their potency as poisons almost immediately,[1] this substance could be harvested to produce fabulously colorful dyes. These could in turn be used to create colorants with magical properties when applied to the hair of humanoids:

Grungs were common in Chult, and were known to occupy the jungle's rivers and flooded ruins.[6] The village of Dungrunglung, south of the River Tiryki,[6] and the ruins of Omu both hosted grung settlements.[14]

When the people of Omu began worshiping the Nine Trickster Gods after Ubtao abandoned them in the 13th century DR, one of these Tricksters was a grung called Nangnang. Subsequently, Nangnang and the rest of the Tricksters Gods would be slain by Acererak and sealed in the Tomb of the Nine Gods during the late 14th century DR,[16] but worship of Nangnang would continue among the grung of Chult.[11][14] The grung would end up occupying Nangnang's Shrine in the Omuan ruins, and in the century to come would war with local yuan-ti and vegepygmies in order to maintain their hold on the Shrine.[14]

Clearly based on poison arrow frogs, grungs are arboreal rainforest dwellers, tribal and territorial. In the latter respect, their behavior in groups will therefore resemble that of lizardfolk, so I refer readers to my original article on them. Their amphibian nature also invites comparison to bullywugs.

On its third turn and thereafter, the grung wildling supports its team, shooting into the melee with its shortbow. If at any time it needs to jump away, it does so with the help of the jump spell, which allows it to jump a distance of 75 feet (and remains in effect for a full minute, without concentration). It uses cure wounds only to support an elite warrior, if one is present.

Seriously, that's about it. A grung's poison doesn't actually do damage. All it does is make attack rolls and ability checks harder, and it lasts at most a minute (in practice, no more than 3 rounds). That doesn't matter even a little if you're not in a fight right now. If you want to use Lesser Restoration after a fight, just make sure nobody will ambush you immediately, and that your ally doesn't want to make any ability checks this turn. The only time that the poison really matters is when you use a touch-range buff or Cure Wounds in combat - and you should probably use Healing Word in combat anyway. Maybe don't be a Life Domain cleric, sure, but even that could work with Mass Healing Word.

Even though being a grung isn't crippling by any means, you should probably check with your team. Some players might get mad at the idea of a healer poisoning them when he helps them, and think that's a dumb betrayal of cleric-kind. So, maybe check that everyone's fine with a poison-skinned frog cleric? It depends on the party, with most it will likely not be a problem.

Most grung villages are found in cenotes, pits and sinkholes found within Gloomhollow Swamp. It is believed that these used to be quarries dug by the Orcs during their golden age. After the Plauge of Vecna ran through the Orcs they lost the knowledge to build the cities that needed the stone they would obtain from these quarries. Because of this they were abandoned and throughout the years were reclaimed by nature.

GrungImage credit WOTCBase InformationClassificationSmall humanoid (grung)Senses-LanguagesGrungScouting ReportAlignmentlawful evilDispositionAggressivePhysicalBelow AverageMentalAverageSpecial NotesDamage Immunities poison

Tree-Dwelling Amphibians. Grungs live in trees and prefer shade. A grung hatchery is maintained in well-guarded ground-level pools. About three months after hatching, a grung tadpole takes on the shape of an adult. It takes another six to nine months for a grung juvenile to reach maturity. ff782bc1db

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