Directly by email for user wich no NC account. For the first share all this users receipt an email and then impossible to ensure that it is notified when there is a change. I already have 4 users from my company with this request that I cannot honor.

Thanks for checking. No - definitely not in spam. The email notification comes through Helpscout, and the last time we did receive notification was on 17 March. Which may well have been the last time we received files, prior to today. I've just tested this myself as well, and uploaded a file through a request, and we still haven't received any notification. This is the third one for today.

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I have several 'Request Files' folders for students to submit assignments and everytime a student uploads a document, I get an email notification. I've unchecked all the boxes for notifications yet still get these emails. Does anyone know how to turn this off?

To enable this, you need the OneDrive sync app installed and you have to be signed in. The OneDrive sync app is installed by default on Windows 10, and assuming that you've signed into Windows with your Microsoft Account, as most people do, you don't need to take any further steps to get these notifications.

Right-click the OneDrive icon (looks like a white cloud) on the system tray of your task bar and select Settings. On the Settings tab, you'll find a check box to enable or disable notifications.

To disable alerts on your Android device, launch the OneDrive app, tap the menu at the top left corner and tap the Information button (looks like an "i" in a circle) at the top right of the dialog box that appears. The screen that appears will give you information about that account and options for turning on, or off, notifications for various activities, such as when somebody shares a file with you, or when they edit a file you've shared with them.

On this dialog box, you can enable or disable push notifications for this app entirely, or enable or disable individual kinds of notifications, such as Product Announcements or when somebody @Mentions you. Note that these notification settings are individual to the app, so you can choose to enable notifications for Word, for example, but not for Excel. This also means that if you want notifications in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, you'll need to enable them in each app individually.

To turn these notifications off, open your web browser and navigate to Go into your document library and find the file that you want to turn notifications off for. Select it, then click the Information button towards the top right corner of the screen (or right-click the file and choose Details). Next to the file name at the top right of the information panel you'll see the notifications icon, which looks like a bell. Click that icon to turn off notifications for that file.

Did some search but couldn't find anything. I have a question regarding the auto-generated notification email that are generated when someone update comments a document (e.g. word) located on MS Teams.

It's coming from SharePoin Online which act as the back end of MS Teams. Files that are located in the document library can be collaborated on. When someone add a comments to the system generates a notification email to advise that someone as commented on their document. I wasn't clear on my initial post. It's not generating an email all changes, but when people add comments.

I believe you can go to OneDrive on the web, click the cogwheel and then OneDrive settings. Under notifications disable to comments related ones.

I believe these goes for SP as well so try it out


While testing File Upload for Forms, Personal Forms automatically started sending me "USER NAME uploaded files to your request for FORM NAME" emails that the files were uploaded to OneDrive. To test, I wanted to see what was behind the "Unsubscribe" link and rather than additional options, it immediately stated "We'll stop emailing you about this type." And then stopped ... but there appears to be no way to re-activate. Even creating a new Form. It appears to be permanently off ... :( /_layouts/15/UnsubscribeAlert.aspx... Is there a way to turn them back on ??

In case anybody is reading this, you can enable/disable these settings via the notification settings under the account that owns the form. The only way I've found how to get to those notifications is to wait for one of the sharepoint notification emails, and click "Notification Settings" on the bottom right corner. You can then turn on/off "Email notification when others upload files to your file requests"

I was wondering if it's possible for Gravity Forms to include a file (submitted via the form) as an attachment in an email rather than embedding a link to the item in the body of the email. I would like to avoid keeping these files on our servers.

My situation: I have a form for people to submit resume for careers page. Notification goes to HR, but link isn't downloadable for them (permissions) so I just want to attach to the notification email. I copy and pasted exactly from:

In your notifications, the email that goes to hr, is it the admin notification or the user notification? Because you might just have the hook wrong. We have one for admin notifications and one for user notifications.

I looked into a multi part upload (since a notification can be sent after its completion) but that seems to be meant for large files. I have small files (couple kBs) and as such maybe using multi part upload is not the best idea?

I know very little about scripting, but I think what I want is possible. I would simply like to get an email notification when a file is added to a particular folder. I don't have any specific software, so I guess it would have to be a batch file or maybe VBS?

Hi all,

The company I work for uses both Microsoft and Google for collaboration and operation.

In Microsoft files, I've set up a forwarding rule in Outlook where anytime I @ mention myself in a doc, excel, etc, it goes to my Gmail. I find this super helpful because I can label those @ mentions depending on what task they relate to within my set of responsibilities and get to them later / snooze them when they are more relevant.

In Google, which is where I have my daily "to do" list in a Doc, the same can be done and I can @ mention myself on various line-items that will shoot over to my email.

However, it appears that all the mentions are wrapped in one email, which sort of messes up my labeling system by putting a bunch of unrelated tasks/reminders together. 

Do you know if there is a setting within Google that allows for individual emails to be sent out for each @ mention within a single document? Or is the only option for them all to be within one email?


I wonder if I understood Email Sending - Seafile Admin Manual right: When using Seafile CE, is it possible to receive notifications via mail when someone uploaded a file using an upload link to the owner of the upload link?

@paul2009 thanks for the tip, this works in sqaurespace environment, but when I receive a test email, the hyperlink is not clicking through. any ideas why? thanks! can that be because the website is no live yet?

Could your email client be blocking links within emails until they are approved? It is difficult to troubleshoot this remotely, so if this isn't the issue, you may need to post a video for others to see what you see.

there is nothing to film actually, since the email looks, like it is also appears in SS, but it is just not clicking thourgh. The Link looks active, but literaly nothing is happening when I click on it. Screenshot (AGB/TERMS.PDF)

@paul2009 here below is also the whole code with the part you shared previously. I slightly updated it for the font, color etc., maybe this is the reason why the links are not clicking through (opening) when email is in the inbox?

While it still isn't possible to add a PDF download to a customer notification email, you can now edit the text of the customer notification email" per product type in order to include a download link. You can take a look at our "Customer Email Notifications" guide for further information.

I was wondering if there is a setting which allows a notification (by email) to be sent to all collaborators when a new file is uploaded to a folder? I understand this can be achieved if each individual changes their own settings to allow notifications to come through however I was hoping that there would be an option on the folder itself which notifies people when new files are uploaded.

I also need this option, I want to give a link to a non box member so they can receive incident update files, they need to be able to receive an email when I upload a new incident file to the shared folder.

Example we attached pictures to a notification form, and when the email notification goes out they don't have a way to see the attachments without navigating to the sheet, finding the row which is a pain our upper management will not do that. There has to be an easier way.

Modifying the code is not recommended for maintainability. You can write a basic filesystem app for your purpose. Check this similar discussion: Listen to \OC\Filesystem's read signal via Util::connectHook

I want to let visitors order documents (e.g. whitepapers, slides from a talk etc.) by submitting their email-address and receiving the requested document attached to a message to that email-address in return.

A WordPress addon for Gravity Forms to add attachments to notification emails - GitHub - codearachnid/gf-notification-attachment: A WordPress addon for Gravity Forms to add attachments to notificat...

I guess that report file will contain information from the issue? You can easily create html or text based file and send it as an attachment. You can also pick files attached on the issue and send those via email. ff782bc1db

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