I recently installed Windows 2000 on VMware Workstation 15.5.2 and I tried to install VMware tools for windows 2000 but is showed me a popup that said "Microsoft Runtime DLLs cannot be installed on this operation system. Please see Microsoft KB835732 for detalies."

Because I'm required to install windows updates on 2012 before having vmware tools be able to update, I am blocked from using the vmware tools network driver to install windows updates. Using the vm is extremely cumbersome. This means the whole process takes over an hour.

Download Vmware Tools For Windows

Download Zip 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y3Kxy 🔥

This is a REALLY bad decision to not make vmware tools contain the Visual C++ executables. I realize there may be some newer features in tools that take advantage of advanced windows features, but a KEY point of vmware is being able to support older operating systems on new hardware.

daveester14's tip is confirmed. Worked with Workstation 15.5 and Win2012R2 standard. Still had to mount the windows.iso manually, but at least sort of ... happy now. It still does not remove the need for hitting VMware with a damp towel

I recently installed VMWare Workstation Player 14 on my Linux workstation to run a Windows 10 development machine. The option to install VMware Tools in the Virtual Machine menu was greyed out and inaccessible, despite having already downloaded the Tools ISO's. Thinking this was due to using Player as an unlicensed non-commercial application, I purchased a license to try and remedy this (I need OpenGL support for what I'm working on). After licensing the app, this menu option was still greyed out. Then I realized that I could mount the ISO through the DVD Drive and install the tools this way. Doing so worked, but I would like to know if this required a license in the first place. As a student, $156 isn't chump change and would like to put in a refund/cancellation if a license is not required as I'm not doing any commercial work.

I'm importing some VMs in ova format into VMware which I exported from VirtualBox. Once I have imported Linux VM's that comes from VirtualBox, I run the below commands to fix vmware tools so that the VM's gets maximum size, I get copy paste etc:

After a reboot, it works perfectly on Linux VM. But now I imported some Windows VM's which I'm not sure how to fix this issue with vmware tools so that I get copy paste etc. I checked in control panel for installed programs, but no vmware tools there.

Make sure that you have 'CD/DVD' included within the Windows VM hardware settings, if not then just add it . . . with the VM off. Power on the VM, login to VM, and then go back to "Install VMware tools" and try again.

There are two sources for the VM Tools ISOs. Appropriate versions are bundled with the ESXi installer and, when applicable, ESXi patches in the form of a VIB called tools-light. Starting with version 10, VM Tools ISOs are also available for download directly from MyVMware. Installers for current guests are separated from those that are for older legacy guests, and each is available in both tar and zip archive formats for convenience. In the near future, ISOs for guests other than Windows and Linux will be available exclusively via download and not bundled with ESXi.

The choice between using the Tools ISOs that are ESXi bundled or downloadable is a matter of customer preference and operational requirements. For environments using traditional ESXi installations and managing updates with VMware Update Manager, the original approach is still viable. For those that prefer to leverage a shared Tools repository, perhaps in conjunction with stateless Auto Deploy hosts, the ability to get the latest bundle of Tools directly from VMware is appealing. VUM can also be used to update Windows and Linux VMs using the downloaded tools, as long as the ISOs have been placed in appropriate ESXi local or shared product lockers.

OSP installation involves one-time guest OS setup of the appropriate repository on packages.vmware.com; subsequent updates are handled just like any other Linux package using familiar tools like Yum and Apt.

GUI functionality is not normally installed by default in OVT, as many Linux environments are headless servers without X. For environments that desire features such as dynamic desktop resizing and copy/paste, simply install the auxiliary open-vm-tools-desktop package to enable those abilities.

I just started getting into virtual machines and got Workstation 11. Every time I install an OS (I've tried Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate and Pro), Windows 8 (Pro), and Windows 10 Developer Preview, and all of these on two separate machines) the VMware tools installation doesn't work. I go to the VM menu, hit "Install VMware Tools" and then it says to check my DVD drive to install it. I've done it before and I know how it should work, but I've attempted this multiple times. I've reinstalled the OS's, resized different things on the VMs, changed every setting I could think to change, and no matter what I can't see the VMware tools installer. The DVD drive in Explorer or File Manager for Ubuntu just shows up blank and says there's nothing mounted.

I have enabled and disabled features like AMD-V and RVI to see if those made any difference (didn't think they would) but to no avail. I selected different paths for the CD drive, though normally it's just blank. No matter what, I can't get this to work. Anyone have a potential solution? The VMs are choppy and slow without tools installed.

Also, you can manually point CD/DVD to the tools iso on host, for Linux it is at /usr/lib/vmware/isoimages/*.iso, for Windows it is at your Workstation installation directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\*.iso for Win7). You can uncheck/check CD/DVD device a few time to make sure guest can mount tools image correctly.

I ended up manually installing the VMware tools from Index of /45848/tools/releases/latest/windows/x64. It doesn't help with the DVD-drive issue as it's still unavailable, but I probably wouldn't even need it that much.

Hello! I have a brand new install of VMWare Workstation 16 Player with a Windows 10 host and Ubuntu 22.04 guest. I have used a similar setup with a different machine and older version of ubuntu in the past. I cannot copy and paste, drag and drop files, or share a folder. The internet is working fine on both operating systems, and it looks like open-vm-tools was installed during the setup of the virtual machine. However it does not appear to be working.

The GUI in Workstation Player does not reflect whether open-vm-tools is installed - only if the legacy VMware Tools are installed for older Linux version that don't support open-vm-tools. The installation and status of the tools are managed by the guest's package manager from the distribution's repository (most Linux distros have picked up open-vm-tools).

The proper way to check for installation of open-vm-tools and open-vm-tools-desktop is to use apt commands in the guest OS, and you've already found a command to check if the open-vm-tools service is running.

However, I have tried installing/restarting/checking open-vm-tools-desktop several times and I still cannot copy and paste or drag and drop. I am not sure how to check if it is running. I tried the following and it doesn't have the same behavior as for just open-vm-tools.

When you log in, drop to a shell and issue 'ps -ef | grep -i vm'. You should see 2 vmtoolsd processes running, one of which is running as root, has a parent PID of 1i, and has no arguments. The other one is running under your username, and has additional arguments '-n vmusr --blockFd 3' (or something like that).

Aha, thanks for the info. Checking with the line you provided above did show the vmtoolsd lines you described. I did some more testing of a few things, and I can copy and paste smaller files (but not drag and drop, which is ok, copy and paste is good enough).

I have seen this a couple of times. I generally recommend to NOT update virtual machine tools drivers via Windows Update, this has to be a controlled process. You can configure a group policy/registry setting, to prevent drivers from Windows Update/WSUS.

VMware Tools for Windows update addresses an out of bounds read vulnerability in vm3dmp driver which is installed with vmtools in Windows guest machines. This issue is present in versions 10.2.x and 10.3.x prior to 10.3.10.

If I run vmware-hgfsclient in terminal, I get the list of shared folders, but ls -l /mnt/hgfs is empty. Actually there's no hgfs dir in /mnt. I know I should probably use the vmware-hgfsclient tool, but I realy don't know how.

[UPDATE 2017-05-18] This answer is outdated for Ubuntu newer than 15.10 (Wiley). The executable vmware-hgfsmounter has not been available in Ubuntu since 16.04LTS (xenial). Although, hgfsmounter may still be available on other Linux distributions, since the hgfsmounter function is still currently available in the upstream source code on GitHub. If anyone has updated information, please comment or edit this answer, instead of down-voting, as I believe this answer may still be valid for older Ubuntu releases.

This answer also assumes that you are not using VMWare Tools from VMWare but instead using open-vm-tools from your Linux distribution. VMWare decided to support this switch in 2015. See KB2073803. Therefore this answer also assumes that your version of Ubuntu can install the open-vm-tools from it's software repository.

But the vmware-hgfsmounter function is not available using the official vmware-tools from VMware that ships with the current VMware player. Therefore, as the currently accepted answer suggests, running the vmware-config-tools.pl -d fixes the problem.

open-vm-tools would NOT build kernel modules until I first installed linux-headers-virtual (paired with linux-image-virtual of course). as soon as I installed the headers package, dpkg-reconfigure open-vm-tools resulted in successfully building and loading the kernel modules, specifically the vmhgfs module. 2351a5e196

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