Yes, there are many ways to raise your own army. You may recruit basic warriors from villages for a low price. However, these will usually be poorly trained novices. Another option is visiting taverns within the towns, and hiring seasoned mercenaries. These hired soldiers will be well trained, but offer their services at a higher price. Also located in the taverns are heroes who may be convinced to join your party after you talk to them. Heroes are very useful since they do not die in battles, and keep accumulating experience, just like your own in-game character. They also add their skills like engineering and first aid to your warband.

Just wondering if anyone has a suggested warband size per year? I tend to forget to build training camps the first couple of years and want to correct that, so how big should my warband be each year?

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I've seen proof of players getting "warband credit" for a raid despite only having one or two other warband members with them. I haven't been able to replicate it myself, but now that warband rewards include legendary crests it seems like time to figure this out. With how difficult it is to get 8 players online at once, I think we could all use a way to cheese the system.

In a Battlegrounds game just now, playing as Queen Azshara, my special ability didn't count like I thought it would (I thought it counts the for the sum of attacks during the game, but maybe it's in a round). I thought my warband was my entire group of fielded cards. Then I thought "ok it must be the class/race/whatever that I have the most of" but that wasn't right either.

From my experiences, it appears warband chests have a chance to drop whenever someone in your party gets a legendary item. Spamming many dungeons in a warband party gave no chests, because legendary items from dungeons are rare. However, doing Kion's Ordeal with a warband party gave me a warband chest both times i tried it, and i believe that is beacuse Kion's always drops a legendary. In addition, when scouting ancient elites and inviting warband members to kill it, i have gotten several chests dropping from them when i get a lego item

Q) After a while of playing all my textures turn black!

A1) That is unfortunately a sign of warband's age and it's limited memory. I tried to do as much as possible to optimize but this problem is still pretty frequent. It should only happen after long battles and sieges, so my suggestion, is to immediately save after each of this events and restart the game. This should fix this untile the next big battle. (If you use cheats, using the search item function is almost guarantee to make this happen)

A2) Newer computers seem to suffer from this problem much more than older ones. I have noted that while my old potato pc from 2011 could run mods for hours without issue, my newer machine from last year has instead tons of issues with black textures every half an hour or so.

How many characters will players be able to have in their warband?

Your entire account roster will be part of the warband. Not everyone will show up in the cool camp selection scene. Horde and Alliance included.

However I still don't know if I should get warband or bannerlord, are there a lot of differences? Is bannerlord worth the extra cost? Also this is my first post here so I hope I'm not breaking any rules or anything, and sorry if there's any kind of mistake as I'm not a native speaker

I am charr. My warband is to me what humans would consider a family. We were raised together as cubs in the creche, in the fahrar. We were trained to fight together as a unit. We may not share blood, for we honor our elders and forebears, but the bonds of battle hold stronger than any family tie.

Warbands typically have five to fifteen members, but can grow up to twenty or even beyond that such as how Rytlock Brimstone's renowned Stone Warband had up to two dozen members at one time.[1][3] When a warband becomes large enough, the legionnaire usually splits the warband into two separate warbands.

If a warband suffers severe losses in battle or in an accident, it is expected that the warband replenishes its numbers with new recruits, typically gladia, who are deemed suitable for the warband via questionnaires or tests of their combat abilities in e.g. the popular Ooze Pit Trials or in various missions where their performance is rated. Surviving warband members are generally expected to consult with one another before recruiting new members although it is possible for a surviving legionnaire, or the next officer in line, to recruit members without consulting if the other surviving warband members are presumed dead at the time.[4]

A charr's loyalty varies from individual to individual. Typically an individual's loyalty will lay with their warband first and the legion second, though it is expected of them by culture to hold utmost loyalty to the legion instead; it is usually only those who strictly follow regulations who hold legion loyalty over their warband. Because of this, if a legionnaire defects, the rest of the warband may follow out of loyalty to the warband.

Typically, charr do not leave their warband for another; however, it is still not uncommon. This can occur due to losing a warband, becoming a gladium, and joining a new warband. A soldier can also be transferred due to the legionnaire's decisions on the soldier being better off elsewhere. When charr change warbands, it is important for the new charr to be accepted and work with the new warband well in order to survive.

It is acceptable for charr to leave the warband of their youth for an extended period of time either due to a promotion or to perform a specific duty ordered by their superiors. In unusual circumstances, charr have even been known to join guilds or orders with other races in lieu of warbands. These charr may be outcasts or they may simply have been forced through necessity to take unusual allies. However, despite their odd allegiances, it is said that no charr ever forgets their loyalty to their respective legion.[1][2]

During their education and training in their legion's fahrar, every young charr is forced to become a member of a warband, usually adopting a surname indicating their membership. For example, they could choose the name Fierceclaw in a warband where members identify themselves with the word Fierce.[2] The warband's name can also be shown as the suffix of the surname; for instance, a member of the Strike warband can be named Swordstrike.

A warband's name is chosen when its members are ready to leave the fahrar. It is also possible to find two warbands with the same name at a time, which often results in a friendly rivalry between both. In some cases the warband may adopt a historical warband's name for themselves to e.g. honor the previous warband's fallen soldiers.[5] If the warband's legionnaire dies or is overthrown and cast out, it is possible for the remaining members to rename the warband.[6]

The four High Legions were originally named after their respective primus warbands (Ash, Blood, Flame and Iron).[2] However, none of the current imperators display any of the primus warband names in their surnames.

Charr players will have and expand a warband of their own during the early stages of the charr personal story. Who joins the warband is based on the legion the player has chosen during character creation as well as during specific choices made in the personal story. For Blood Legion characters the original legionnaire of the warband is Legionnaire Urvan Steelbane, and for Ash Legion characters it is Howl the Brazen. For Iron Legion the original legionnaire is never named. Similarly, the warband's original name is only mentioned for Blood Legion players (Steel Warband).

Father of two littles myself with a full time job. Last thing I need in life is another thing to schedule. A warband is just to small to get enough people online whenever I have 10 minutes or so to play. In a clan of 100 it's good odds there will be 8 people on eventually. But not always. It's another thing to schedule which is not why I play games. This is my escape. I want to be able to jump in and out.

For all of you saying then don't. I probably won't. If miraculously I can find a warband that happens to be on mostly when I am cool. But I will not be putting a ton of effort in to scheduling warband stuff. I will tryout the new update then decide. At this point it will probably be an un install for me.

This creates a huge stressor to players because of the Warband mechanics of the game - it is very difficult to maintain an 8 player warband because it is not anymore the same - more so finding 8 players with similar play time and even more so - having those 8 players be online at the same time to do warband contents. The very high turn over rate of people leaving the warband makes it a constant struggle for warbands to maintain its members.

Lowering the number of players required to get rewards will also be a no go - simply because it will just force the most active warband players to rerun everything again for the sake of one or two members who failed to online during the initial run - if there are 3 or 4 people not around during the initial raid or purge run - it means they will do the same content again or worst - let their wb member run raid/purge solo and create unnecessary strife within the wb because of its poorly thought mechanics.

Before fighting a battle, each playerneeds to pick their warband.To do so, they must first pick afaction for their warband. A listof the different factions and theirrunemarks can be found on pages23-26. Then, they must pick thefighters they wish to include intheir warband whilst followingthese restrictions:

Battle groups are small groupsof fighters that are set up togetherat the start of the battle. Eachwarband is divided into threebattle groups: the Dagger, theShield and the Hammer. 2351a5e196

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