Raspberry Pi OS (formerly known as Raspbian) is 32-bit by default. But for the server you need a 64-bit system. Starting with the Raspberry Pi 3 (and some models of the 2nd generation) a 64-bit chip is installed.

To install the system image, you now need a SD card (I recommend at least 8 GB) and the Raspberry Pi Imager. After opening it up, select your Raspberry Pi and under "Operating System" go to "Raspberry Pi OS (other)" and choose "Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)". Then select your SD card, click on "Next" and "Edit settings":

Note: This guide configures the server to serve Joplin out of a subdirectory ( -DOMAIN.COM/joplin). If you'd like to have it served on your root (directly via -DOMAIN.COM), simply omit the /joplin in the APP_BASE_URL.

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To login, browse to YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/joplin. The default e-mail is admin@localhost with admin as password. Please change those credentials immediately and add a non-admin user under the Users tab for syncing your notes. Keep in mind that the server is accessible to anyone on the internet and therefore strong passwords are highly recommended.

Note: If you don't want to do updates to your server regularly, check out the watchtower container. I didn't include this into my guide as you should be very careful when automatically updating a database.

Also latest is not actually being fully used for the server image yet as it is still beta software. The tag is therefore referencing an old beta version. If you want to try the latest server beta version you will need to use florider89/joplin-server:2.2.7-beta

I want to run joplin server locally on my raspberry pi using docker. I want to access it from another machine on the same network using its IP address. What do I enter for the APP_BASE_URL parameter in docker-compose.yml?

I have recently participated in a post that was asking if a Raspberry Pi 3B+ could make it as a viable shiny-server, and was pointed out to me that this might be an interesting topic for some people, so Im going to share with you my experience setting up a shiny-server on a Raspberry Pi 3B+.

We are going to install RStudio server from source, this is extremely time-consuming (around 27 hours last time I checked), so get your self something to do while the raspberry pi installs dependencies and compiles everything.

If this is your goal, maybe you want to try other options like an AWS virtual server, they offer a free tier that it's obviously more powerful than the pi, and the installation process is much easier since you would be using a regular Linux distribution.

I don't start back at uni till 15th Jan, so have the time to learn something different. Plus, don't like AWS or amazons, avoid it if I can. In the end, it will just be a file server, if I can use if to make a webpage then, YAY, otherwise, not overly bothered.

First, set up your Raspberry Pi. I like NOOBS as it's super easy to setup. If you want to make things faster for setup and possibly set up your Pi without having to connect a monitor, mouse, or keyboard, mount your SSD card and create a new empty file named ssh, without any extension, inside the boot directory to enable ssh on boot. Remember the default user name is pi and the password is raspberry.

Go to -us/download/server in a browser. It'll say something like "Download minecraft_server.1.16.2.jar and run it with the following command." That version number and URL will change in the future. Right-click and copy link into your clipboard We are going to PASTE it (right click with your mouse) after the "wget" below. So we'll make a folder, download the server.jar, then run it.

You could also make a start.sh text file with pico then chmod +x to make it an easier single command way to start your server. Since I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4g gigs of RAM and it'll be doing just this one server, I felt 2500 megs of RAM was a sweet spot. Java ran out of memory at 3 gigs.

I travel a lot and want to have a 24/7 Plex server so I can watch movies on Plex wherever I go and not rely on my PC being on. I have a Raspberry Pi 4 and heard it can run a Plex server 24/7 as it sips small amounts of electricity. I have no problem leaving Raspberry Pi on 24/7.

I have a display and a USB mouse but don't have a keyboard. I realize that ubuntu asks me to enter new password for the initial user setup. Is there any alternate way to install ubuntu server without keyboard on a Raspberry pi 4? Is it possible to ssh into ubuntu server without initial setup?

I recently purchased several RPi4's and installing Ubuntu 20.04 server on them headless most of @pasulio's advice was spot on. One thing that I've noticed with all the Raspberry Pi's is that I needed to do the steps like so from my Macbook:

Here you you can select Ubuntu and see a list of download options. For this tutorial we recommend you select the latest Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server for 64 bit architectures. As indicated in the imager this will work for the Raspberry Pi 3, 4 and Zero 2 W.

Great project and write-up thanks for sharing. For variety, just wanted to mention that the same can achieved using Conserver with SSH connection (instead of ser2net). Conserver can also log output from serial ports so you can see what happened whilst you were not connected and watching. Just got a PI 4 B for Christmas. Will be migrating this to PI soon.

I've found that in the latest version of Raspbian (stretch I think?) you now need to edit the last line of /etc/dhcpcd.conf. There should be a line that starts with static domain_name_servers= - there you can customise it with a list of space-separated DNS servers, like this:

The openDNS servers worked for me thanks.During a Udemy learning session I had run into a problem after ditching my wifi sharing arrangement with my Mac, and setting up ethernet hub with the PI on a different home network.The problem with my previous IP sharing arrangement with WiFi.

Nethserver would be a great choice for the server base not because its the best server but because of this community and the efforts made to integrate software that would be useful not just because it fits a certain use case and is open to changing software for a better one or at-least being able to try to have both.

The mini server based on the Raspberry Pi 4 board includes a UPS module with two 2500 mAh batteries that can last up to 1.5 hours and a mini OLED screen that displays UPS, IP, CPU, RAM and storage info. It also features a 3D printed case with...

Example lets say you have a school where they limit the amount of students to 10 per class and due to lockdowns with covid they need remote learning infrastructure for 2 classes but as many commercial solutions have a 500 user minimum per month or even having a backup that can be implemented quickly for a school who has the infrastructure but a fire destroys the server rooms.

i just realized what i did i installed lemon lemonldap-ng first il have to go over what i installed as its still giving me the error installing the repo but yum install nethserver-lemonldap-ng --enablerepo=lemonldap-ng,lemonldap-ng-extras reports No package nethserver-lemonldap-ng available

Recently I attempted to get a mid server running on my raspberry pi and could find no clear instructions. Here is what I did to get it working on a Pi 3 model B running respian jessie light, hopefully it can help you out in your efforts.

Unzip your files. From here we will be modifying the /servicenow/agent directory to change things to work on the pie. Once this is done, the /servicenow/agent directory will be used to copy to each mid server you need

I found that my Pi wasn't picking up REST requests in the ECC queue until I validated it. While I was able to retrieve logs and other basic "system" commands to the MID server, the RESTprobe entries were sitting in the outbound queue in a ready state. I thought it had to do with arm libraries and symlinks and what not, but it turns out that I just needed to open the MID server record on the instance and click "Validate" in the related links. After a few seconds, you should see the Validated field change to Yes, and outbound records start being processed.

I like dockerizing everything. So i've created a few docker images for Raspberry Pi, that including a ready-to-use MID Server. Using these images would allow you to launch a MID server with minimum configuration within a few minutes.

I wonder if we really need all this ,can we not treat raspbian as another linux distro. and install plain and simple like in docs? Also, currently i am not able to install the midserver, installer.sh doesnt run or takes me to gui.

Using these instructions I got a New York version MID server running on a Pi 2. The auto-upgrade to Orlando failed so I tried a clean install, following the instructions again. However the MID server fails to run and I see this error message in the agent log:

Now that the MID server downloads are 64-bit only, has anyone successfully gotten this running on Ubuntu 20.04 or something? I keep running in to an error in the logs about getRecords failing. I've tried several things tweaking the config files, but still come back to that one failure. Just curious if anyone else has battled their way through the new security configurations. Here's a bit of my agent0.log.0

I'll download it and try it this weekend. I'm not sure it's going to fix the issue as it look like (from the logs) that there is a negotiating issue between the instance and the MID server regarding keys/authentication. The server starts, begins talking to the instance, but doesn't get any further.

Unzip your files. From here we will be modifying the /servicenow/agent directory to change things to work on the pie. Once this is done, the /servicenow/agent directory will be used to copy to each mid server you need

There are lots of things we can use a Raspberry Pi for. We can build home automation servers, remote-controlled robots, network-attached storage (NAS) devices, mini web servers, media centers, music boxes, retro gaming consoles, Raspberry cluster servers, VPN servers, and much more. ff782bc1db

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