Finally the best feature is that you can skip video ads with one keystroke! Saves a ton of time, and unlike other ad-blocking extensions I believe this way the content creators still receive revenue from ads while you get to skip them.

For those of us non-English speakers (the majority in the world) who use safari, the safari translation introduced with Monterey has become essential. I was stunned to see that Orion did not have my safari extensions. I don't know how to get such extensions into Orion. I don't know if you can and if you can, they certainly haven't made that part easy. Safari had problems viewing content from platforms like Netflix or Prime on computers a few years ago: there were problems if you had 2 graphics cards and now there are problems because there is no support for Silverlight, so you have to use Chrome or Edge. In my case besides using real Mac's, I also have a Hackintosh installation with Monterey, with which I also can't watch videos with safari on such platforms, I must use Edge (in my case, which I like more). I would love to be able to watch movies and series in Safari, i.e. Orion. You are doing a wonderful job. If it's not too much to ask, please implement these features. Thank you.

Download Videos Safari Extension

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Early in development, we decided to natively support the Web Extensions API, the same API that Chrome and Firefox use to make their extension ecosystems so powerful. Unfortunately Apple diverged and decided to use a closed, proprietary API for Safari extensions.

I've been having some trouble recently when I browse the web using Safari on my new mid-2012 MacBook Pro. Since sometime yesterday, all images have simply stopped loading on Safari, preventing me from viewing them at all. Websites only show up as text and some graphics (eg, boxes of color, outlines). I have recently been using some approved add-ons from the official Safari extensions gallery, but I have since uninstalled all of them. Is there any way I can prevent this from happening and be able to see these websites properly once again? Thanks! (PS I hope the images I uploaded are showing up, as I cannot see them myself)

were the 2 Extensions that were stopping video links from displaying & playing within the web pages. So I've now canned them. Had a similar experience recently with another Extension (forget which one it was but it was screwing up my abilty to use a particular company's services online so I had to S**Tcan it too). These extensions seem quite a bit flakey for my liking.

I recently acquired a new macbook pro 13 inches, even if am used to Chrome I decided to try Safari, I truly like the feature to display videos anywhere on the screen, but the problem is that my Safari lags, on the video page (youtube) scrolling can be delayed, after a click it does not respond at once, and when I try to start full screen watching or try to leave it I get big freezes (I see my desktop, then appears safari and the video resume).

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a browser extension that leverages ChatGPT and Claude to provide concise and informative summaries of YouTube videos. It helps users quickly grasp the key points and content of videos without watching them in their entirety.

Using YouTube Summary is easy. After installing the browser extension, simply open a YouTube video you'd like to summarize. Click the YouTube Summary icon in your browser toolbar, and it will generate a summary and provide an option to access the video transcript if available.

Sharing YouTube summaries and transcripts is simple. Use the sharing options within the extension to share the summarized content or transcript link with colleagues, friends, or on social media platforms.

YTD is another one of those great Safari YouTube downloader extensions and it comes with a long list of hefty features. HD video downloading, converting video to MP3, easy to navigate and use, and the ability to download full playlists from YouTube and tons of other popular sites as well. And with their PRO version, you get even more, for such a low monthly subscription price. You can unlock features like multiple simultaneous downloading, an ad-free experience, an advanced panel for activity monitoring, and so much more.

This app is a quick and simple way to enjoy downloading your YouTube videos, without having to install separate software for it. As a Safari-friendly downloader extension, this app makes it easy to copy and paste links from YouTube and have them ready to watch on your local file, within minutes. No hassles and pulling strings with this app. Make sure you download the most recent version of this extension to get the maximum functionality and capability.

FastestTube is a Safari YouTube downloader extension that is a great option for anyone looking to download a local copy of their favorite videos from YouTube. FastestTube supports full HD and 60fps downloading, removes ads and annotations from videos, and more. And best of all, FastestTube is also compatible with other popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and more.

The Extensions category on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Mac showcases Safari extensions, with editorial spotlights and top charts to help people discover and download great extensions from the developer community. When your Safari extension is ready to be released, upload it to App Store Connect for distribution on the App Store. Apple reviews all extensions and updates to ensure they work reliably. Before submitting for review, make sure to read the guidelines for extensions.

Web extensions that work in browsers other than Safari can be converted to support Safari on Apple platforms. Run the command-line web extension converter to create an Xcode project configured with a macOS app and/or iOS or iPadOS app that includes an extension that can be enabled in Safari.

It's easy to upgrade an existing macOS Safari web extension to also support iOS and iPadOS. Simply rerun your project through the command-line web extension converter tool with the --rebuild-project option. This will create a new Xcode project based on your existing project that includes extensions for these platforms.

DuckDuckGo is a free web browser search extension does not collect search history and blocks many types of tracker scripts. Unfortunately , since the Kaltura media player tracks students watching videos in order to collect analytics, DuckDuckGo will block the Kaltura media player. The solution is to uninstall DuckDuckGo web extension.

If you do not want to add an extension to Safari, then another option to block YouTube ads is to use a browser with ad block. An ad-blocking browser is a web browser that has a built-in ad blocker that automatically blocks ads from websites.

In the Safari app , you can install extensions to customize the way your browser works. For example, extensions can help you find coupons when shopping, block content on websites, give you access to features from other apps, and more.

I used to use a browser extension like this many years ago, back when YouTube used Flash to display its videos, but I'm really not sure what we're accomplishing with something like this today. The stock HTML video player is OK, but the custom controls that YouTube allows create a far better experience in my opinion. I know some people have an undine hate for YouTube, and I guess this is going to appeal to them, but for me and I think most people, the YouTube video player is not only fine but pretty excellent.

I did notice one other inactive extension -- "Open in Internet Explorer" -- that I also did not explicitly install myself. However, it says it came as part of Parallels Desktop and I did install that. So that leads me to conclude that the installation of certain apps may also involve installation of Safari extensions. And I certainly have installed some apps since after my clean Mojave install, so maybe the Download Video thing piggy-backed in off one of those? But most of what I've installed is fairly well-known, standard stuff -- MS Office, Emacs, and the like. Nothing I'd expect to have a sneaky video downloader hanging off it.

Turns out, as per commented suggestion by James Singhal, it's a browser extension associated with a component of Parallels Toolbox. Details are here. So overall not the sneaky malware I wondered that it might be.

Now I can't be 100% sure that I wasn't asked a generic "do you want us to install browser extensions" question when Toolbox was being installed (even it was a mere side effect of the thing I actually was consciously installing -- Parallels Desktop itself), but I'm 99% sure of it. So for that I guess I'll grant Parallels one slap on the wrist. These malware-fraught days, they really should know better than to drive-by install a piece of software -- without even a sign of provenance -- even if they at least had the grace not to activate it.

To use Picture in Picture with YouTube on iOS, you'll first need to download PiPifier, an app from Arno Appenzeller that acts as an extension for Safari and allows you to use PiP with any HTML5 video (essentially every web video on iOS) in Safari. That includes YouTube, but only if you access it in your web browser.

Once you download the app, you don't need to open it -- you can go straight to Safari to turn on the extension. In Safari, tap the AA icon on the top-left, go into Manage Extensions,tag_hash_109toggle on PiPifier and hit Done. This will enable the PiPifier extension in Safari, which means you can now use it directly from the website settings menu.

No matter what, one of the first things you should do is install either the Chrome or Firefox browser extension for Reader and pin it to the address bar. Whenever you're on an article you want to read, tap the yellow extension icon to save it to Reader.

Think of the Library section as your permanent archive of digital documents: a place of high signal and low noise. Library is where documents that you manually save for yourself, such as clipping an article with the browser extension, reside. These documents can then be managed through the triage statuses of Inbox (for newly saved documents), Later (for documents you intend to read but don't have time right now), and Archive (for documents you're finished with at the moment). 9af72c28ce

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