China, a teacher in a large, full-day child care center shares a dilemma about how to express her concerns about little Aaron, a 4-year-old boy in her class, with his father Aaron. (running time: 2 min. 12 sec.)

Melanie A., a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about the transition of Tamiya, a two year old girl turning three with developmental delays, joining her classroom. (running time: 1 min. 55 sec.)

Download Viewpoint 1 Teacher 39;s Book


Viewpoint School prioritizes the quality of the student experience within a context of achievement, and encourages broad student participation in academic and co-curricular opportunities. The school community is unified by a shared set of values and seeks always to strengthen its culture of learning, purpose, caring, and challenge. Viewpoint asks teachers to create relational classroom climates conducive to collaboration, creativity, and application. Employees are part of a dynamic community of bright, engaged students and colleagues. Balancing academic achievement with student wellness is also a priority for the School.

Viewpoint seeks student-centered teachers with expertise and a growth mindset, teachers who are dedicated to excellence and continual improvement. The School offers significant and wide-ranging support for professional development in curricular and pedagogical innovation, diversity and inclusion, and social-emotional learning, and bases its priorities in curriculum and instruction on current neuroscience.

Participants of the study included pre-K through eighth grade teachers who were employed by public school districts throughout the state of New Jersey. Trends were developed inductively, focusing on common themes throughout the content. While the majority of participants did not perceive gender to impact overall leadership effectiveness, the disparity among those who did perceive differences was considerable. This data answered the two research questions by explaining the ways in which administrative gender impacts teacher perceptions of effective leadership, and offered suggestions as to why those perceptions exist. Additionally, potential strategies that could better support current and aspiring female leaders overcome societal stereotypes that impact their leadership are discussed.

Whiteboard may be the simplest idea for an app, but also the most instantly useful for a teacher. At the most basic level, it works just like a physical whiteboard: you write information on it. However, you do so by writing on the screen of your computer, which means you never have to turn your back, and you can do it from anywhere in the room. Also, you can instantly add images from online. Finally, you can save any of your work digitally and share it with any student at any time, which means that no student has to ever miss notes from class again.

With time, increased confidence and competence, teachers can start planning how they can use these tools in more advanced ways, working towards Modification and eventually Re-Definition in the SAMR taxonomy. There is a whole world of how this can be applied by the creative teacher, including using Skype in the Classroom do stimulate learning through fun activities such as Mystery Skypes (see my blogs about this here)

The College of Education at Illinois is creating the next generation of leaders and advocates that will keep this profession professional and be watchful in Illinois."

To learn more about the College of Education teacher licensure and endorsement programs, check out our Teacher Licensure & Endorsements page and the Council on Teacher Education at Illinois website.

Then, a posting popped up on her screen. Duarte Unified School District needed an elementary teacher for a K-8 school, Maxwell Academy. In addition to her kindergarten role in June, Doctorian had taught second grade as a student teacher, so she was hopeful this would be her match.

An appropriate counterargument in Olivia's essay is a viewpoint that opposes her thesis. She should respond to counterarguments by respectfully refuting them and demonstrating a thorough understanding of the issue to strengthen her argument.

An appropriate counterargument in Olivia's essay would be a viewpoint that directly opposes her thesis. For instance, if Olivia's position is in favor of implementing daycare services on a college campus for students with children, a valid counterargument could come from concerns about the financial impact such a service might have on the institution's budget. Additionally, if her thesis argues that 'Cats make the best pets because they are clean and independent,' an effective counterargument might be the idea that 'Dogs make the best pets as they are loyal and provide security.'

To respond to counterarguments, Olivia should gather evidence that weakens the opposing viewpoint, address it respectfully, and refute it by highlighting the strengths of her own argument. During her research phase, she should anticipate potential counterarguments by considering the position of someone who disagrees with her thesis. For example, she might look for studies presenting the benefits of having pets other than cats, and then explain why those benefits do not outweigh her original points.

Ultimately, Olivia can strengthen her argument by showcasing a thorough understanding of the counterclaims and systematically dismantling them with logic, evidence, and a well-structured rebuttal. This will demonstrate her deep understanding of the issue, enhance the persuasiveness of her essay, and potentially sway readers in favor of her viewpoint.

Research also shows that teachers tend to perceive Black children as older, less innocent, more culpable, and more criminal than other children (Goff et al. 2014). This adultification may contribute to the bias teachers hold, expecting negative behavior from Black children more than others (Gilliam et al. 2016).

Children in the preschool years are inquirers by nature. They are constantly observing, collecting information, analyzing, and trying to make sense of what they see and hear. For instance, they know who it is that teachers look at when something goes wrong, who is being held more accountable, who is granted second chances, and who is reprimanded most often in their classrooms. They notice the actions of teachers. They detect the implicit biases and unconscious prejudices, which come through in displays of favoritism and privileging of some children over others based on gender, race, and culture (Allen 2016). What children tend to observe, from early ages, is that boys get into trouble more than girls, that the darker-skinned children are more likely to be held accountable than the lighter-skinned children, and that White children are given the opportunity and time to share about themselves and their lives more often than darker-skinned children. In addition, the quality of interactions differs too: the more Black and Latino/a children there are in a classroom, the more teachers talk at them and not with them (Early et al. 2010). In current early childhood spaces, children seek and gain an internalized sense of how things are in school and in the world. In many early childhood spaces, racism exists as part of the early childhood experience.

Unlike the more common approaches taken, being anti-racist is more than loving all children the same or teaching children more generally about kindness and fairness. It is more than celebrating diversity during special events and then moving on with the curriculum. Anti-racist teachers teach about racism throughout the day and the curriculum. They point it out and acknowledge it, and they invite children to discuss race, racism, and inequity when they see it. When teachers invite the conversation about how everyone is learning about race and that racism is all around us, we give children the space to name it and to become anti-racists themselves.

Becoming anti-racist is an ongoing, continual commitment that is grounded in education, listening, self-reflection, and healing from the trauma of slavery and racism. Given our history and the present, how can people begin their journey toward becoming anti-racists? Here are specific actions that teachers, administrators, and others can take as daily practice.

The latest bankruptcy negotiations came about after 11,000 rank-and-file teachers signed a petition asking their union to try to renegotiate a bankruptcy plan to save the pension and include a backup plan in the event the court decides to freeze the plan. These teachers who signed the petition understood that doing nothing could lead to a court-imposed pension freeze. So along with our political and grassroots opposition, the complex bankruptcy proceedings still had to be navigated.

Teachers are special people and none are perfect. Yet, the things they teach us really never stop teaching us as we go on in our lives. One of the greatest gifts we should treasure is the impact made on us by a teacher or two. As the new school year begins, take a minute to send an email or write a note to a teacher who means something to you. It is always a good time to show gratitude for those individuals who continue to make a big difference in our lives.

Teachers lead. Instructors not only lead in their classrooms by teaching their subjects and taking care of students. They also serve on important school committees, work in local clubs and organizations, are involved in religious and social work in their larger worlds outside school and support their families. They also volunteer for many things, perhaps serving as a youth coach or tutor. The work teachers do, as well as others, never stops at the classroom door.

Teachers reveal their character. Students deserve teachers with a strong working inner and outer character. Who does not remember a teacher who amazed and interested you with their qualities of life, behavior and action?

I have seen a pervasive norm that conservative ideas are bad and progressive ideas are good. While this norm may be reversed in other districts around the country, the reality is that most Colleges of Education (the institutions that train and produce teachers) are situated at universities that support this orthodoxy. e24fc04721

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