Crypto Wallets (deprecated) - Select this option if you elected to use the old Crypto wallets setup rather than the new Brave Wallet implementation. Depending on your installation, you may not see this option.

Specify whether to show a "Switch Network" button after the wallet is connected and it is not connected to the activeChain set in ThirdwebProvider to encourage the user to switch to the correct network in their wallet.

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Did this ever get fixed? I am having the same issue. I have deployed my dapp via appflow to android and when the user attempts to connect the wallet it does not populate the mobile links, just a connect button. The connect button does nothing.

Seems that walletconnect v1 it's no longer working, i was using it with no problems until last month. Today i tried opening 1inch from both the ledger live app in my phone and pc, and also from the webbrowser but it's not working, when i get the approve popup and go to the ledger live app, walletconnect shows nothing.

I have implemented WalletConnect in my project and it has been working perfectly until now. However, suddenly today, I'm unable to connect my Trust Wallet using WalletConnect, either through a PC or mobile.

Given that the WalletConnect was previously functioning correctly in my project, and that no major changes have been made to the codebase, I expected it to continue working as usual. My goal was simply to establish a connection between my Trust Wallet and my web application via WalletConnect, as it had been doing successfully before.

Despite these efforts, I am still unable to establish a WebSocket connection with WalletConnect. I was expecting these steps to resolve any common issues and restore the functionality of WalletConnect in my project.

6: You're connected! You can now use the web Dapp and make transactions. Some Dapps will require that you confirm transactions in your wallet, in such a case a request with the transaction detail will appear on the screen shown here and you will be able to approve or reject it.

Also, the Trust Wallet development team has made great progress in adding multi-session support for WalletConnect. Once your device is connected, the session will remain active.

This guide assumes you have a React application already setup and running. If you are more comfortable jumping straight into code, below is the final working example of a multi-wallet modal integration. We encourage you to fork the sandbox and reconfigure it to suit the needs of your dapp setup.

I was curious if anyone has built a crypto hot wallet connect / sign-in feature to their PW sites? I am interested in the possibilities of such an integration into one of our project's websites. The only thing I am finding is this, but it just seems to be marketing fluff and I find it not trustworthy: -wallet-login-and-nft-token-gating/processwire/

I "don't get what you have in mind" when you say "managed by" but things are pretty easy. Just associate public wallet address(es) of an user in the system user template by adding a new field to it. You will need a custom module and/or some hooks to interact with ProcessWire's session, brainstorming needed there before going further.

Then I highly suggest you to use a battle tested solution to interact with wallets as there are multiple way of interacting with them, knowing that all wallet do not use the same method. For example you will find different process between CoinbaseWallet, TrustWallet using WalletConnect and Metamask/Phantom, not to mention the various blockchains implementation, eg. Ripple.

Another solution which is good to know it exist, I used it in january when I built a desktop app wallet (this one is not the cheapest you will find and it's more focused for established companies), is WaaS (wallet as a service) by and using HD wallets (xPub, yPub, zPub), TSS and distributed key. More complex things.


About the connector/solution you posted above, it look legit, but I think we never heard about them here in the forum, it seem to be an indian company. You might want to contact them directly from the official website, note that the ProcessWire connector IS NOT listed there.

What I am interested to do is less to authenticate users to sign-in to a backend, and moreso to successfully connect to their wallet, and then if they are in possession of one of our tokens, to display some pages and/or media on the front end that a non-token holder would be unable to view. I am not interested in cold wallets at this time, mostly curious about MetaMask because it is the most popular for Ethereum.

To get back to the topic, understood, then you should be able to get started quickly, With both web3 you will get users/guest wallet connected. To interact with Ethereum and smart-contracts, the easier way is to use one of the cleanest API made by Alchemy through their alchemy-sdk. You will be able with something like ten lines of code to get the tokens (fungible or not) from the contract(s) of your choices and then send ajax request to your scripts/templates to set something in the user session and let user view the hiddens pages and/or medias.

updating this topic for visibility. The best tutorials and working repo I have come across so far are from 0x3 Studio: -very-simple-to-offer-a-connect-wallet-option-for-your-website-thanks-to-rainbowkit/

The project is bootstrapped using NextJS and RainbowKit. This leaves me with some questions as to whether or not I want to integrate the functionality into a pre-existing ProcessWire site or create a Next.js SPA on a subdomain that accomplishes the functionality I am trying to achieve. It seems like there is not much documentation on working with NextJS and PW at the moment, although these modules seem to be pointing in that direction:

Inertia.js for ProcessWire 

Vue with headless PW: -church-developers/processwire-vue-js-a-lovestory-d4d5bca365

Currently it's beyond my understanding on the best marriage with a front-end framework and/or PW either as a headless CMS, API, or non-headless, but the above examples are leading me into interesting territory.

Thank you @flydev for this example api / json request. I appreciate it because it is very clear what it is doing and it is helping me make sense of these capabilities that aren't as carefully documented in PW docs. So a huge thanks. I think a Ko-fi is in order!

On the case of Svelte, it seems to be the choice framework of some devs that I have spoken with and trust. I did not realize that the Rainbowkit is React only (I saw it does support Vite though). However, I think at this point, with the little interest I have devoted to React, I choose to go the Svelte route, as it does seem the most promising. I hope that there is further ambition within web3 wallet sdks to support it as well, as it seems this would be a fantastic expansion of the currently supported frameworks.

Good to know on the inertia modules being somewhat outdated. I was curious to see how some of it worked, and glad that it did. I look forward to your Vite module and what that will entail. Exciting stuff.

NWC is the perfect solution for developers looking to integrate a unified standard for wallet-app connections (NIP-47). Built on the Nostr protocol, developers can leverage this technology to give users full flexibility to choose the wallet that best suits their needs.

Our roadmap began by introducing bitcoin lightning functionality to YouTube, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Next, the Alby Wallet API was introduced as a way to power any app with native bitcoin payments that can be settled instantly on a global scale. So far, the Alby Wallet API is built on OAuth2 a widely used standard to easily authorize the access of apps in a safe way. The idea is simple yet powerful: every user only needs one bitcoin lightning account to connect to any app, and developers can use familiar standards such as OAuth to speed up integration.

We also support adding custom connectors and editing the list of supported wallets for users to connect with. In the connect-wallet-config.ts file you created during initial configuration, you can pass additional values to the buildConnectors function to do so.

You can use any of the supported chains from wagmi for @shopify/connect-wallet. In the connect-wallet-config.ts file you created during initial configuration, change the value provided to configureChains like this:

When initializing the package, we strongly recommended including an Alchemy or Infura provider to reduce the risk of rate limiting. If your app is rate limited your customers can't connect their wallets.

The enableDelegateCash property dictates whether your app supports delegate wallets registered with the service. The service enables users to link cold wallets with hot wallets, and then the hot wallet can act on behalf of the cold wallet to connect and sign messages.

Order attribution is a feature provided for Shopify Online Storefronts. When enabled, a request dispatches to Shopify, adding the buyer's wallet address to a completed order with the name "Wallet Address". This allows users to associate an order with a particular wallet address.

The statementGenerator prop allows you to customize the statement displayed in a Sign-In with Ethereum message. The function receives the address of the wallet that has connected, allowing you to expand and customize your message statements to better suit your brand.

Below is a sample which fetches a custom message from an endpoint with the wallet address as a parameter. The example endpoint then returns JSON data with message as a value in the body. This isn't a guideline for how this must be used, but rather an example of what's possible.

I want to speed up sync times of the light wallet by connecting it to a trusted node. Specifically, connecting my light wallet on my laptop (light wallet computer) to my full node on my farming computer (trusted node) on the same network. e24fc04721

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