A wake window is the amount of time your baby or toddler is awake between one nap and the next. I like to count wake windows from the time you get your baby out of the crib or bassinet until you lay them down again.

Wake windows include everything that happens while your baby or toddler is out of the bassinet or crib, including feeding, spending time outside, playing with toys, singing songs, reading books, and even the nap time routine and bedtime routine.

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Let's talk about how to figure out the amount of awake time your baby needs between naps and before bed. Keep in mind, wake windows tend to increase as the day goes on. This means that the shortest wake window is often the time between getting out of the crib in the morning until laying down in the crib before the first nap. The longest wake window of the day tends to be between the last nap of the day and bedtime. Here are the recommended wake window ranges based on age:

Look for sleepytime signs: The goal is to get your baby down for a nap or night-night before they get overtired. So, once the wake window is nearing an end, look out for signs Baby is sleepy, like reduced activity, yawning, staring, blinking, and/or eye-rubbing. Remember: Watch the clock and your baby!

As the weeks and months go by, the amount of time between your baby sleeping and being awake can vary, and their wake windows might include things like nursing, playing with toys, going outside, singing songs, reading books, or even their full bedtime routine.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, infants should be sleeping 12 to 15 hours within a 24-hour period. But finding that balance between the perfect amount of sleep and wake time can be tricky.

Keep in mind that your baby or toddler is unique and may need different amounts of wake time before a nap. These are simply general guidelines to help you determine how frequently your child should be sleeping and give you a healthy range to shoot for.

If you have a cranky baby on your hands, try the shorter end of the window range (e.g., 60 minutes instead of 90 for a newborn). Alternatively, if your newborn is very alert at the 60-minute mark, aim for the longer end of the wake window (90 minutes).

Adjusting the wake window depends on how long your baby naps. A good rule of thumb is that if your baby naps for less than 45 minutes, shorten your next wake window by 45 minutes to prevent your baby from becoming overtired.

Tired signs vary by child, but common indicators include rubbing eyes, pulling ears, yawning, disengaging, not making eye contact, or nuzzling or snuggling something. As kids get older, the length of time between tired signs start to lengthen, which extends their wake windows.

Here, Lahaie Hera outlines a sample schedule for a 5-month-old, assuming that they take 3 naps per day and that their wake window is no longer than 2.25 hours, with no more than 2 hours prior to bedtime.

It is imperative that OEMs consider whether to implement Wake-on-Touch for each design and SKU as there are noticeable power consumption trade-offs for the feature. Pressing a key on the keyboard, interacting with the touchpad, or clicking the Bluetooth button on a paired pen, are all methods to wake the device with lower power consumption.

When enabling Wake-on-Touch, OEMs can specify the wake gesture to be either a single-tap or a double-tap working with their touch IHV. Whichever gesture is chosen shall be usable anywhere on the active area of the display to wake the device.Once the touch controller has detected a wake based on either the single tap or double tap gesture:

If the touch controller has detected a wake gesture and asserts an interrupt to indicate to the host that input report(s) are ready, but the host does not in fact issue the read, the touch controller should revert back to low power state after some vendor defined timeout. This is considered an abnormal case, but may be desirable for touch IHV to account for in order to minimize unnecessary power consumption in standby.

If it is desired for Wake-on-Touch to only be enabled in certain postures, the recommendation is to implement a filter driver that controls whether the touch controller is armed for wake based on the device posture. In this type of implementation, the filter driver would decide whether to let the IRP flow to ACPI to put the device to D2 (armed for wake) or whether to have the device be put to D3 Cold (off).

If the device design does not permit ACPI to pull power (D3 Cold) from the touch controller when Wake-on-Touch is not desired based on posture then a vendor-specific mechanism should be implemented to allow the touch controller to remain powered (D3 Hot) while informing it to go to its lowest power state, internally gating, and not scanning for any touches. This vendor specific mechanism allows the touch controller to disambiguate whether to be scanning for user input or not in the SLEEP/Armed for wake state per the figure below.

Lastly, if it is desired for a device to have different Wake-on-Touch behaviors based on posture, it is recommended to wake the device when a posture change happens. Posture changes are a clear indication of user input and this also ensures the proper arming/disarming of the touch controller when the device enters a new posture.

It is generally recommended that the device indicates support for wake from D2 state, so that when the operating system (OS) needs to arm the device for wake on touch, it can place it into D2. If the OS does not need to arm the device for wake on touch, it will place the device into D3. This will then allow the device to transition into D3Cold for greater power savings. This can be done by following the _S0W related guidance provided in the ACPI section below. Device-initiated power optimizations (that are not initiated by the host or operating system) should be done in a manner transparent to the operating system.

In this article, we will discuss why wake windows are important, when to start paying attention to them, the importance of sleep cues and how to recognize them, and of course, also provide a complete list of wake windows by age.

Short naps are also common from 12 weeks onwards, often with only 30-45 minutes of sleep before their next wake window. Their sleep schedule will be erratic, so focus on recognizing and responding to their sleep cues.

Wake windows for babies between six and nine months will be around 2 to 3 hours, and their nap schedule will be fairly consistent. This is the period when your baby may transition from three naps to two, with a longer wake window in the morning and the shortest wake window in the afternoon.

It can be difficult to know the "right" thing to do when it comes to your child's sleep: Is it better to put your baby down for their nap earlier or later? Is it okay to wake them if they're taking an unusually long nap, or is it best to let them be?

As a newborn, babies need more sleep and have shorter, more frequent wake windows. But as your little one gets older, and especially as they approach their first birthday, they need less daytime sleep and will have fewer but longer wake windows.

It's important to note that wake windows describe the natural amount of time that a baby is generally comfortable being awake between sleeps, but they're not the same as a sleep schedule, nor do they have anything to do with sleep training. In fact, babies don't settle into a regular sleep cycle until they're around 4 to 6 months old.

Every baby is different, and there aren't hard-and-fast rules when it comes to wake windows. But the month-by-month ranges below may be helpful as a general guide when looking for your little one's sleepy cues throughout the day:

If you've noticed a sudden change in your baby's wake windows and are concerned that they're either too long or too short, something else may be affecting their sleep, such as a sleep regression or teething. Your baby may also be working on mastering exciting new skills (think rolling over or sitting up), which could be keeping them awake at times when they should be napping.

During these first few months, your baby's sleep is likely to be highly unpredictable, and there's no "normal" at this stage. Although they're too young to fall into any kind of real routine, newborns generally tend to have wake windows that range from 45 minutes (during those first few weeks) up to 2 hours (typically for babies approaching the 3-month mark), which you can use as a guide when looking for sleepy cues.

Think of wake windows as a helpful sleep guide: If you can anticipate that your 7-month-old will likely get tired about 2 to 4 hours after waking up from their nap, you can start looking for sleepy cues (yawning, rubbing eyes) during that time.

You can also keep age-appropriate wake windows in mind when planning your day. For example, if your baby wakes up from their first nap at 11:30 a.m., you might plan to do a short activity around noon in order to be home by the end of their wake window for naptime.

A sleep schedule is less flexible, and usually involves putting babies down for their daytime naps at a set time that may or may not align with their natural wake windows. Of course, you can use wake windows to help create a daily schedule that works for your baby.

If you want to use wake windows to help create your baby's daily schedule, you can start following rough wake windows from the time you come home from the hospital. But remember that babies typically don't fall into a consistent sleep routine until they're around 4 to 6 months old. As your baby grows, their wake windows will naturally expand until they're spending more time awake than asleep during the day.

Your best bet is to reference wake windows as a general guide, not a firm rule. All babies are different, and some little ones don't stick to the "typical" wake windows. As long as your baby is clocking enough shut-eye in the course of the day and your pediatrician isn't concerned about their eating or sleeping habits, that's okay! ff782bc1db

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