Hi, I like that this is actaully the first real working trainer for watch dogs, It got a lot of good things but im still missing 1 thing in it and that is the Focus you can use in watch dogs.

Something like a infinite focus would be a great improvement, would love to see it in this trainer.

I hope you could create this and let me know by the time its finished.

Our professional dog trainers can work with you and your dog to develop a family pet that is loyal, friendly, and a valuable watchdog. All of our guard dog training is focused on pet first, protection second. We will not train dogs to attack that already have an aggressive temperament. Our professional dog trainers will put your dog through a variety of temperament tests, so he is prepared for any type of situation. We encourage both the protective and loving instincts of your dog, leaving you with a pet that is loyal, fun, and a great family companion.

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The BigLeash training collar provides you with multiple stimulation levels. Most dog trainers find they can achieve their desired results using a low intensity stimulation, often barely perceptible to humans. All BigLeash models also include an audible signal which allows you to condition your dog to associate the audible tone with the training correction, thus eliminating the need for the stimulation altogether.

The appropriate age depends on the dog and his readiness for training. Your dog needs to have a basic understanding of what is expected of him and he must understand basic commands. Some trainers recommend waiting until the dog is five or six months old; others will train younger dogs if they understand the basic commands.

Before we get into how to tell a good one from a bad one (which is important), we need to decide if daycare for dogs is even a good idea. Should we drop our pooches off and let them run around for hours with other dogs?

Domesticated dogs are very social animals that, in the wild, live together in family groups. They crave social interactions and thrive in the company of others. And although they are happy (and love) to be with us, they also really enjoy time with their canine buddies.

Early and consistent socialization is the most important thing you can do with young puppies and is critical for their healthy development. The rise of dog reactivity is a direct result of our restrictions on letting dogs interact with one another in a natural way.

Just like everything else in life, dog daycare is not right for everyone. There are some dogs that do really well and benefit the most from spending time there. Here are a few types of dogs that are a good fit for daycare (this is just a generalization and there will always be exceptions based on the individual dogs personality and temperament):

Feel free to share any feedback via email (info@catchdogtrainers.com), which is always appreciated. Please understand we will not be able to respond to topical questions as these webinars are available to a very large audience and we would be overwhelmed.

As learners, we are likely to repeat behaviors that are followed by something we find pleasant, desirable or want to happen again. For part one of this question (what will happen when my dog gets the behavior right?), a skilled, ethical, force-free trainer should answer: play, toys, high-value food, or access to what makes your individual dog happy.

3. Choose a trainer who communicates clearly and respectfully. You are a learner, too! A skilled trainer should be able to apply force-free, reward-based strategies to you as well as your pet. A good trainer should be able to explain concepts, exercises and lessons in a way that works for you.

4. While trainers of varying certifications can be highly skilled and effective, here is a list of some well-regarded certifications you might start with when you begin your search.

Trainer troubleshooting: The most common problem getting a game trainer to work is compatibility between the trainer and the operating system version, if you are using an older game trainer and running Windows 7 or Windows 8 it simply won't work, if however, you right click the trainer and choose Properties and then Compatibility you can change this to run in Windows 98/ Windows 2000 etc. You can find more information on the Beginners Help page here

Different breeds of dog have been created to be aggressive in different circumstances. It is sometimes useful to categorize the different roles dogs have been given so that you can better figure out which dog is right for you. So, here are my explanations of these different roles.

The role of the Guard Dog is to protect territory from intruders. The dog is expected to attack and win a fight against an intruding animal or human. Guard Dogs get pleasure and positive reinforcement from patrolling and defending a territory. They like to watch over it and enjoy successful confrontation. They get very angry (aggressive) and combative if their territory is breached. The Guard Dog will usually be alert, fast, highly territorial, aggressive and combative with intruders, and have an all weather coat. Some Guard Dogs will not be aggressive, or will be substantially less suspicious and aggressive, once they are off their territory. It is inhumane, these days, to use dogs to work and protect property alone. It is too easy to kill a lone dog. If you are to use a Guard Dog to protect your property, they should be kept in the house with you, instead of left in a yard unattended. The Guard Dog role, working alone to ward off or attack intruders, is obsolete. You should NOT let a dog do this role. They will either get loose from the property and attack some innocent bystander, or they will be killed by a determined and evil intruder.

The role of the Flock Guard is to protect livestock from intruders. The dog is expected to attack and win a fight, if necessary, against predators (especially the wild canines and big cats). The Flock Guards are not suited to do combat with a human, and they should not be deployed in this role, or to be expected to confront and attack a human intruder. These types of dogs get pleasure from patrolling a territory, and they like to protect the livestock. The key to raising a dog like this properly is to have the puppy imprint and bond to the flock. They then take on the role of the Alpha dog over the flock, just as they would over a pack of dogs, and they protect the herd as if they were part of their canine family. They like to watch over their livestock and territory, and enjoy confrontation and combat with intruding animals. They get very angry (aggressive) and combative if their territory is breached by intruding predators. The Flock Dog will usually be alert, fast, highly territorial, aggressive and combative with animal intruders, and have an all weather (usually white) coat. Some Flock Guard breeds will not be aggressive, or will be substantially less suspicious and aggressive, once they are off their territory. It is not uncommon for them to be dog fighters, since it is their role to attack intruding wild canines, and they are very pack oriented. Flock Guards perform a very useful role for ranchers all over the world, primarily protecting cattle and sheep.

Ask a potential trainer about her education and any credentials she may have. Some wonderful trainers have learned through apprenticeships and years of experience, whereas others have taken a more academic route in building their skills. Certification with an organization like the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers is not mandatory for trainers, but it shows dedication to the profession and an interest in continuing education. To learn more about the different types of trainer certifications, check out this guide from The Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

To become a skilled professional dog trainer, you should expect that it will take a number of years as it would if you were studying to become a teacher or counselor. You will need book learning as well as practical hands-on experience. There is no quick, easy way to gain the understanding and experience necessary to become proficient. It takes time and dedication, as well as, a strong interest in helping people as well as dogs.

The course is designed for puppies to become highly trained guard dogs. This program is about a year to a year and a half long which includes four 40-day stages with approximately 8-week intervals between the stages.

together dog training offers in home, one to one qualified, professional pet dog training and behaviour modification in the London Boroughs of Lewisham, Greenwich, Bromley and Bexley. We only train dogs using force free, positive methods that are effective and science based. Range of services individually tailored. For New Puppy or Newly adopted dog or rescue. For obedience, recall, stay, wait, leave it, loose lead walking. For fear and aggression with body handling, food and object guarding, reactivity and vet visits.

As a certified dog trainer specializing in separation anxiety, Buehler advises her clients to use a pet camera to see the specific way anxiety is exhibited. Like people, some dogs get loud when they are afraid, so a camera might show excessive barking. Other dogs quietly pace, pant, or drool excessively, but all are signs of extreme separation anxiety that a trainer needs to address.

Here is the thing about weewee pads: If you put down a weewee pad, you do not have to leave it down all the time. You can pick it up and put it down. If you're going to try this, do it in a place where she doesn't already have a history of going inside. With some training, dogs can learn to go there if it is there, and not go if it's not. This can be helpful if, for example, it is raining and you want your dog to go to the bathroom in the hallway. What you'll want to do is make sure to monitor her inside in a penned-in area close to the pad when you think she has to go, and not let her be able to wander over to that area too much if her bladder is full but there is no pad down. You can also bring her there, just as you would take her out on a walk. But, instead of outside, at walk times you're taking her to the weewee pad. Stay there with her and reward her when she goes (make sure you wait and reward her after she goes, as if you do it during her going you might interrupt her from taking care of biz). 006ab0faaa

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